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How do you feel about people editing your maps?

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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
I just searched for a map I released 2 years ago and found no less than 6 versions listed on Epicwar, not one of them is the map in its original state.But its actualy realy interesting to see what people have done with my old work, one of the versions by a guy called Admiral_Thorin has dramaticaly improved it, another version has added loads of cool models but made the map size over 2 MBs lol.
But unsuprisingly one guy has taken my map, murdered it with bad editing and no trigger skills, taken all the credit and then had the nerve to "protect" it!
I've reported it and hopefully it will be removed but I just wondered whether anyone had had any positive experiences of others editing your maps without your knowledge?

I'm trying to contact the Admiral_Thorin guy so we can both work on together but so far no luck, I'm going to protect my maps now but I'm glad i didnt protect this one. The map under question is "The Seige of Quel'thalas" btw.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
The only map i ever released was 'Always Avoid', i made a few versions and came out on the silver edition. It was protected, so i can't even make a new version because i don't have the original file anymore. I don't care though, it was just a map made out of boredom lol.

I made much maps, but always ended up deleting them because of loss of interest in the concept. I want to make a ORIGINAL, and UNIQUE map. Not just something in a genre UNIQUE a whole new unique genre... and that has not really happened yet... and i think its nearly impossible to make up a new genre because everything has already been used and i have more fantasy than... most people...

Anyways, i would like if people edited my map and gave me credit and IMPROVED it. If the edit was only brining the map downwards of without credit i would be pretty pissed.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
I think that people who edit a map without the creators permission are... well... how do i put this... THE *COUGH*HOLLOW SPACE IN MY ASS*COUGH*... What did I say ?

Not only because the creator is offended but also because some of better sites are full of the uselessness they bring. Look at EpicWar. 999.99%o of the maps are... Well... Copies... That word makes my skin crawl.....
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Dumblor said:
Not only because the creator is offended but also because some of better sites are full of the uselessness they bring. Look at EpicWar. 999.99%o of the maps are... Well... Copies... That word makes my skin crawl.....
You are indeed right! +rep

Also, I have seen lot of "dota" copies in hive. People just take the map, edit some heroes and put their name to everywhere. I think that's pathetic! These kind of maps should never been approved.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
I like it. It shows me that people really liked my work. If someone improves it, then I can incorporate those changes into my version. If someone edits it but the effect is not positive, then they'll always have my version to fall back to.
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