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Wich Anime is better

Wich Anime is better

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Level 4
Sep 22, 2004
I've just been wondering wich Anime is cooler.

I like Naruto well actually love it but then again the story is always the same. Going on a mission, fighting or searching for Sasuke and all that.

I also love Bleach becuase it has an excelent story and the Characters are just sooo cool. The battle's also roars with action.

SO I just created this poll to see what you guys think is better
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
i hate to break it to ya but, they both seem equally boring in my POV. Gundam pwns all! :twisted:
Level 4
Sep 22, 2004

Yeah Gundam is cool and all, it has is's moments.
But Gundam is mostly the same there's always a guy with a mask in it and the battle's are mostly the same look at Gundam Seed for instance. You see alot of the same battle's over and over again like three missle's are fired towards the ship two always get shot down the third hits the ship on the side.Also a swarm of missle's gets fired to a ship and they always get shot down by lasers . Or the Mobile suit battle's like a suits legs get cut off with a power sabre or w/e it is so look closly and see the battle's are Always the same just with a different Character in the piloting seat......

But I do still like Gundam even with it's lack of good battles
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
yes i got to admit that the battle scenes in Seed is horrendous. VERY repetitive and makes me feel like skipping them whenever i see them. that's why i like Wing better :wink:
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
well, most of the time i go more for the plot. but i got to admit sometimes i look at their art and stuff too.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Most Anime these days is all badly animated crap.

I agree. Nothing halfway decent has been released recently. Everything is starting to seem the same and originality is becoming a thing of that past...have Japanese animators really run out of ideas....?

Seed: Horrible. Naruto: Repetative and mundane, although some of the fight scenes are nice, when they are not 10 episodes long. Bleach: Mundane and boring.
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
Afronight_76 said:
i think i like anime movies more; because with anime shows, it gets boring after a while. best put all it's moments in 1 hour long episode. anyways my favorite is appleseed, althought he cell shaded characters didnt fit in.

appleseed was cool, except that it was kinda brief. the movie version, that is.
Level 5
Oct 21, 2004
I'm sorry, but most anime things that I have heard of has been crap. Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Inuashi (the one with the wierd cat guy), Gundam Wing, and all those lame shows are the same thing. Poorly animated characters with no depth shooting at eachother, either with stupid looking, un-realisticly sized guns, or with 'energy beams' that they shoot through their hands, or hacking at eachother with swords, and worst of all it's sad because it all does so well. Now, I have seen some decent anime movies, the Matrix Shorts were alright, and...well...yea, I guess that's it. Anime should be removed from TV and the internet, or atleast try harder to make up some decent characters and storys. And no, I'm not sorry if I offended anyone.
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Cold-Voice said:
I'm sorry, but most anime things that I have heard of has been crap. Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Inuashi (the one with the wierd cat guy), Gundam Wing, and all those lame shows are the same thing. Poorly animated characters with no depth shooting at eachother, either with stupid looking, un-realisticly sized guns, or with 'energy beams' that they shoot through their hands, or hacking at eachother with swords, and worst of all it's sad because it all does so well. Now, I have seen some decent anime movies, the Matrix Shorts were alright, and...well...yea, I guess that's it. Anime should be removed from TV and the internet, or atleast try harder to make up some decent characters and storys. And no, I'm not sorry if I offended anyone.

Oh you silly person. Never have I seen any animator try so hard on the art but more on story. Yep, and the problem is more stupid stories for more stupid people (take example Pokemon and kids and... well crap). So you got a good point anime is sucking up, but don't generalize because all the anime you've seen so far are crap.
Level 4
Sep 22, 2004
a Cartoon?

"anime.... arnt those the cartoons they have in blockbuster that are rated "R"?

i dont watch anime...."

A Cartoon, look man if you think that Anime is a Cartoon you've got it all wrong a Cartoon would be Power Puff Girls or Johnny Bravo( I hate it becuase it's my name and I get teased over it ) perhaps the only Anime's you could compare to Cartoon would be Pokemon or Yugi Oh something like that.

