Why Deus Ex Is The Greatest Game Ever

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Level 14
Nov 20, 2005
Just a fair warning - closing this just because of the title WILL cause RDZ to leave and never come back, so hear me out.

Deus Ex is a great RPG. The story is brilliant - a linked plot of great depth and plausability. At the time it might have been dismissed as overly cynical, but the plot has basically played out over the intervening years. You get involved with the characters more than most games, against the odds. They aren't just bland cutouts. Hermann's unadmitted love for Anna is, despite the circumstances, oddly moving, for example.

Deus Ex is a good FPS/stealth game/thinking game. The gameplay is good, with the augmentations and skill system and everything giving various ways of going around the game. A style that has since been copied (with various degrees of success), Deus Ex is a game in which you can approach things in various different ways, giving a freedom from the normally very linear map design.

But most of all, Deus Ex has character. Getting told off for going into the ladies' room - small things like that add so much to the immersion. Gunther moaning about the maintaince men ("they know I like orange")...it's all so perfectly done to create an atmosphere. Things like birds and newspapers are placed around; they serve absolutely no purpose but to add to the feel of the game.

The music is perfect. It hits exactly the right mood for each location, complementing the game in just the right way.

The graphics have aged fairly well; the game is still playable. The voice acting is, all over, pretty good. Perhaps the weakest point of the game is the AI, which, for the time, was okay, and is passable today, but still most definately had some weaknesses which could be exploited (an inability to grasp ladders springs to mind).

It may not have the graphics of Oblivion, or the fast gameplay of UT, but Deus Ex is a one of a kind; it makes you feel like you are there, it makes it believable. The gameplay is good, the characters and story great, the music excellent, but the overall feel and play of the game is what makes it the greatest game ever made.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The reason I closed the last one was it was totally stupid and the starting thread was basically spam. It had no real arguments and was written in the same way your average DotA fan would boast DotA allstars. Also people were just behaving stupidly by trying to convince people that it was or was not the greatest game. Flamming would eventually have started so I decided it was best that that thread be stopped.

However the new thread seems totally fine and I did change the tital slightly to discourage people posting in this thread "NO IT IS NOT YOU (removed), GET HAL033!!!!!111".

Deus Ex is not the greatest game ever, as there are many other games that are great in their own ways. However, I do not deny that it probably is a great game (one of the greatest) if you like FPS (which I do not) and since I have not played it I can not really tell.

The greatest game is such a large catorgy in its self, so it is near impossiable to trully tell if the game is the greatest as no one on this planet has played every video game ever made to 100% compleltion and at the time of release, as nowdays old games seem less great than modern ones due to the difference in graphics.

Thus you can easily say it is one of the greatest games ever made, or it is the greatest of a certian catorgry or even that it is the greatest game ever made in your opinion, but you can not really say it is the greatest game ever made (out of all the games for all systems since the first games were made), especially since there are tons of people who do not like FPS or RPG style games who will not think it is so great.

I am sorry if closing the other thread stopped you from posting your views, but that was a bit too out of controle.

I hope you enjoy discussing the game and why it is so great.

NOTE - For people opposing this thread, please post reasons why and not just "This game sucks, get FF7!!1111" as otherwise you will start an argument that you can not win and someone will eventually be punished.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Dood, Deus Ex Invisible War is still one of the best games I've ever has the fortune of playing. It ranks right up there with Dark Forces II for me. I loved it, I found it very enjoyable, the story compelling, and RPG elements added a whole new direction in which to take the game. It was nothing short of orgasmic.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Captain Griffen said:
But most of all, Deus Ex has character. Getting told off for going into the ladies' room - small things like that add so much to the immersion. Gunther moaning about the maintaince men ("they know I like orange")...it's all so perfectly done to create an atmosphere. Things like birds and newspapers are placed around; they serve absolutely no purpose but to add to the feel of the game.
Yeah, that's one of my favorite things about the game. The characters aren't just a bunch of one-dimensional cliches, but people.
Captain Griffen said:
The music is perfect. It hits exactly the right mood for each location, complementing the game in just the right way.
The Dark Age ending music makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :D.
Dr Super Good said:
The reason I closed the last one was it was totally stupid and the starting thread was basically spam. It had no real arguments and was written in the same way your average DotA fan would boast DotA allstars. Also people were just behaving stupidly by trying to convince people that it was or was not the greatest game. Flamming would eventually have started so I decided it was best that that thread be stopped.
My words are not intended for those who can't take things with a pinch of salt. I guess that's my loss.
Dr Super Good said:
Thus you can easily say it is one of the greatest games ever made, or it is the greatest of a certian catorgry or even that it is the greatest game ever made in your opinion, but you can not really say it is the greatest game ever made (out of all the games for all systems since the first games were made), especially since there are tons of people who do not like FPS or RPG style games who will not think it is so great.
It is assumed that people know that the statement is subjective when you proclaim the quality of a game. If everyone was politically correct, chatting would take years.
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