Well, people usually test their map out in LAN parties( or what ever they call that), or host it in B.Net or in Garena. But if you're alone or your friends are just busy, there's a tool here (or was it a system?) in hive that allows you to run multiple instances of WC3 at the same time and test the map yourself. I think it was made by rulerofiron? I'll try to search for it myself but I really believe it's in the tools section. :3
EDIT: Was a tutorial sorry, Multiple Warcraft 3 Running in a Single PC
EDIT2: Mapmaking Clans? I think there's still stuff like that in B.net and Garena.
What is that ? I've heard of it b4 lol
Because some countries cannot afford a Premium Warcraft 3 or the Genuine CD Key, esp. we SEAns(Southeast Asians). Thanks to the maker of Garena,which gave us the experience to play Warcraft 3 online since 2004?. But not just Warcraft 3,you can also play COD, L4D 1 and 2, Counter Strike, and more.
In short, Garena was the alternative for BNet and was cheaper($0) and was more popular.
I just hope it works for allDD
Well, I protect the map and go host it on garena
If somethings is bugged, I just leave and continue lol, who cares if they have broken map
lol i dont like my name being associated with a broken map lol.
Other than that tho he would still need to test it a few times in a row in case there are bugs. So that would be a little annoying and time consuming waiting for 7 other ppl to join the map to see if everything works. Also who knows if they will tell u when something doesnt work. They might just use that as an advantage over the other players.
How did I assosiated your name with broken map?
not 7, 2 or 1 are enough, just close the slots u know that works lol
Don't worry, they will tell if it's a bug cuz their gonna yell and complain how it doesn't works for them and shit....
I just hope it works for allDD
Well, I protect the map and go host it on garena
If somethings is bugged, I just leave and continue lol, who cares if they have broken map