I have a trigger that is supposed to advance the upgrade level of this undead upgrade (unholy armor) by 1 every time he researches a human upgrade, but it doesn't seem to be working at all, can anyone see why?
Risen Tech Constant US
- Unit - A unit owned by Player 10 (Light Blue) Finishes an upgrade
- (Researched tech-type) Equal to (==) Iron Swords [|cfffae805Level 1/6|r]
- Set UnholyStrengthLev = (Current research level of Unholy Strength [|cfffae805Level 1/6|r] for Player 10 (Light Blue))
- Player - Set the current research level of Unholy Strength [|cfffae805Level 1/6|r] to (UnholyStrengthLev + 1) for Player 10 (Light Blue)