• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Witch Doctor Hero (Sen'jin)


Jungle Troll (Sen'jin)
Dark Troll
Forest Troll
Ice Troll
- Screenshot icon

Projectile Arc: 0
Projectile Art: Troll Witch Doctor
Projectile Homing Enabled: True

2020-10-31 (3)
- Added Dark Troll and Ice Troll versions

2020-10-31 (2)
- Fixed wrapping on Forest Troll shoulder

- Optimized & sanitized (saved ~29kb)
- Added Forest Troll version

Witch Doctor Hero (Dark Troll) (Model)

Witch Doctor Hero (Forest Troll) (Model)

Witch Doctor Hero (Ice Troll) (Model)

Witch Doctor Hero (Jungle Troll, Sen'jin) (Model)

11:58, 11th Dec 2015 Misha: well.. this really looks like it could use some more work, it's still looking lill too much like a shadowhunter. also the wrapping on his chest and back is rather bad, making him look stretchy and blurred, you could try...




11:58, 11th Dec 2015
Misha: well.. this really looks like it could use some more work, it's still looking lill too much like a shadowhunter. also the wrapping on his chest and back is rather bad, making him look stretchy and blurred, you could try to fix that at least on the chest, back can easily be covered, or changed into a cloak like the witchdoctors already have. those eyes on his back.. they don't blink, they don't move in any way, maybe you should replace them with something much more simple.. and lastly, there is something about his face that i can't put my finger on.. his nose looks like it's deformed and i'm not seeing anything like a nostril area

alright, give him a valid troll death sound (maybe witchdoctor?), remove all 'unshaded' on all the materials, and do something so that his teamglow doesn't get abruptly huge of random anims like walk or stand or so.. it's very distracting.., and lastly, attach and center the 'weapon' attachment, so it sits just below the hook-part of the staff

changes made, and Sen'jin is approved :p
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Took the words right out of my mouth; very creative. While this doesn't directly affect me, it's Trolls, so it's got that going for it. :p More importantly, this fills a niche that has always bugged me; no proper model for Sen'jin/Vol'jin. Something cooler than the dorky unit model, but not so grand as the existing hero model. Bam.

Seriously, Blizzard. Just patch that already.

Anyway, an amalgam between the Witch Doctor & Shadow Hunter is literally ideal for that, and you've done a fancy job. The green orbs (sentry ward-lookalikes?) are a tad... bright. Garish, even. But overall, I'm a fan. : )
Thanks for the kind words. I'll try to meet the moderator comment.
I can probably fix the wrapping. I hadn't really noticed, but now that you mention it, it could use some work.
I'll remove or replace the should and knee pad, maybe change the tusks somewhat. Maybe replace the sticks on the back with something else.

As for the eyes, I really like this idea, and I'd love for them to be animated, but unfortunately that's beyond my capabilities.
Maybe someone could help me with that? :D
Level 1
Aug 17, 2012
Really good job! Although you could add another shoulder pad on the other arm and add normal eyeballs at the back as for the sentry wards they're really neat please keep them. Also add the dangling balls on his staff.
Level 34
Sep 19, 2011
Good job! I dig the latest tweak on his totems. The idea is great too. I'd vote it 5\5 for the sake of how much it fits withn the game!

As for the possible improvements - i think that his shoulderpads somehow clash with his other textures. Maybe you could come up with something different. Or use that fancy face voodoo mask texture? It has a more pleasant dark-wood brownish color as an opposite to this reddish shoulderpad.

Or, maybe you could do something epic with his totems on the back. he is no usual witch doctor after all! Maybe a purple lightning beam between them or something else cool and shadowy. To underline the dark badassness of these troll combat medics.

Some effects could be a good addition too. I'm thinking of red lightning effects that are used for witch doctor missile.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Well it's good to see on what Vol'jin's father looked like and I really want to use one of the Jungle Troll models for Vol'jin and this obviously for Senjin.

