Boyooka! Got my net up and running, after a static period of peril and deadly boredom without internet (not really, but I
did miss it)
And, realized I missed WC3 cause its allways evolving into something more, with the help of teen-geeks who just loves to play with theese editing tools, AS IN, its sh*t funny there is allways so many games you can play, TD, HA, S&MRPG etc. or just plain ol' 1on1 stategy based quality gaming experience!!! No need NOT to get excited - ofcourse, a 3 week break
does put things in perspective, and I recommend everyone to take a long break once in a while, to reflect on other stuff - and experience the game anew when you pick it up again
btw. everyone! be happy for me, cause I've gone far in the making of my Arena Conquest map, featuring all unique and custom hero abillities, quest based influence on fortresses, Team duelling, 100's of new custom items, and advanced teamplay options and strategies inc. racial protective circle, dual race beneficial abillities, team related quests, and much much more - yeah I advertise, but its only because my map owns.. is
going to own, jah jah