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[Role Playing Game] World of Warcraft: Heroes Return

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Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
hey, i really like the progress! But in my opinion the Warrior you posted looks quite similar to the Blood DK (unless you changed him in the meantime), it would be better to give the Warrior a diffrent armor texture and/or soulderpads if possible.
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
Current Progress

Has Done:
- Done Abilities Set for New Classes: Hunter, Warrior and New Secret Characters: Grom, Arthas.
- Remake and Rebalance some Abilities of Current Classes.
- Grammar mistakes on abilities tooltips.
- New Attributes, Attack Type (Normal, Pierce, Magic) and Armor Type (Robe, Leather, Plate) Interface Icons.
- New Knight Skin + Shoulder and New Blood Death Knight Shoulder.

New Warrior Skin and New Blood DK Shoulder

- New Bow Attachments (Siren's Cry and Black Bow of the Betrayer)

New Bow Attachments

- 10 New Items.
- Added Stand Channel Animation for those classes who has Channel Ability.
- Elites Lair Terrain Improved.

New Elites Lair WIP

To Do:
- New Skin for Frost DK.
- Modifying Current Frost Mage mesh (too skinny from afar)
- Thinking about 1 More Class. (Might be another spec Hunter or Paladin)
- Terrain rework on some area.
- Reducing poly of some new WoW attachments in milkshape.
- New Loading Screen and Map Preview Cover.

Current map size so far after alot of reduction (model polies, textures, etc): 6,3 mb (547 total files imported).
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
great!, thats exactly what i was thinking of!
I'm quite interested in those new skillsets^^, would you mind posting them? (at least for the non-secret characters), or can you maybe spoiler when the next version will be up?;P
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
thanks for the compliments. ^^

@jopi: yep, I will include each classes full skillset (including additional abilities) on 1st page when everything ready. ^^

hmmm I'm not really sure about estimate release date yet, but my target would be between at the end of this month - first week of april before I went off, since I have to go to korea next month and I couldn't touching WE while there.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
He doesn't really have the iconic blue eyes of a death knight though otherwise it looks great.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
I really think that this is the longest update yet meaning that we could really expect a great new version once it is up.

You've pretty much made everything custom including the attack types and armor types. Those 10 new items and some new spellsets looks really good. I hope we could play this as soon as possible and seeing and observing your other projects, this has been your longest standing project and I must say that you really grew attached to the project.

Good job and good luck!
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
He doesn't really have the iconic blue eyes of a death knight though otherwise it looks great.
yep, I only made Frost DK that has glowing blue eyes since the blood one has no frost theme related at all.

I really think that this is the longest update yet meaning that we could really expect a great new version once it is up.

You've pretty much made everything custom including the attack types and armor types. Those 10 new items and some new spellsets looks really good. I hope we could play this as soon as possible and seeing and observing your other projects, this has been your longest standing project and I must say that you really grew attached to the project.

Good job and good luck!
thanks! as this is the one and only last wc3 project I would like to focusing on with my all.

Well I believe that's a good thing Hell_Master. If she dedicated herself to this, the project will go smoothly and achieve great results(which is already obvious). Anyway I like how you chose the attachments for the characters andreariona. Any chance that we might get some more maces?
thanks for the compliments. I only include a few maces since it's not a main weapon and only dropped from enemies. (not sellable on shop)

After played your map i felt it quite fun, good terrain and models, could not wait it release :D good project
thanks for trying out the test version. ^^

Can't really wait, hehe, Good Luck!
hehe thanks!
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
thanks for the compliments. :)

Anyway, some progress to inform:

- Frost Mage model mesh modified + New Shoulder addition taken from Distant Land staff mesh, added eye glow, edited some animations, new camera potrait.
- Fire Mage new skin, mix and match combination between Kael'thas skin and Mage Tier 13 Timelord skin, added eye glow, new camera potrait.

New Frost Mage and Fire Mage

- Frost DK New Skin changed, made his blue glow on eyes larger, new camera potrait.
- New Class: Marksmanship Hunter.

