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World Of Warcraft RPG

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Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
...:: World Of Warcraft RPG ::...

The map is an exact replic of the original World of Warcraft by Blizzard.
I will be working on this game for a very long time, but it will be finished, i promis it. You are avaiable to select your side, Alliance or Horde, Then you must select your race, and the last select your class.
It is a Multi-Player RPG game and it's divided on variety of maps, Azeroth, Outlands and instances, like The Black Temple, Karahazan, etc. You can save your currently character in determinated map and load it in another map. Also you can go to the Instances maps and kill the bosses.

PD: I saw Craka_J Work, and it's excelent, but as i know, it's a single player campaing.

...:: Races ::...

The Alliance

Human: Humans are a young race, and thus highly versatile, mastering the arts of combat, craftsmanship, and magic with stunning efficiency. The humans' valor and optimism have led them to build some of the world's greatest kingdoms. In this troubled era, after generations of conflict, humanity seeks to rekindle its former glory and forge a shining new future.

Night Elf: Ten thousand years ago, the night elves founded a vast empire, but their reckless use of primal magic brought them to ruin. In grief, they withdrew to the forests and remained isolated there until the return of their ancient enemy, the Burning Legion. With no other choice, the night elves emerged at last from their seclusion to fight for their place in the new world.

Dwarf: In ages past the dwarves cared only for riches taken from the earth's depths. Then records surfaced of a god-like race said to have given the dwarves life... and an encahnted birthright. Driven to learn more, the dwarves devoted themselves to the pursuit of lost artifacts and ancient knowledge. Today dwarven archaelogists are scattered throughout the globe.

Gnome: Though small in sature, the gnomes of Khaz Modan have used their great intellect to secure a place in history. Indeed, their subterranean kingdom, Gnomeregan, was once marvel of steam-driven technology. Even so, due to a massive trogg invasion, the city was lost. Now its builders are vagabonds in the dwarven lands, aiding their allies as best as they can.

Draenei: Driven from their home world of Argus, the honorable draenei fled the burning legion for eons before finding a remote planet to settle on. They shared this world with the shamanistic orcs and named it Draenor. In time the Legion corrupted the orcs, who waged war nearly exterminated the peaceful draenei. A lucky few fled to Azeroth, where they now seek allies in their battle against the Burning Legion.

The Horde

Orc: The orc race originated on the planet Draenor. A peaceful people with shamanic beliefs, they were enslaved by the Burning Legion and forced into war with the humans of Azeroth. Although it took many years, the orcs finally escaped the demons' corruption and won their freedom. To this day they fight for honor in an alien world that hates and reviles them.

Troll: Once at home in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale, the fierce trolls of the Darkspear tribe were pushed out by warring factions. Eventually the trolls befriended the orcish Horde, and Thrall, the orcs' young warchief, convinced the trolls to travel with him to Kalimdor. Though they cling to their shadowy heritage, the Darkspear trolls hold a place of honor in the Horde.

Tauren: Always the tauren strive to preserve the balance of nature and heed the will of their goddess, the Earth Mother. Recently attacked by murderous centaur, the tauren would have been wiped out, save for a chance encounter with the orcs, who helped defeat the interlopers. To honor this blood-debt, the tauren joined the Horde, solidifying the two races' friendship.

Undead: Free of the Lich King's grasp, the Forsaken seek to overthrow his rule. Led by the banshee Sylvanas, they hunger for vengeance against the Scourge. Humans, too, have become the enemy, relentless in their drive to purge all undead from the land. The Forsaken care little even for their allies; to them the Horde is merely a tool that may further their dark schemes.

Blood Elf: Long ago the exiled high elves founded Quel'Thalas, where they created a magical fount called the Sunwell. Though they were strengthened by its powers, they also grew increasingly dependent on them. Ages later the undead Scourge destroyed the Sunwell and most of the high elf population. Now called blood elves, these scattered refugees are rebuilding Quel'Thalas as they search for a new magic source to satisfy their painful addiction.

...:: Clases ::...

Warrior: Warriors train constantly and strive for perfection in armed combat. Though they come from all walks of life, they are united by their singular commitement to engage in glorious battle. Many warriors serve as mercenary soldiers, while others become adventurers and danger-seeking fortune hunters. A typical warrior is strong, tough and exceptionally violent.