Anime is much different it's a way of life for some. SO don't compare it to Cartoons[/quote]
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Go watch Full Metal Alchemist

Has exactly the right ammount of violence, horribly twisted mutated creatures and short people that any show needs

There is no way in hell I would allow a child to watch Full Metal Alchemist
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
there's this new anime series called Full Metal Panic. yea, i almost thought it was a sequel to FMA. but seriously, other than cool Mechs, Full Metal Panic is practically boring.
iplaystarcraft said:
anime.... arnt those the cartoons they have in blockbuster that are rated "R"?

i dont watch anime....
ironic, considering that your avatar has one of the most popular anime's in it. oh and cold-vioce, youre not gonna find good anime on toonami :wink: except samurai champloo, thats the only good one ive seen them put on so far. good animation, right amount of violence, and some nice insight of japanese culture.
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
Afronight_76 said:
iplaystarcraft said:
anime.... arnt those the cartoons they have in blockbuster that are rated "R"?

i dont watch anime....
ironic, considering that your avatar has one of the most popular anime's in it. oh and cold-vioce, youre not gonna find good anime on toonami :wink: except samurai champloo, thats the only good one ive seen them put on so far. good animation, right amount of violence, and some nice insight of japanese culture.

yea i was going to say that, except... i dont know what anime is his avatar from.
Level 3
Aug 16, 2005
........NEVER.......call anime a cartoon.....

It may be, but for some reason, I get really angry when someone calls anime a cartoon.......

..and what do you mean....anime is getting badder.....I'd say its been getting better.....havn't you noticed that everything is starting to "change" into anime.....its appearing more and more on television now adays.....many games imitating anime or have an anime feel to it are coming out......soon, anime will be the center of the world......

I voted for Bleach, because the characters have depth (each character has their own story about themselves), it has a good story line (have you even watched up to the current episode yet?), it only has 2 fillers so far unlike alot of other animes....., etc. Each villain has a reason to be evil, not just the "I want to be all powerful and conquer the world" reason........

Oh, and Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid is the sequel to Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu which was the sequel to Full Metal Panic.....so I'm guessing he was talking about the newest one which is still being made......

I've watched 35 different animes and Bleach happens to be my favorite. Naruto is good too but the fillers are starting to get annoying as well as the story line........

Alot of animes are really good (ex. Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Naruto, Gundam Seed, etc) but there are also anime that plain suck (ex. Pokemon, Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh, DBZ, etc)

Watching anime is also my favorite thing to do....gaming comes in second........

Oh....and....NEVER...call anime a cartoon....if you do, you can just go and..........
Level 5
Oct 21, 2004
Anime is a cartoon. I will say that all I want, and frankly, it's usually a bad cartoon.

And the day Anime becomes the center of the world is the day that every human will die of stupidity. You are a living reason that anime is far too big in todays world. People can't base their lives around a cartoon, that's just rediculous. It's fine to watch T.V., and if you really like it, then it's fine to watch anime, but leave it at that, don't become one of those lowly anime nerds who's 35 and goes to anime conventions dressed up like their favourite character. There are seriously way too many people out there that have nothing better to do than to watch hours uppon hour of anime, and it's both worrying and sickening. People need to find something better to do with their time, like spending time with friends, instead of dedicating themselves to a fantasy world on the T.V.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Anime is a cartoon. I will say that all I want, and frankly, it's usually a bad cartoon.

Not all animations are "cartoons". I think you are getting the two confused and generalizing too much. It really depends who the target audience is.

Its basically no different then saying; "Cars have internal cumbustion engines, all cars have engines, therefor all cars must have internal cumbustion engines."

