@Afronight_76 - wtf is that s'posed to mean?? :x You dont like living? "retrieves rant"
...."Countries wage war to attract other countries, thus the "With us or against us" [strange pile of a smelly object], that sometimes are led out. And it might not even be the countries! Its more truth than anything, that a relationship between nations is based on TRADE! You get nothing for free, and since both nations is aware of this situation, none dare to trust the other. Such is it with everydamn thing On Earth. Even the smallest of animals, can't trust its partner to stick up for it! If two Wilderbeasts friends, finds themselves chased by a cheetah, they both have one option. Trip thier friend. Okay, humans are funny this way. Obviously we as a race are not among the most brightest to walk the surface of the earth. Too many fucktards would try and help thier friend when they needed it, WITHOUT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN RETURN. Gee, thats the road you wanna take, if you wanna end up in the gutter. If you give not to recieve, you become hollow and empty - as well as if you get and never give, you become full inside, and shallow. Neither is the better. I take it, that how people can get this way, is the result of a reasearch program, focused on adding more comfort into our lives, instead of values. Another balancing issue. You don't know if something is good, if you can't distinquish it from bad, thus you gotta know bad, to recognize good"....
this is not what the rant originally was about, but it suits just fine ^^
Howbout it? I got a BENCH! :shock: Now its like, when my friends are over, I can show off, and get insane street respect in a matter of minutes, just by lifting a couple of weights
(I have no life, what so ever)