As VG said in a very old post (, the best way to learn how to make a good map is to learn from others. With all the maps protected, newbies will have a harder time learning. If you're afraid of stolen content, post it on a well known site such as the hive, that's about the best equivalent the wc3 community has to a copyright, if anyone claims your map to be theirs, prove it to them that you released the map here. If you didn't, it was their fault for not putting it up first.Protection (Is the map protected?)
Good- Map is unprotected, watermarked, or has open map protection (people can open the map and view triggers, object editing and the such, but cannot save the map)
Decent- Map is protected, but the author left an email address or other contact info so people wanting to learn can ask.
Bad- Map is protected and the author is selfish about map secrets.
Wasnt it Guinsoo who stole it, screwed it up, then handed it over to IceFrog and quit war3?
Icefrog actually did a pretty good job.
I don't think you can protect a campaign...