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What is your favourite song at the moment?

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Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
For the moment mine is Sky is over by Serj Tankian. The whole album is awesome(according to me).

Everything Serj does is awesome.

And to expand on my "favorite songs" (which change almost daily):

I have 714 favorites on my youtube account.. so the list is quite long, with a very wide variety of musical styles/genres.
noob question, but what's mathcore? :U

Well correct me if I'm wrong, but it's mainly experimental rock that uses odd time signatures most other musicians don't dare touch. Like that song linked variates between timings like 7/8, 4/4 and 9/8 fairly rapidly in the main riff.

Wikipedia said:
Math rock is a rhythmically complex, guitar-based style of experimental rock[1] that emerged in the late 1980s. It is characterized by complex, atypical rhythmic structures (including irregular stopping and starting), angular melodies, and dissonant chords.[2]
Level 11
May 10, 2008
lol i highly doubt anyone will actually listen to all these songs (unless they have the time too or if you know the song and want to listen to it). :D hehe
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