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What is your favorite programming language at the moment?

Vote for multiple if hard to pin down one

  • Java

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • C

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Python

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • C++

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Visual Basic .NET

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • C#

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • JavaScript

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • PHP

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • SQL

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Objective-C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Assembly

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Other (Please comment)

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079


Title says it all, is there any programming language at the moment what you just keep coding in over and over again? Is there any language what is just special to you at the moment? Share it here!

I think this is one of the best languages evermade and I just can't get enough of it, I just keep using it. For three weeks I've had suicidal thoughts many many times everyday.

EDIT: Replaced the link because this new one has better quality

For me it's C++. I can dictate whether to use reference / value semantics, the standard library along with the future extensions (ranges, coro, networking) get me far and make my code expressive, I can write procedural, object-oriented or functional code. And there's liberally licensed insane quality projects to utilize like includeOS, boost, LLVM.

While I prefer verbal response, I set up a poll consisting of top 10 performers per TIOBE index. If you'd wish to vote for derivative work like Scala / CoffeeScript, you can vote Java / JS respectively.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
C# due to working with it most of the time and Unity being C#.

JavaScript and PHP due to my job as a web developer, sure they can be quirky at times but they're easy to work with for most of the time.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I find Javascript pleasant as it is very free in terms of syntax, many ways to write things.
And it does not have a lot of bloat words which is nice.
It has flaws but more features/fixes are being made available at a pretty decent rate.

I would say C# is up there but I have limited experience with it, but solid for what I used it for.
For sure depends on use case, but I enjoyed C the most for learning programming.

And I realize I'm getting rusty with C++, when I read newer things about it. ;D

But for "at the moment" I very enjoy ABAP now, too, as it expects some unusual working routines. Even it's pretty much useless for common programming.

I hardly can understand Javascript lovers, but yeh, it's used so extremly much. I hope Blazor gets new standard with .NET somewhen. :D

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Other tells me jack shit. I rather remove the poll, I prefer verbal response in the first place like stated in OP.

For sure depends on use case, but I enjoyed C the most for learning programming.
It's a treacherous path. I blame learning C first on my wary use of heap and exceptions. They teach Java first in my uni and I can't blame them.

[...] It has flaws but more features/fixes are being made available at a pretty decent rate.
I see ES2017 brought async functions to standard, akin to what I've been onanating to C++ side. Actually makes me want to try JS again, as callbacks were my grudge before.
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
Hi, this is my first post.

Java, is due to last time when I work as freelance developer, I developed Stock Control System and Food & Beverages Point-of-Sales System. And I found it JavaFX is quite interesting and able to build a lot of things.

C# is the current programming language that Im using in permanent work job and some freelance projects. It is easy to use.
Is unity hard to learn? What can unity used for? I'm new to it. Sorry
Not hard, just need some dedications to get used to it. It's quite friendly, especially if you have the basic of programming (preferably C). Mostly used for game development but also can be used for animation, app development etc.
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
Not hard, just need some dedications to get used to it. It's quite friendly, especially if you have the basic of programming (preferably C). Mostly used for game development but also can be used for animation, app development etc.

@Daffa the Mage Oh I see....alright, I shall take a look at it, because Im into developing a 2D / 3D for some sort of medieval Augmented Reality game but this is just an idea, no progression yet. Thank you very much
Level 2
Mar 17, 2019
JavaScript because it was the first actual language I was introduced to and learned. (I tried learning VB a long time ago when I was a kid but I gave up after like 5 minutes)
Level 8
May 21, 2019
I meant it as a joke specifically because it isn't one.
Actually, HTML supports a variety of scripts and API features that could easily classify it as a programming language.
The original conceptual idea was that it's a "markup language", but today, it actually is a programming language/markup hybrid, unlike, for example, XML, which is a pure markup language
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Hi, this is my first post.

Java, is due to last time when I work as freelance developer, I developed Stock Control System and Food & Beverages Point-of-Sales System. And I found it JavaFX is quite interesting and able to build a lot of things.

C# is the current programming language that Im using in permanent work job and some freelance projects. It is easy to use.

I also used JavaFX at one point to create educational tools for disabled kids, I provided this software out to schools for free but they preferred to use 'Slide shows' because it required no ability on the teachers end to incorporate the program into their lesson

Sigh... so much for teachers caring

Slide shows can't adapt to the users learning curve as my program could

anyway I found java FX interesting because, though it is slightly different from java it is easy to use and you can create 3-D objects :D

First time I ever got to used 3-D objects or build games
Level 5
Jan 2, 2019

However, I'd probably vote C# out of the list, as it reeks of beautiful Bill Gates elegance. I love Visual Studio also, really nice UI. And the whole GUI approach to application design is brilliant (Windows Forms).
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Because I made the poll comprise top 10 TIOBE performers.

Added assembly and other.
Level 5
Jan 2, 2019
Because the title says "Favorite", and let's be real here...


Believe me, Assembly is LOTS of fun if you got a cool motivation!

Like all things in life, without the right drive, we can't ever do. Academics is one of those things too!

You can do lots of cool Hardware stuff in it! And not to mention a lot of the stuff taught in those courses often is just good knowledge to know about the Computer, like how Double-type variables and Floats, etc. are made! Excess-N notation, Double Precision Floating Point, etc. And it really gives a good background on other languages too!
Level 8
May 21, 2019
Like all things in life, without the right drive, we can't ever do. Academics is one of those things too!
I wouldn't exactly describe my attitude as "enthusiastic" during most of my master's studies. :D
I kinda half-assed it.
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
Probably SQL as I use it at work and enjoy it. Also C# can be cool if i don't have to dwelve into abstract classes and other shit I have no clue about. Want to start learning python.
Level 8
May 21, 2019
Want to start learning python.
I'd recommend you either stick to C# or go with Java as your second language. Python isn't quite as useful, I mostly see it used by novice developers and in educational contexts. If you can already do C#, then Python probably isn't going to teach you much.
I'd recommend you either stick to C# or go with Java as your second language. Python isn't quite as useful, I mostly see it used by novice developers and in educational contexts. If you can already do C#, then Python probably isn't going to teach you much.

