How to test a multiplayer map?

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Level 3
Mar 15, 2018
Hey community,

I want to assess how much strugfle it will be finishing my unfinished mod now. And I want to ask how you test your multiplayer maps these days:

1. Can you use your one Classic Key to play on two computers?
2. Can you use your one Reforged Key to play on two computers?
3. Is it possible to connect via LAN these days with an unoffical trick?
4. What would be the strategy to keep the last not-Reforged patch and with it the classic client?
5. Is the World Editor experience now buggy and with crashes etc.? What is your experience?

Thank you for your help!

Best regards
Level 6
Dec 31, 2017
3. Is it possible to connect via LAN these days with an unoffical trick?
It's possible officially. Press ESC in the mail menu and logout. "Custom game" will be replaced with "LAN".
5. Is the World Editor experience now buggy and with crashes etc.? What is your experience?
In HD (new assets) mode it requires more RAM and CPU power. In SD (old graphics) mode editor is a little bit more laggy.

The worst issue for me is testing a map. Previously, it has been taking 2-3 seconds to load into a melee map, now it takes 2-3, sometimes 5 minutes.
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