New Frost DK and Mew Class: Marksmanship Hunter

- New Blood Elf male and female as a generic villager model, Blood Elf race will be a main population on Loversdale and Evergreen.

New Blood Elf Male and Female Villager

Also just done 14 tier 6 exclusive items for each classes that buyable on honor vendor (Point that you gain when you kill another player or boss/elite). Here is current list of available equipment items at the moment (comsumable items excluded), also including 5 legendary weapons.

===========ITEMS AVAILABLE============
----Right Hand------
-----Sword------ (Warrior, Paladin, DK, Rogue)
Trainee's Sword (T1) - Starter Weapon
Broad Sword (T1) - Vendor
Scimitar (T1) - Vendor
Silver Sword (T1) - Vendor
Cutlass (T2) - Vendor
Long Sword (T2) - Vendor
Steel Sword (T2) - Vendor
Swiftwind Blade (T3) - Drop
Darkthorn Piercer (T4) - Drop
Protector's Sword (T4) - Drop
(No Rogue) Crusader's Glory (T6) - Drop
(No Rogue) Mystic Sword (T6) - Drop
(No Rogue) Silverwing Defender (T6) - Drop
(No Rogue, No DK) Ashbringer, Scarlet Blade of the Light (T8) - Unknown

-----Staff----- (Mage, Priest)
Trainee's Staff (T1) - Starter Weapon
Apprentice Staff (T1) - Vendor
Arcane Staff (T1) - Vendor
Darkwood Staff (T1) - Vendor
Magician Staff (T2) - Vendor
Ruby Wand (T2) - Vendor
Tanglewood Staff (T2) - Vendor
Sunstrinder Staff (T3) - Drop
Wand of Eternal Light (T4) - Drop
Avalanche Staff (T5) - Drop
Distant Land (T6) - Drop
Exodar Life Staff (T6) - Drop
Archmage's Staff (T7) - Drop
Staff of Life (T7) - Drop
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest (T8) - Unknown

-----Axe----- (Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight)
Trainee's Axe (T1) - Starter Weapon
Battle Axe (T1) - Vendor
Hillborne Axe (T1) - Vendor
Strike Axe (T1) - Vendor
Bardis (T2) - Vendor
Cresent Axe (T2) - Vendor
Ravager (T2) - Vendor
Elunite Axe (T3) - Drop
Terokkar Axe (T5) - Drop
Ethereum Nexus Reaver (T6) - Drop
Legacy (T6) - Drop
Warbringer (T6) - Drop
Wicked Edge of The Plane (T7) - Drop

-----Polearm----- (Priest, Warrior, Paladin)
Javelin (T1) - Vendor
Spear (T1) - Vendor
Halberd (T2) - Vendor
Stonereaven (T2) - Vendor
Diabolic Skiver (T3) - Drop
Ruthless Shiv (T4) - Drop

-----Bow----- (Hunter)
Trainee's Bow (T1) - Starter Weapon
Rapid Bow (T1) - Vendor
Titanium Compound Bow (T1) - Vendor
Nightstalker Bow (T2) - Vendor
Hawkeye Bow (T2) - Vendor
Golemheart Longbow (T4) - Drop
Black Bow of the Betrayer (T6) - Drop
Siren's Cry (T6) - Drop

-----Mace----- (Priest, Warrior, Paladin)
Skullcrusher Mace (T4) - Drop
Bloodskull Destroyer (T5) - Drop
Serenity (T5) - Drop
Sulfuron Hammer (T5) - Drop
Crystal Spire of Kalabor (T7) - Drop
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros (T8) - Unknown

-----Dagger---- (Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight)
Trainee's Dagger (T1) - Starter Weapon
Flesh Piercer (T1) - Vendor
Gladius (T1) - Vendor
Mythril Dagger (T1) - Vendor
Razor Blade (T2) - Vendor
Vendetta (T2) - Vendor
Assault Dagger (T2) - Vendor
Heartseeker (T5) - Drop
Twilight Mist (T6) - Drop
Golad, Twilight of Aspects (T8) - Unknown

