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What is your favorite color?

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Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Ignore trolman, he is mentally challenged and cannot handle a conversation outside of video games.
My favorite colors are orange and silver.
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
Oh him now get lost form this thread or I will call administrator to clean you up for spamming here and threaten people to get banned for no reason.
If they do not clean you I will!
All what I need to do is to throw out MADAWC at you!

Now,now, threatening? You mean just like what you are doing now?When did I threaten anyone in paticular?I just see that this site needs better control over its population.Im not the one insulting people,but you cant really claim that the rest of the posts are more important than mine,this is offtopic its for fun.

But to be ontopic I'd say mine's black.



Level 4
May 4, 2012
My favourite color is [rainbow]Rainbow/Rainbr0[/rainbow].
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Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
@Trolman, then why did you said that more people needed to be ban on a thread where all you need to do is give your favorite color? (not throwing woods on the fire, just asking :psmile:)



Overall when it comes to warcraft i usually pick lightblue/gray/darkgreen/brown/blue and never pink/yellow/orange/teal
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
^ This is light blue

My favorite color is not this, or this, or this, but it is that one.

I've been having this color as favorite and team color since War3 where I even edited the MPQ to make sure I play it in melee and for any maps involving my own army. In SCII because I do not want to edit the MPQs naturally, I play as Teal which is quite similar on the game lobby but unfotunately, almost light blue ingame which isn't a perfect match ingame.

Now I do this because any custom map with my army's team color and the melee team color has to match, so even if in SCII I can get that color, for melee it is different. That's why I play as Teal in SCII in both melee and any custom maps.

My reserve color in War3 was Grey to match with my blue logo in greyish sphere, which here I turned into black for err to look more evil. My third favorite color and team color which used to be my first in War3 before I switched to this blue was Green and I played as such.

Since SCII doesn't have the same lighter grey or lighter green (and instead -some metallic grey), I have Teal, then Green as reserve, if it is taken I go Blue as a second reserved.
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