Nice work as well making this hero so it can be a Jungle Troll hero and even the father of Vol'jin; Senjin.
Yay! :D
I've replaced the shoulder pad with a voodoomask (edited from shadow hunter), and improved the sentry eye animation a bit, should be no more snapping into place anymore. Also increased particle size to original values, and added a particle emitter to the wand (spell animation). Currently working on the portrait, should be ready soon :)
I don't think I will be adding anything else.

edit: final version including portrait uploaded! turned out quite well I think, maybe the best model edit i've done so far :D
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Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Nice one.

Still, there is soooo much that can be done with this model!! A tad more detailed staff with more polies, better texture, a head which makes him more different of the standard witch doctor, 2 different totems instead of 2 duplicates, a better shoulderpad (I'd go for a cloth one, the voodoo mask doesn't fit at all) cooler looking clothing textures and so on.

Right now, it still feels like a good geomerge (which is no bad thing at all) but it has so much potential.
Well, anyone can continue to improve on this :D No need to ask for permission, as long as credit is given, and I'd like to see the result too. I'd even update this with someone else's edits (with shared credit).
I'm not very good at modelling, so it costs me a lot of time to do these things.
But if anyone wants to work on this further, go crazy! =D
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Nice one.

Still, there is soooo much that can be done with this model!! A tad more detailed staff with more polies, better texture, a head which makes him more different of the standard witch doctor, 2 different totems instead of 2 duplicates, a better shoulderpad (I'd go for a cloth one, the voodoo mask doesn't fit at all) cooler looking clothing textures and so on.

Right now, it still feels like a good geomerge (which is no bad thing at all) but it has so much potential.
Sounds like you got a pretty good handle on what could really snazz this out, man... I nominate you! :D
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Sounds like you got a pretty good handle on what could really snazz this out, man... I nominate you! :D

Nah, I'm letting him work on it more, I know he can do it :) that means, if he wans to.

This is a bit much isnt it :p

Jeah it's a tad overwhelming. I had only 2 different colours in mind, but two completly different totems might look good too.
It's hard to get the lightning stuff right because the totem is tilted and scaled. The particle emitter doesn't seem to like that :p
Edit: hmm I think two different coloured eyes might be better anyway. I found another version of the sentry ward in the game files the other day, which is blue and has a different particle effect.


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Level 34
Sep 19, 2011
I love it when people try making their models look warcraftish. Great udates, i like the the portait too. The shoulderpad on the last screenshot is cool too.

About the totems - i'd suggest sticking to only one colour: either green or blue. Otherwise he will become too bright and distinctive compared to the classic models.

I'd also try it without those red thingies on the backs of his totems. They are blurry and add up to the colorscheme of the hero in a bad way.
Yeah you're right, I'm keeping the two green totems. Maybe I'll try to find a higher quality texture for the things on the totems, if there is anything appropriate, dunno. Otherwise I might just delete those.

Currently trying to animate the shouldercloth thingy. Takes a long time :(
I'd like to replace the staff with something better, but I can't find anything good on the hive or on another model in WC3. Guess I'll just retexture it to something with some more detail.

Man I really want to finish this :p


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
I really think you got this in an approveable state. I am no modeler, but judging from what we have here on hive, this does deserve an approval with low rating in my opinion.

It is an interesting idea and I am sure people would use it quite often. Hell, even I would, but I have major map size issues, and this is heavy in size. That's something I'd actually work on. Other Shadow Hunter based models are lower in size. (1, 2)

You certainly did put a lot of effort in this and improved it.
I don't really see what Misha means with the heroglow animation. So I've just copied it all back from the shadowhunter.
I only applied unshaded to replaceable id 1/2, since that's how it is in original wc3 models too. Nevertheless I've removed it except for replaceable id 2.

Thanks for the feedback btw Misha! These little things can really make a difference even if I don't notice them at first.
Hopefully this change is enough. If the heroglow thing persists, I'll probably do what JesusHipster suggested :)
I suspect MdlVis "linearize all animations" was to blame, since it also sets animations with NO interpolation to linear, even texture/alpha animation, and particles etc. It caused the Spell sequence to not properly show/hide the ward too.

Edit: awesome, my first approved model =)
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