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Where to go for Item Ideas

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Level 13
May 11, 2008
So I've found some nice hero ideas while searching the spell submissions...but where would i go to look for nice item ideas?

And if no one knows of a particular site, that's fine.

I bet, I hope, someone reading this has some nice item ideas. Maybe we can brainstorm together!

edit: Anyway, the items are probably going to be the biggest part of my map so if i could get some help on it, i can get to testing the map online that much faster. Well, let me know if you got some for me.

I can design the items just fine I just need some good ideas so I can design them.
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Level 13
May 11, 2008
well...it's a large map, it has 3 paths to the enemy curving around the map along which are a few towers and the allied army moves along the paths which will probably be very similiar to dota allied armies...so far i have planned 15+ heroes with 14 heroes mostly finished... i haven't finalized hero picking system but i'm heavily leaning towards using a simple as can be tavern system.

so the map will be more or less like a dota map or an aos map...

i might want ideas for boots of speed. i want a wide variety of boots of speed to choose from...i'm not sure what kinds of secondary effects they should have. standard hero move speed in melee and dota is about 300, well in my map it's about 250. 250 is about half of the maximum movespeed, making movespeed bonuses be able to feel like they are going up higher than they would in a normal game. an item i developed right away because of this movement speed difference was a goblin zeppelin, which, because of the map design, although it can fly, it cannot fly over the walls of the map...but it can over units of course. i also gave it a lowered height, and also many heroes are a bit smaller than normal heroes would be, in order to adjust the map to make it a bit bigger, same deal as giving them a bit slower move speed. at any rate, the zeppelin goes quite fast but of course it can crash and that would be bad for your hero. good news is you wouldn't lose the hero he'd just get stunned... this is like my favorite item. since some of the lanes are quite long because they curve so much the zeppelin is highly valued. yet i also want interesting boots... just not sure what to make them do.

also, another area i want to explore is making each hero start out with an undroppable item, and perhaps the item can be upgraded later on. the item would change according to the hero, and typically the item would enhance an existing ability like an ultimate much like the aghanim's scepter in dota, or it would give the hero an entirely new ability, which could be upgraded either through item purchases or through the hero's other skills or something... perhaps the nature of the item could be altered by making it part of a recipe of other items and that would change the non hero ability that the hero would have.

i'm open to other item class ideas too, i want the items to be as cool as possible, and i want them to be refreshingly fun.

i'm thinking of adding a lot of perishable items too. i feel like perishable items aren't used enough, so that'll be another class on it's own.

plus i'm definitely going to have some creeps in the forests in between the lanes...the forests will have 2-3 entrances and they will be quite large. also i'm planning on making some creeps drop minor items probably will limit it to perishable items only. so if you have items that would fit this category, that's good.

basically, pretty much i'm starting on all of these categories just now. like i said i got 14 heroes almost done so i'm going to be working mostly on items for the moment so this is the time to discuss items for me. after i get a lot of items made up i'll be that much closer to being able to start testing this baby online.

yeah almost forgot, another thing i'll probably feature with the items is a type of perishable, which may either outright give you troops to fight with, probably a summon kind of item, or possibly even temporarily add a unit type to the unit spawns for the allied army.

oh, one more thing, i also have my own day and night system in this map which allows me to apply day and night settings to anything i want, including items...in otherwords i can have the player buy an item that changes according to what time of day it is...which is really going to be fun to play around with. that'll be still one more item class.

so if anyone, has anymore item class ideas, or items that would fit into any of these classes, be sure to let me know so i can add your items or classes to the map. you have the chance to get credits in the trigger editor and probably in the quests section too, and + reputation.

oh and you might've been able to guess but it's a map where you only have one hero, and you have 4 allies against another set of 5 heroes... and you can't build anything or collect resources. but of course you get bounty for killing the enemy allied army and for killing creeps in the forest. and you can buy items at the shops scattered over the map as well. you have to push the lanes to get victory by destroying the enemy's special building. which...at this point is probably going to be night elf ancients vs corrupted night elf ancients.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2009
so its an AOS.... :p
anyways, I made a black boots of speed that look really cool :D you might want those (not sure how to get them to u) they might also work with normal boots of speed. these ones are black, so you can have that during the night, normal or white during the day... the white ones would look cool! I gotta try that! :D
and for the changing item... that'll involve a bit (too much) triggering... just give em a tome that ups stats *lvl or kills or something :D
Level 13
May 11, 2008
hey Ranger21 thanks for the boot idea, that's a good one.

yioup, yes item graphics if you think they're good i want them

as for changing item requiring triggering...that triggering has already been accomplished. my changing according to time of day is foolproof with my system, so don't worry about that. the black and white boots sounds like they could be fun...but having a boots that change according to time of day may not be appropriate. changing the color of the boots would have to be a very magical kindof boots...lol.

it maybe won't be a good idea for to be changing the graphics of items just we should adjust what the item does. there might be an exception of course, feel free to argue how you think it would work. and yes making some reals or integers keep track of unit movement or kill count and then buffing up items after a certain point could be cool, like veteranizing the hero...since he'll have gotten used to his item. like for example an item like dagon from dota...kindof unrealistic that you upgrade it by buying the recipe over and over again. i'd rather devise a way to get it leveled by some custom item experience system which might even or might not be different from item to item...but yes, this custom item experience system idea you gave me is good...thanks.

you can use the site's pastebin to upload files so you could use that to get me the boots. i do have a few editing programs like warcraft viewer so i'll be able to handle the files if i can just get them. you can private message me the link or put it here, whichever you prefer. you can even do both, i suppose.

to all:
i'm not really good with graphics just mostly good at taking pictures and collages...so if i have hurdles with item graphics maybe you can be a major part of it if you know how to help and would like to. basically everytime i give people credits in my map i put a number of * showing how many things they supplied for the map that i should give them credit for. then i list those.

as a side note...for this map there probably won't be enough room in the quests section for an exteneded credits tab for everything so i'll just list a lot of names i think in there, and then make an extended credits document to be read in the trigger editor of my map, explaining what those names mean

so the more you help, the more your help is documented. after all, i'm pretty good at documenting. and documentation means credit, hah.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2009
Can I get a link t the pastebin? lol
anyways... I kinda figured, boots wont normally make you hit anyone or make u run faster... they must be magical! :p
but I have to finish the white boots, in case you need them. just need to remember where I put the black ones...

and will you need auto-cast or disabled vers. of the icons? because I have some difficulty with those. :sad:
Level 13
May 11, 2008
Can I get a link t the pastebin? lol
anyways... I kinda figured, boots wont normally make you hit anyone or make u run faster... they must be magical! :p
but I have to finish the white boots, in case you need them. just need to remember where I put the black ones...

and will you need auto-cast or disabled vers. of the icons? because I have some difficulty with those. :sad:

disabled, definitely, you can't have icons without disabled. although i guess i can use the regular icon for disabled. i think i've done that before, so no biggie if you can't. i just hope the black boots do look good. pastebin is at the top of the navigation menu on the website


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