-----Accessorry------ (All Classes)
The 1 Ring (T1) - Vendor
Prairie Ring (T1) - Vendor
Ring of Pride (T1) - Vendor
Dametria's Signet (T1) - Vendor
Attractive Ring (T1) - Vendor
Chaera's Ring (T2) - Vendor
Evasion Ring (T2) - Vendor
Heavy Silver Ring (T2) - Vendor
Tarnished Silver Ring (T2) - Vendor
Mood Ring (T2) - Vendor
Gold Ring (T3) - Drop
Spider Ring (T4) - Drop
Skull Ring (T5) - Drop
Ritssyn's Ring of Chaos (T6) - Drop
Honorable Death Knight Signet (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Warrior Signet (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Paladin Signet (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Rogue Signet (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Hunter Signet (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Mage Signet (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Priest Signet (T6) - Honor Point Shop

Durable Boots (T1) - Vendor
Jungle Boots (T1) - Vendor
Knitted Sandals (T1) - Vendor
Soft Wool Boots (T1) - Vendor
Imperial Plate Boots (T2) - Vendor
Padded Boots (T2) - Vendor
Safety Boots (T2) - Vendor
Sage's Boots (T2) - Vendor
Squire's Boots (T3) - Drop
Wingborne Boots (T4) - Drop

----Plate---- (Warrior, Paladin, DK)
Breastplate (T1) - Vendor
Imperial Plate Chest (T1) - Vendor
Adamantium Breastplate (T2) - Vendor
Brigade Chestplate (T2) - Vendor
Holy Plate (T3) - Drop
Splintsteel Armor (T4) - Drop
Lord's Plate (T5) - Drop
Breastplate of Radiant Glory (T5) - Drop
Chestguard of Eternal Vigilance (T5) - Drop
Harbringer Breastplate (T5) - Drop
Meteor Plate Armor (T6) - Drop
Honorable Death Knight Mail (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Warrior Plate (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Paladin Chestguard (T6) - Honor Point Shop

----Cloth---- (Mage, Priest)
Nightsky Robe (T1) - Vendor
Plain Robe (T1) - Vendor
Sage's Robe (T2) - Vendor
Twilight Robe (T2) - Vendor
Embrace of Madness (T5) - Drop
Shadowblaze Robe (T5) - Drop
Merlin's Robe (T5) - Drop
Skyweaver Robe (T5) - Drop
Lightwarper Vestments (T6) - Drop
Honorable Mage Robe (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Priest Vestment (T6) - Honor Point Shop

----Mail---- (Warrior, Paladin, DK, Hunter, Rogue)
Refunge Armor (T1) - Vendor
Fel Iron Breastplate (T1) - Vendor
Chainmail Armor (T2) - Vendor
Light Mail Armor (T2) - Vendor
Soldier's Armor (T2) - Vendor
Genesis Mail (T6) - Drop

----Leather---- (Rogue, Hunter)
Cotton Shirt (T1) - Vendor
Huntsman's Armor (T1) - Vendor
Hyena Hide Jerkin (T2) - Vendor
Wild Leather Vest (T2) - Vendor
Azure Serpent Chestguard (T5)
Gatekeeper's Embrace (T5) - Drop
Windrunner's Tunic of Triumph (T5) - Drop
Shadowwrap of the Silent Assasin (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Hunter Raiment (T6) - Honor Point Shop
Honorable Rogue Jerkin (T6) - Honor Point Shop

-------Left Hand-------
-----Shield----- (Warrior, Paladin, DK, Hunter, Rogue)
Faerleia's Shield (T1) - Vendor
Hunting Buckler (T1) - Vendor
Jade Shield (T1) - Vendor
Kite Shield (T1) - Vendor
Shield of the Lesson (T1) - Vendor
Trainee's Shield (T1) - Vendor
Wooden Buckler (T1) - Vendor
Bear Buckler (T2) - Vendor
Buckler (T2) - Vendor
Combat Shield (T2) - Vendor
Lunar Buckler (T2) - Vendor
Small Shield (T2) - Vendor
Wheel of the Lost Hope (T2) - Vendor
Grunt's Shield (T2) - Vendor
Shield (T3) - Drop
Blackrock Shield (T4) - Drop
War Torn Shield (T5) - Drop
Defender Shield (T5) - Drop
Aegis of the Scarlet Commander (T5) - Drop
Blackskull Shield (T5) - Drop
Chiselgrip Shield (T5) - Drop
Enduring Shield (T5) - Drop
Elementium Stormshield (T6) - Drop
The Fel Barrier (T6) - Drop

