World of Ham Ham beta 0.6

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World of Ham Ham is an mmorpg map with a 256x256 well detailed terrain.
This is a rpg based in my campaing woth same name, but this campaing is not finished yet, (and I dont know if some day it will be done), so I have doined a rpg with the same items, characters, cities, and countryes of my campaing.

- 256x256 epic map.
- Nice terrain.
- 10 races.
- 3 heros type for race.
- Lots of items.
- Walk trough forests, hills, deserts, valleys, dungeons and more.
- Test your skills fightining against powerfull boses or overpower elemental Gods.
- Quests for rare items.
- up to level 100.
- Be a powerfull alone warrior or comand a great army.
- Destroy the enemy cities.


In this beta, you only can play with the humans and there are no quests yet, the works are 75% done.


I am looking for a way so can save game on multyplayer games.
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Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Why don't people just use game chache's then ? Much easyer than Save/Load codes. I'm gonna make a map to show you guys when I get home.

Game Cache works fine on multiplayer, you just can't change maps in multiplayer.


Meaning you can't have a Game Cache go across multiple maps, or multiple games of the same map. They still WORK though.

Level 7
Oct 8, 2005
but game caches do work in multiplayer. ya though, at the end of all multiplayer maps i belive wacraft dumps all game caches and stuff that was created durring the map (so they dont pile up and take up tons of space on your computer).
Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
Well. . .since no one has really responded to the MAP. . I will.

Terrain is pretty bad. Vary bland and boring, made me frustrated since it was advertised as having "good terrain"
-Use tile variation
-Generally don't use Blizz cliffs. . .if you do take a look at how they were used in the Blizz campaigns, to see how to use them.
-More doodad variation. . .
Leveling was horribly slow. . .it took me forever to get somewhere since when I left the town I was immediately faced with 300/600 hit point enemies. . .
-Make some easy enemies at the start, most people like to be able to level well at first.
ex: In WoW the first ten levels are really easy to obtain - allowing you to get some abilities, gain some experience etc. . .

Well. . .since no one has really responded to the MAP. . I will.

Terrain is pretty bad. Vary bland and boring, made me frustrated since it was advertised as having "good terrain"
-Use tile variation
-Generally don't use Blizz cliffs. . .if you do take a look at how they were used in the Blizz campaigns, to see how to use them.
-More doodad variation. . .
Leveling was horribly slow. . .it took me forever to get somewhere since when I left the town I was immediately faced with 300/600 hit point enemies. . .
-Make some easy enemies at the start, most people like to be able to level well at first.
ex: In WoW the first ten levels are really easy to obtain - allowing you to get some abilities, gain some experience etc. . .


1 - This map is using the tileset Lordaeron Summer, this has no many terrain variation, I will convert it to another one.
2- I will try to variate more the doodads, not add more, because I was already reached the limit of units and doodads.
3- I will duplicate the experience gain
4- The enemyes are easy, but, probabily you have played with the elvens and entered in Silverspring Forest, that area is only for lv 12 highers, you must go to Silverspring hills, but I will decrease the power of the monsters of the forest.

I will send an newer version at friday, ok?
When you download WEU, you will get much more things! You will be able to use 16(!) different tiles (concerning to boring terrain). And read all the guides about WEU becouse it's so powerfull that it's almost conversion of JASS into GUI (has many new functions, allows you to put JASS code instead of GUI function, and something extra you can use)!
It can be found it Tools section of Hive Resources.

BTW, it's easier to use than JASS, since you can perform JASS actions within GUI, for example "Advanced - Advanced Cinematic Filter for PLAYER.

And it's complete GUI/JASS Hybrid: You can say:

Unit begins casting an ability

Casting ability equal to "Custom script" <== Here you enter JASS code instead using a complete GUI function "General - Custom script"

and there are some improvments, like "make unit slide", "make unit burn", "force player() camera to folow unit", "add hero glow to unit", "start smart camera moving", "Incraese units' health max/mana max/damage/armor"... etc.

These are actualy functions written it the header of the map (when you click map name in we trig editor), so you must use WEU enchancer (comes with WE) to enable advanced functions. They are located in ADVANCED group.
And i told you that you can use up to 16 different tiles (you will have to add them from WEU enchancer), if you make terrain a bit more variable, than it would look nicer.

NOTE: Blizzard didnt limit number of tiles/doodads/units for nothing. It was just to limit "epic" size maps from lagging. In WEU limits are like this (i think):

units: no limit
doodads: no limit
destructables: no limit
map size limits 480x480 (instead of 256x256 lol)

one more thing: you will be able to raise and lower terrain different way, like this:

ask anything if you didn't understand (since my english is very bad)

EDIT: Played 7, found few things...

