[Trigger] Who here is pro coder, that wants to make me some spells

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Level 2
Nov 23, 2018

Any experienced JASS/GUI people here? I need Katarina Spells from League of Legends for my new RPG map
I'm willing to pay, you don't have to do cooldown reductions effects from the spells, just need these 3:

Bouncing Blade
Katarina throws a Dagger at the target enemy that can bounce to up to two additional nearby enemies, dealing magic damage.
DAMAGE: Intelligence Based Multiplied by Level of Ability

The Dagger then lands onto the ground after 1 second, roughly 350 units opposite from where it struck the first target.

Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air and onto the ground at her current location and gains bonus movement speed that decays until it lands after 1.25 seconds.
BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED:50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90%

Katarina blinks to the target location around the target unit or Dagger, dealing magic damage to the nearest enemy in range.
DAMAGE: Intelligence Based Multiplied by Level of Ability

Notes: Katarina has a dagger mechanic, when Katarina walks/or in the area of a dagger thats on the ground (Preparation drops a dagger at her position) (Bouncing Blade drops a dagger behind the first hit target), it explodes and deals damage based on Intelligence as well.

1. Need them JASS/GUI
2. MUI and Leakless
3. Easy to edit so I can adjust for my map.
4. If I am satisfied, If you have never played league/Katarina pm me for more details and specifics of the spells.

Willing to pay 70 USD when satisfied, keep in mind these spells have long and difficult mechanics to make.
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Level 44
Feb 27, 2007
So come up with your own ideas and implement them yourself. Why do you want to take these MOBA skills and plop them into your own RPG? They are designed and balanced for a MOBA, not an RPG. It would be worth your time and effort to brainstorm new ideas that might work well in your map (that you can then accomplish yourself). That’s the spirit of map development—not blindly copying some other IP’s established ideas.
Level 2
Nov 23, 2018
because I am going to adjust the spells to fit the RPG, the reason why i choose these certain characters as my heroes is because they are fun to play. Also MOBA characters to MOBA would be a complete copy pasta, MOBA characters to RPG would be something new. I am scaling everything by stats so the Heroes will be able to fight a 500k HP boss etc. I am willing to pay 70 USD to get 3 spells done.

My Hero selection will include 3 League Champs, 3 DotA heroes and 3 Custom Heroes, I am not going to request all the champs in league to be done, Its just this one since it is way too difficult for me, 2 people have accepted the request on the discord and ended up giving up half way.

Also can someone remove my other thread request, I have updated this one.
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