Paladin: Paladins are champions who call upon the Light to heal wounds and combat evil. The draenei employed suck holy warriors for millennia begore arriving on Azeroth to find like-minded souls among the Alliance. Recently blood elves, too, began wilding paladin abilities. Yet these elves, having little in commo with their counterparts, must bend the Light to their will.

Mage: Magi are wizards of immense knowledge and skill. Theyir obvious physical frailty is deceptive, for they can call upon the cosmic energies of the Twisting Nether. Rarely do magi engage in melee combat. Instead, they prefer to attack from a distance, hurling powerful bolts of frost and flame at their unsuspecting enemies.

Rogue: Rogues are most successful when their deeds never come to light. Fond of poisons and silent projectile weapons, rogues rely on a blend of stealth and minor mysticism. Usually in the employ of rich nobles or local governments, the rogue redistrbutes wealth or eliminates designated targets. A rogue's allegiance lasts only as long as the latest contract.

Hunter: Hunters know the uncharted places of the world. Gifted with a deep empathy for all life, they have an uncanny knack for befriending wild animals and taming them as pets. In addition, hunters can use their finely honed senses to become master trackers. Wherever hunters go, they fight back the ravages of sickness, exploitation, and industrialization.

Druid: Druids live in a state of unparalleled union with nature. Tightly bound to the plant and animal kingdoms, they are natural shapeshifters, and so they know firsthand the abuse visited on their wild brethren. In consequence, despite their numbers, druids tend to be wary, reclusive, and difficult to spot. Few outsiders have plumbed the depths of their secrets.

Shaman: Shaman commune firectly with the elements. Their combination of wisdom and resilence makes them ideal as tribal advisors and leaders. In battle the shaman use totems and spells to manipulate the elements and provoke other fighters to untold heights of rage and might. Shaman exemplify the primal bond between the savage races and their environment.

Priest: Priests guide the spiritual destiny of their people. Through their unique insight into the mind, they are able to shape and individual's beliefs, whether to inspire or terrigy, soothe or dominate, heal or harm. Just as the heart can hold both darkness and light, priests wield powers of creation and devastation by channeling the potent forces underlying faith.

Warlock: Warlocks are the bane of all life. Empowered by demonic blood, they can inflict great torment upon their foes. To replenish the dreadful energy their spells expend, warlocks drain vitality from their victims. The warlock can also summon and control terrying demonic entities. Still, warlocks are feared above all else for their singular wickedness and cuelty.


Azeorth is 90% done(northrend isn't done yet) Outlands is 0% done and instances are 8% done.
I have made some basic skills and LightBloOD is finishing to make Priest spells.
Just some teleports and misc. triggers missing.
Northrend, kalimdor and north eastern kingdoms creeps and bosses are missing
Models are almost all, i have removed the idea of custom wow models, due to extremly time demoration. I have used all models with already wc3 models and some imported models.
None done yet.
All items have been done but armors, jewlery and misc items(like potions, quest items etc...).

TERRAIN(Outlands and instances(all of them,except onyxia lair and black temple), remember they must be like wow, as exact as posible)


Productor & Director:


Alpha Testers:
Death Bringer2


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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I have my doubts that you will ever get all that far, but good luck anyways. I would suggest posting in the terrain forum for a terrainer. We have quite a few talented ones here. Although due to the lack of any finished product, I think you are going to have a hell of a time getting people to help.
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
well yeah outlands sucks really, but is the best leveling place :p also is just an option cuz, in real wow, u get 1-60 in azeroth(not northrend) and 60-70 in outlands and 70-80 in northrend, but ill make u can get 70 in azeroth, so u don't have to change the map, like an option.

About u oziris, if u want you can do outlands, isn't made yet, azeroth is already 1 map, not 3 continents(maps). Just do it and send me it in this thread or via pm, as u want.

And Mr.100 i am searching for something like fotolog, freewebsites or something like those, maybe with some time i'll make a .com or something.

Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
I'd much like to see something like this done, and, you wouldn't even need to use Wow like models,
Just a few imported ones every now and than. =]
I'm... Pretty alright with my GUI, and I love checking for Errors especially spelling. =]
I'm more than happy to help in any way possible.
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
Latest News:
Well, now, i am making some spells, i won't make all now, i need at least 5 for each class.
I have found a VERY VERY good save/load system and the game now run with save/load system.
The game seems to be going to the right way, i am not having much problems, except for my low quality spells, due to low knowledge about making spells.
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
sure :) just make it and send it to me, please take your time, there is no hurry but take in mind that it must look like outlands, do it as most exact as you can :), ill add you to the terrain team :D

this could be done soon. i think the only reason it isn't done yet is school and other occupations :p but i am doing it as fast as i can and with the most quality i can give it!

THEY ARE HERE :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:


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Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
Wow those screenshots suprised me, looking great.
Please do not do arrow key movement, it really sucks in wc3, no matter how good of a system you get.
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
I have a question: Will the creeps be edited so you can't level up very fast from them? In WoW it would take forever to level up from creeps, making it easier to get exp from quests.

yes, killing creeps takes a lot of time, the pros and contras:

creeps: drop and more money
quests: more xp

also as i said, there are instances ^^(only level 60 and 70, like onyxia and black temple(which both already have terrain ^^)
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
Sure, welcome to the team ^^

note: i won't close the alpha testers entrance until i release the beta. Since as many alpha testers there are, there will be more bugs found :)

note2: the testing system will be:

do as many stupid things as posible and try to bug the game by any mean necesary :)
if u find none, then continue leveling and get level 80(while u still trying to bug the game), then try to find bugs at the instances and etc.

also i for the alpha testers, i will do the next: i shall give the alpha map to alpha testers and they gotta host it and play it. Until it becomes imposible to find a bug, ill release beta, and until i don't feel like the map requires of more "BIG" improvement, ill release the full map.(of course if any bug is found or i need to add sumthing/improve or any other thingy, ill make new v's :p)
Level 4
Oct 7, 2008
Just curious... would you use the standard, crummy, six-item inventory?

I'm also open for testing it out. I have no prior experience but hell, there's always a good time to start right? Plus, I'm on vacation. More free time. :)
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Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
Awesome man :thumbs_up: I've always thought a map of this type would be cool, I was thinking of making one then I realized how big of a pain it would be. Hope you can get it done, big thing to create

yeah, most painful part are items, quests and spells xP

but i hope it will get very good ^^

Just curious... would you use the standard, crummy, six-item inventory?

I'm also open for testing it out. I have no prior experience but hell, there's always a good time to start right? Plus, I'm on vacation. More free time. :)

ya, theres always a first time :p
anyway, for now, theres just the crappy 6 item inventory, but when i have a playable version, ill make a bag system, u know, slots are bag slots, but just 6 slots at each bag, cuz in wow u have so many space to put those crap items which are sold by 10 gold each xD
but here theres no crap items.
i think its a waste of time.

soon ill take priest screenshots (with spells and tier 6 and all those :))
Level 5
Mar 16, 2008
I am surprised with the terrain VERY nice job there. Out of curiosity what is the expected file size? Or what is it currently? And sorry i just saw the terrain things, me and Bane made some SICK instances, i think stockades, RFC, and deadmines. Although they may have been deleted. I also would help if i had more time sorry. Anyway keep up the work.

*Edit, i can make a really cool XP bar, if you want though that does take too long. I'm sure i could throw something together. Tell me if ya want it and what you want it too look like too.
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
Thanks, the whole azeroth has been made by "DungeonM" and main cities, onyxia's lair and black temple has been made by me.
The expected file size is about 4mb, so far its 3.5mb

and, if you want to make something for the map, the help will be apreciated, you can always help basing off WOW, for example WOW bar has some bars in the middle...
check the bottom
you could make that if you want.
Level 5
Mar 16, 2008
ok i will get on that, granted it wont really look like that, but i can shade the bars so they are silver. and add in the custom skin and stuff.

*Edit, I finished here are the links
View attachment human-bigbar-fill.blp
View attachment human-xpbar-border.blp
XPbarexample.jpg This is a picture of what it looks like in game.

The paths you need are UI\Feedback\XPBar\human-bigbar-fill.blp for the big bar, and UI\Feedback\XpBar\human-xpbar-border.blp for the border. I tried making the middle black parts gray, but the gamma got me and i have no idea how to change it so that it will go gray. So for the time being it is black.
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Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Well, I guess I will post somthing before Lightskin gets to it...