ITEMS: Potion of Lesser invulnerablity drops too often (i killed cyclops and murloc and got same item.
STACKING: Use SFilip's stacking system, it's the best one i know


  • ItemReqSystem0.8b.w3x
    22.2 KB · Views: 77
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Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
If you're worried about doodad limits, you can always delete useless doodads.
For Example:
-If you have a large cluster of trees. . .delete a bunch in the middle unless they will be/ can be seen. Basically just delete stuff people will never see. . .

You realize that in World editor you can just go to >Advanced>Modify Tile set>Use Custom Tile set and you can switch, change the tiles/ add more.
-You can also add more if you use the WEU enhancer.

Yes, I was elven btw. Maybe you should add triggers that say something like:
"You have entered: Silverspring Forest recommended level 12+" or something of that nature.

I'll download the newer version and get back to this later.

Owright, I will dl the W.e.u. on next wednesday and upload the 0.8 version.

*Happy Tauren: Yes, Potions of Lesser Invulnerability, Healing Fruits, Magic Roots and Resplenishment Potions can be droped by ANY enemy of the world. (exept from boses and horde/aliance units)

Humm? 480x480 maps? It will solve all of my other problems xD

On the 0.8 version the dungeons are remaked, the dwarvens will be playable, I will put a way to the player know his required level to enter in an area, and some quests will be ready.

On 0.9, I will use the w.e.u.

There are some more problems? tell me and I will fix it on 0.8




this is hardly 10% done. needs loads of work on heroes and even the heroes you have now are pretty boring... 1/2 custom just doesn't cut it.
the hero selection system is pretty primitve, use vexorian's or a simpler one like the circle of powers/unit enters region method.
terrain needs some work, but its pretty good for now.
have you ever thought to maki it in third person?

Whats is a third person map, exactily?

Yes, I have spoted some bugs in the heros spells, (just as the Brilliance Aura of the Human Mage have just 5 levels and the Spiked Armor of the Warrior is very bad maked.)

Ok, I will change the selection mode to the "enter region".
HUmm, I am needing of this for my other map, Marines on Hell.
I will glad if you can show it to me.

But, I wont will add this to Wohh. because I dont are using variables for the heros, if I add this, I will need to remake the entire hero selection sistem, and I must update the 1.0 version after the day 15 of this month.

If I dont finish the 1.0 after 15, I will only can release it on February of 2007 =P.
Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
You don't have to make an rpg have a third-person camera. Cause if you have movement with arrow keys it's really annoying if you want to use spells and such.

I have one hand on the arrow keys right? Well if I want to cast a spell on someone I have to click the icon and then the unit instead of of pressing the handy hotkey for the spell and just clicking on the unit.

Besides this map would need a major terrain revamp for it to look good in 3rd person

Oh, and btw. . .when are you going to upload the next version?
All my systems dont need of variables, when a hero dies, he will be revived in a place depending of his race, this is my revive triger:

Unit - A unit onwed by player 1 Dies.
Unit - A unit onwed by player 2 Dies.
Unit - A unit onwed by player 3 Dies.

Dying unit is a hero equal to True

If Dying unit type is equal to Human Warrior revive unit at Caenor.
If Dying unit type is equal to Elven Huntress revive unit at Silverspring.
If Dying unit type is equal to Dwarven Shielder revive unit at Gar'thor.
If Dying unit type is equal to Orc Shaman revive unit at Bearmaul.
If Dying unit type is equal to Siren Bloodfiend Warriror revive unit at Doomland Fortress.

I only will use variables on the quests and for the Exiled Arena.

I am tryed to dl the weu, but I dont understanded that strange search sistem.
On the last time than I was entered on the Resources section. How I can dl the weu now?
I was tryed to upload the new version today, but I dont have finished the 3 quests than I was started to make, and I have finded many bugs (I have killed a Kodo Beast and gained a Dragon Shield, an item that costs 11200 gp =P), I have discovered than the scroll of Portal only works with the Human Warrior, This is a serious problem because if you enter in the Water Pit, the only way of exit is killing a Water Elemental to gain a Scroll of Portal and I was only added the dwarvens, I am planning to add in the 0.8 all the remaining races for the Alliance (The Orcs and the Sirens) and be sure than at least 4 quests are working.
I have discovered than the player cant reach Mudlands by the Water Valleys, something is blocking the way. I already was fixed it.
I need to put the Spell Shops to work too.
I will try to finish the 0.8 soon as possible. ok?
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