----Book----- (Mage, Priest)
Diary (T1) - Vendor
Novel (T1) - Vendor
Royal Guide of Escape Route (T1) - Vendor
Strategy Guide (T1) - Vendor
Encyclopedia (T2) - Vendor
Battle Manual (T2) - Vendor
Book of Magic (T2) - Vendor
Book of Survival (T2) - Vendor
Nilminer's Notes (T5) - Drop
Testament of Hope (T5) - Drop
Tome of the Lost (T6) - Drop
Book of Zeref (T6) - Drop
Heartbound Tome (T7) - Drop

----Dagger----- (Rogue)
Flesh Piercer (T1) - Vendor
Gladius (T1) - Vendor
Mythtil Dagger (T1) - Vendor
Assault Dagger (T2) - Vendor
Razor Blade (T2) - Vendor
Vendetta (T2) - Vendor
Heartseeker (T5) - Drop
Twilight Mist (T6) - Drop
Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages (T8) - Unknown
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
thanks! some progress to inform, just done remaking a new drop system and editing some icons, also new loading screen and map preview cover.

also a little WIP sneak peek of the terrain as it's been quite long:

Goldpine Forest WIP
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
thanks! some progress to inform, just done remaking a new drop system and editing some icons, also new loading screen and map preview cover.

also a little WIP sneak peek of the terrain as it's been quite long:

Goldpine Forest WIP

Glowing trees? weird.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Works are meant to be taken slowly and easily, don't rush. It might turn down the quality of your work but good luck.

I'm really excited on playing this out and seeing that second screenshot, many things have changed.

Good luck and +rep to you.
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
ah, that just my typical to set an estimate date of the deadline while it's possible (before I get bussier and bussier, and no longer have much time to devote anymore).

anyway, thanks! that's why I called it "brand new" as it has massive remake over on it.
Level 8
Mar 5, 2012
Tried the WIP map and my review:
Pro: The models, textures all look like they should (I think they're from World of W)and the overall look and presentation is excellent:thumbs_up:
Little special effects are great, the animations are just refreshing:)

Gameplay: I didn't mind passing through the objects cause I'm sure they will be updated!
Combat, trading, spells: I started a Paladdin and I was wondering what spells are there - will it be Wow style or LeagueOfLegends style ? - It's WoW kind of spells but I felt a lack of being a Paladdin.
I think you could have thought of a few more interesting or verstile abilities. Paladdin doesn't have to be all Melee/Healing etc.
Just some ideas:
Shield bash (deals base damage of the Paladdin and stuns the target for 1/2/3 seconds.
Throw Weapon/Shield (ranged attack)
Steal Weapon (damages the target with base damage of the Paladdin and lowers its damage for 3 seconds.

That's all. I'm gonna test the other classes soon.
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
thanks for checking out the demo. I had remake and balancing on some classes abilities on previous version, the current available Paladin is a "Protection" spec so I made his main abilities to fit in his role, as there will be other specs of Paladin coming in the future.

and yes it is, this is a WoW total conversion (to-be). :)
Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
Ok, I really like the forest terrain. The grass/flowers you added really brings some depth into the terrain. And you're varying the ground height, at least thats what it seems to me in the last screen, the big roots do the rest to it. The only thing are those floating rocks in the second screen. I this game view camera? If yes, I would think of repositioning them so the don't block so much sight. Other than that great progress, as always, keep the work up! Can't wait for the new version anymore^^
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
Thanks for the compliments. ^^
Don't worry, it's a far distance camera to get wider view (and the floating rocks aren't really blocking much of the view), there's actually a drizzling rain weather but the thick fog seems blocking it. Here is ingame distance for a comparison.