Eh, it is the most used programming language in the world, and is used to do anything from game development and websites to data science. If you want to go c languages, go plain c, as it allows you to interact with a lot more systems than c#. If you want to do just games or application, c# and Java is fine.
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
I'd recommend you either stick to C# or go with Java as your second language. Python isn't quite as useful, I mostly see it used by novice developers and in educational contexts. If you can already do C#, then Python probably isn't going to teach you much.

I work with data and python is pretty useful in this area I feel. From data science to visualisations etc. Power BI now can read python scripts. Also heard it is good for automating stuff.
Level 8
May 21, 2019
Eh, it is the most used programming language in the world
No, that would be Java. Java has several decades of systems still in use today. No other language even comes close to the penetration of Java. If you lumped together C, C++, and C#, it'd be close to Java.

Python is too young to have anywhere near the presence of either C or Java. It's main use seems to be games and data science. I'd kick the person in the groin who codes a website using Python, because why the hell would you?

If you want to go c languages, go plain c, as it allows you to interact with a lot more systems than c#.
C? Seriously? C? Come on man... come on...
I'd rather eat broken glass than deal with the instability of C code that's less than 100% perfect, keeping in mind how much of a chore that is to accomplish in the first place.

If you want to do just games or application, c# and Java is fine.
Virtually all corporate development is Java based.
More than half of all mobile games are now made in Unity (C#).

I'd say, you're pretty well covered with those two.

Hell, may favorite language is PHP, so I am not even tooting my own horn here.
Level 8
May 21, 2019
I work with data and python is pretty useful in this area I feel. From data science to visualisations etc. Power BI now can read python scripts. Also heard it is good for automating stuff.
Ah yeah, it's commonly used in data science.
From my experience though, most automation is done in Java. In larger corporate contexts, that'd probably be the chosen solution, since you have a ton of developers from previous generations with senior experience in that language. The support, infrastructure, and legacy of the language is just hard to get past, once the project hits a large enough magnitude.
Level 10
Nov 23, 2006
Ah yeah, it's commonly used in data science.
From my experience though, most automation is done in Java. In larger corporate contexts, that'd probably be the chosen solution, since you have a ton of developers from previous generations with senior experience in that language. The support, infrastructure, and legacy of the language is just hard to get past, once the project hits a large enough magnitude.

Honestly I don't really ever plan to work in a huge corporation, but yeah, you never know. I feel like Java is too heavyweight tho to propreply understand all the concepts. And as I don't want to be a full fledged programmer, python seems more accessible in this regard.
Level 5
Jan 2, 2019
Probably SQL as I use it at work and enjoy it. Also C# can be cool if i don't have to dwelve into abstract classes and other shit I have no clue about. Want to start learning python.

Ah yes I do have to hand it to Python for a lot of things, because it's very smooth operating. Sometimes setting up the Interpreter in whatever IDE you're using (it's not a Compiled Language, it's an Interpreted one like HTML), like Wing IDE or something...is a bit of a pain.

But other than, it is fantastic. It makes reading from a Database EXTREMELY quick and easy. I found in Java, there was good control over what was happening yes, but it was just a bit too many lines of code. Like a Connection Object, then a Query Object, then call executeQuery() method or whatever, then a ResultSet object, then looping through it, then some other messy stuff. Python just kind of got to the point. Same with what they call "File I/O", which is to just open Files in the Program and Read them for some Data or something, or Write to them, etc. Very straight to the point.

However Python doesn't make use of "public", "private", "protected", and such, which is annoying. Java uses those.

P.S. And as for C#, it's actually really easy, it's just the Abstract Classes principle you speak of is something in ALL Object Oriented Programming, and because unlike regular C, C# is an O.O.P. Language, you are required to learn it generally.

All it means is that in Parent-Child relationship classes, like a Fruit Class is the Parent Class, with methods like getWeight(), getHeight(), etc., and Apple as a Child Class, I can make any Object that is of type Apple (Type literally as in, like Integer, Double, Boolean, etc. You can make your own Types in O.O.P.) have the getWeight() and getHeight() methods! As long as it Inherits from the Fruit Class.

And all Abstraction does, is you just specify a line of code saying "abstract class Fruit" in the top, and it will make it so you cannot make an Object of Type Fruit. It's when you ONLY want them to make Apples or Bananas. Or in the usual Animal example, a Dog or Cat versus the Animal Class.
Level 16
Oct 17, 2009
Arduino and Java. Arduino is small and you don't have to worry about classes, objects, etc. All your code goes into one file and you can make some pretty cool stuff with it like a robot or a drone. Java cause it's my first language and what I'm most familiar with.
About to start my first job and I'll be working with python. So far from what I've read and tried, it's a really good language. I'm even planning to build some web apps with it.
Level 3
Jan 30, 2018
I like Swift because it's statically typed, uses automatic reference counting instead of garbage collection, has destructors, uses enumerations as exceptions, has computed properties, supports lazy initialization, has built-in primitives to implement copy-on-write in user-defined types, supports operator overloading, supports user-defined value types, can interact with C APIs, and doesn't have undefined behavior.

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