Lightskin and I have begun discussing about a project merge. In this merge, we will combine this project "World of Warcraft RPG" with my own project "WoW raids in WC3". My own project currently contains all BC raids, from Karazhan to Black Temple (The only exceptions being SSC and Sunwell, due to its lack of WC3 resources in terrain and Models).

If this falls through, players will be able to take their character from the RPG map, and load it when they play a "Raid" with another 9 people on Battle.Net

Now, we will have to work out some problems like what happens if somone comes into a game and havent played the RPG. However, I may have some ideas on that...

We will keep you posted :p

Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
ahh this looks interesting.

but like moosenoir said, get a RPG style camera... overhead cameras piss me off when it is a WOW map... because the reason WOW is so cool is because of the way you can observe your world through the RPG camera.

oh and by the way, outland is awsome.

i wonder if you could get flying mounts :p
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
ahh this looks interesting.

but like moosenoir said, get a RPG style camera... overhead cameras piss me off when it is a WOW map... because the reason WOW is so cool is because of the way you can observe your world through the RPG camera.

oh and by the way, outland is awsome.

i wonder if you could get flying mounts :p

there are going to be ground and flyin' mounts, heh
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
uhm, that is how it is supossed to be. if you could, make the RPG camera a little larger size and be able to move around, just like in WoW, that would be awesome. Oh, and are their going to be death knights???

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I cant recognize any thing in those pictures... Seems like stormwind but the buildings have mixed colors, the footman is to big compared to the building. The mini-map looks fairly good.
Level 6
Apr 3, 2009
This map looks like it will be awesome but it need alot of work and alot of time to make it.I have a few suggestions on how to make it more like WoW
1.Import a castbar system.You can find one here in hive.when you cast a spell a castbar will apear just like in WoW.Import it if you dont have it already ^_^
2.Import aggro and out of combat system.You can find it in hive.With this system you will enter combat and leave combat like in WoW and it will have aggro(a very important thing in WoW in my opinion)
Good luck with the map
here are links for the two systems that i suggested
Level 6
Jul 22, 2009
Just one question..Why a lot of person want to copy WoW? I think presently it exist like 4 or 5 project to recreate Wow.
well yeah outlands sucks really, but is the best leveling place :p also is just an option cuz, in real wow, u get 1-60 in azeroth(not northrend) and 60-70 in outlands and 70-80 in northrend, but ill make u can get 70 in azeroth, so u don't have to change the map, like an option.

About u oziris, if u want you can do outlands, isn't made yet, azeroth is already 1 map, not 3 continents(maps). Just do it and send me it in this thread or via pm, as u want.

And Mr.100 i am searching for something like fotolog, freewebsites or something like those, maybe with some time i'll make a .com or something.


you can try webs.com

looks good.. I tried playing the demo of War3WOW (a campaign map) and it looks good.... I think this one will be better because its multiplayer though because you placed azeroth into 1 map it will not be that epic in size I think unless you rescale all models and doodads and adjust the camera....
Level 15
Jan 27, 2007
you can try webs.com

looks good.. I tried playing the demo of War3WOW (a campaign map) and it looks good.... I think this one will be better because its multiplayer though because you placed azeroth into 1 map it will not be that epic in size I think unless you rescale all models and doodads and adjust the camera....

hehe, yeah, hell i resized it soo much that when you play you can see a blur texture in the floor xD
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
There's actually a German RPG map similar to this that is multiplayer. I think it's cancelled now and never got released, but what they were doing was have four separate multiplayer maps: Northern Kalimdor, Southern Kalimdor, Northern Eastern Kingdoms, Southern Eastern Kingdoms. It had planned to use a unique save/load code system and allow you to load your characters in any of the maps. For example, you can play all you want in Northern Kalimdor map, save him and write down his code, then quit the map and play another map like Southern Kalimdor and successfully load your character when you enter the load code. Pretty neat stuff! Too bad the project is dead now.

Creating a WoW replica that's worth playing is pretty much impossible to do in a single map. The editor's limits are too strict, even if you disable WE limits and make the map size 450x450. Besides, it's best to work off of four maps instead because you can squeeze in a lot more detail and create areas more accurately without making the world seem too tiny.

Anyway, if you don't like that idea, stick with what you got. Just saying you should try it out though since there are already so many WoW RPG maps out there that are multiplayable and terrible.
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