Also made the pick simpler, except secret character, you no longer need a code to picking.



  • WoWHR-DarkfangIngameDistance.jpg
    147 KB · Views: 2,091
  • WoWHR-NewPick.jpg
    270.8 KB · Views: 866
Level 3
Apr 3, 2012
It's been so long since I last posted here, Haha! But wow, those are good ones, andrea. :) It's almost the end of the month, be looking forward for the next release. :)
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
Alright, tested it multiplayer and no issue so far. Version 1.0 with massive remake-over is now available to download. Check it out and tell me what you think about it. :)

General Update
- New Secret Character: Grom Hellscream
- New Secret Character: Arthas Menethil (Paladin)
- New Class: Marksmanship Hunter
- New Class: Survival Hunter
- New Class: Arms Warrior
- New Dungeon: Molten Core
- New Village: Evergreen and Jejunia
- More than 30 changeable World of Warcraft weapon attachments (Sword, Axe, Staff, Polearms, Mace, Dagger and Bow)
- More than 200 new items
- NPC new way of interaction
- New NPC variation: Blood Elf (Male & Female), Dwarf (Male), Human Footman (Male)
- Level Cap increased to 60
- Save/Load system implemented
- Massive whole terrain remake-over
- Normal class pick system no longer doable by typing code
- Revival time decreased from 50 seconds into 20 seconds
- Loot system remake
- New Attributes, Attack Type (Normal, Pierce, Magic) and Armor Type (Robe, Leather, Plate) Interface Icons
- Grammar mistakes on abilities tooltips
- Command Buttons icon new frame

Previous Classes Update
Blood Death Knight
- Blood Death Knight: Reduce Heart Strike max health recovery effect from 10% into 5%
- Blood Death Knight: Reduce Death Strike max health recovery effect from 30% into 20%
- Blood Death Knight: New Shoulder Model
- Blood Death Knight: Hero icon changed
- Blood Death Knight: New Camera Potrait

Frost Death Knight
- Frost Death Knight: New Skin
- Frost Death Knight: New Camera Potrait

Protection Paladin
- Protection Paladin: Divine Bulwak now also heal self for 30% maximum health, increase cooldown from 100 to 120
- Protection Paladin: Skin slight edit
- Protection Paladin: Holy Light icon changed
- Protection Paladin: New Camera Potrait

Assasination Rogue
- Assasination Rogue: Repleace Shadow Walk with Burst of Speed
- Assasination Rogue: Increase Potent Poison duration
- Assasination Rogue: Decrease Envenom initial damage
- Assasination Rogue: Added Stealth on additional ability list
- Assasination Rogue: New Camera Potrait

Fire Mage
- Fire Mage: Increase Inferno Blast cooldown from 80 into 90 seconds
- Fire Mage: Decrease Molten Armor damage per second
- Fire Mage: Decrease Scorch damage per second
- Fire Mage: New Skin mix and match between Kael'thas original skin + Mage tier 13 Timelord's skin
- Fire Mage: Inferno Blast icon changed
- Fire Mage: New Camera Potrait

Frost Mage
- Frost Mage: Decrease Cone of Cold nova damage
- Frost Mage: New Shoulder Model, mesh edited from Distant Land staff
- Frost Mage: Frost Nova and Hero icon changed.
- Frost Mage: New Camera Potrait
- Frost Mage: Added Stand Channel Animation

Holy Priest
- Holy Priest: Binding Heal now also recover self for 5% of maximum health, and has cooldown reduced by half
- Holy Priest: Reduce Inner Will armor and damage bonus, and has cooldown reduced by half
- Holy Priest: Repleace Borrowed Time with Circle of Healing
- Holy Priest: Binding Heal and Inner Will icon changed
- Holy Priest: Added Stand Channel Animation
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
Alright, would see some review on the new version.

The only ripped resources I'm using is from Blizzard's World of Warcraft (as this is a WoW total conversion project, tho I've edited most of the materials to fit in the project), and as far as I know about the rules, ripped materials from Blizzard game are allowed (like some maps I've seen on map section). :)
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