And any hobby can be unhealhy if not kept to a moderation. That inclused everything, not just anime, games, ect.
lets put an end to this catoon thing:

car·toon Audio pronunciation of "cartoon" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kär-tn)

1. A drawing depicting a humorous situation, often accompanied by a caption.
2. A drawing representing current public figures or issues symbolically and often satirically: a political cartoon.
2. A preliminary sketch similar in size to the work, such as a fresco, that is to be copied from it.
3. An animated cartoon.
4. A comic strip.
5. A ridiculously oversimplified or stereotypical representation: criticized the actor's portrayal of Jefferson as a historically inaccurate cartoon.

you decide, frankly i dont really care if it is a cartoon. i dont like how people generalize anime as one thing. it would be like people generalizing american cartoons. my point? some suck, some dont; its not all the same thing(mostly)

and cold-voice, not all anime fans are "dedicated" as you say. the ones who are though, i pity them....until i make fun of them and pick on them; then it's just funny. :p

And the day Anime becomes the center of the world is the day that every human will die of stupidity.
too late for that, humanity has already died from stupidity due to reality TV(mostly FOX)
Level 3
Aug 16, 2005
Uhhh......if Naruto "is" made for kids....why is there partial nudity and extreme blood and violence in it?

And alot of anime isn't even close to being for kids......I mean.....go let a kid watch Evangelion......see what happens then.......

By the way, the world is already taken over by gaming......people are even getting killed over it.....especially over mmorpg's......
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Uhhh......if Naruto "is" made for kids....why is there partial nudity and extreme blood and violence in it?

Well, I'm sure thats the way it was before it was castrated to the point it would be appropriate for us "sensative" American audiences. :evil:

I watched about 10 episodes of Naruto (un-butchered)...all 10 episodes took place in one super-prolonged fight scene....and the fight scenes in that series are 90% talking smack/gloating and 10% action...it gets boring quick.

So no, most anime are not for kids...but with enouph censorship any anime can be "made" for kids. :x
Level 5
Oct 21, 2004
Ah, that's another thing I forgot to mention; the ridiculously long 'fight' scenes. Honestly, nothing should take more than one episode to finish in a fight scene, and in truth, they aren't even fighting most of the time. Its usually two people staring at eachother breathing, and threatening one another. Why would anyone want to watch that?

And video games do not control the world. That has to be one of the stupidest things I have heard. Sure, there are some *ss holes who take it too far, but just because some nerd kills someone else over a game doesn't mean that they control the world.
Level 3
Aug 16, 2005
I've watched all of the sub thats out so far, and some of the dub......some of the voices are ok....but not Naruto's.......I don't like his voice along with the "believe it" thing he says.......I also don't like Kakashi's voice....he sounds like a kid......Zabuza has an ok voice......as well as some other characters......

By the way...in the future....I think some war will happen because of gaming........I mean there are some people trying to ban games from their country...I even found some petitions trying to ban games........some games have even been brought to law over murder and assault..........a war will happen in the future over gaming....I can see it....
Level 22
May 11, 2004
I dunno...I think you got a bit to learn about the world to say something like that. The last time anything remotely resembling an internet war occured was right after that Chinese Mig pilot decided to test the collision weight of his single engine fighter plane against our four engine spy plane (and lost). Chinese students got angry, rallied, and waged a hacker war that lasted...well, a few days until they discovered that they couldnt find anything worth hacking and gave up. Yup, thats the future of warfare alright...

Oh wait, thats right, they successfuly hacked a branch office of the Department of Agriculture :roll: ...victory for them!
Level 5
Oct 21, 2004
Yea, I'm going to agree with VGsatomi on this one, you need to educate yourself on matters of the world. There will never be a war over a video games. Ever.

And no one answered my question, so I will change it; is the cartoon movie "Heavy Metal" anime?
Level 3
Aug 16, 2005
Well........alot of stuff is animated....would you call movies and games cartoon as well then.......cartoon are usually meant to be funny (or not funny in some cases) shows for kids (or adults)........but they also hold political power......people use cartoons to express political views about something........and cartoons are not suppose to be animated....that was the original meaning of cartoons....but it has changed into "anything animated" due to some people believing that.......
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