This map is an Open Role Playing game, It is based on World of Warcraft During the Frozen Throne, the playable characters are not lore-related, the NPC's are, u start as a wisp. being able to choose any of around 20 hero's, (All Melee hero's+ 2 secret hero's), after u made ure choice u get the choice to become a Warlord (Can Build at Goldmines fromout 6 Different Races, Draenei,Blood Elf,Naga,Human,Undead,Night Elf,Orc,) All tech tree's are perfectly balanced, Warlords gain only half xp from kills, and have minor stats, but u can also be a Freelancer, Freelancers get bonus stats, and get 100 percent xp from kills, Conquer Bosses in there Dungeons 7 Major bosses, 10 Minibosses, and build in all the Major City's. change the history by Rebuilding ruins like Alterac, Stromgarde,Stratholme,Dalaran, Or Claim Gilneas for ure own! Do quests for NPC's with a yellow ! above there head, once u obtain a quest press f9 to Read it,After u killed all the Bosses, and completed all the 26 quests, there is 1 final Quest involving Sargeras himself!
And for all the people that did not wanted to do any requests for me because they did not believed i whas working on this map, Up Yours!
Press f9 for an all out Tutorial