Yaknow what? Its been a long time. I haven't torn into someone for months. I've been slacking
New alliance : Draenei, Blood elf, Naga, Goblins
Call them the Broken. Because you're not referring to those Draenei, you're refering to the Broken because the Broken are awesome
However, here's where we get to the fun part!
Especially not demonically corrupted hoof guys or elves, or monsters from the depths of the ocean. Both of those factions have little to no influence on Azeroth, and Goblins are not stupid enough to sign up with them
You at least could have had the decency to say Pandaren or something equally stupid like that..
By the way, the Pandaren are mainly neutral pacifists who are neutral to both Horde and Alliance, so don't even start with them either
i'd like the new alliance to be called - the outlanders or something ^^, and they will start at a location in outlands ofc (and i mean in a new spot /new spots where there are creeps/quests to levelup. Goblins will start somewhere in kalimdor (this is similar with multiple races, Undead start at the Western Kingdoms, and other hordes dont.
Oh, so no races start in Eastern Kingdoms for this group? Poor them. Or didn't you realise that the Night Elves starting in Kalimdor was the balance to the Undead?
Also, the Goblins? They come from an island to the far south. Its called Kezan. Also, they'd still be neutral rather than throwing their lot in with a weak faction like this
Draenei and blood elves were ALLIES in WC3 as far as i can tell, so they deserve that in WOW as well.
And they are. Only cause of Illidan though
One of my fav races was naga, and i think that a race like that can be added with extra speed while swimming atleast. Besides, even if Ilidan was the leader of Naga, he is adressed as : The betrayer in WOW, so ...^^
And here we get the fun part!
Naga are completely and utterly unbalanced as characters, just like Dryads, Keepers of the Grove, dragons and some of the other hilariously overpowered races that people suggest
Firstly, Naga are eternally loyal to Azshara. She lives in the middle of the Maelstrom. She's god damn powerful and likely to become a raid boss in due time. Way to lock an entire faction out of content
Secondly, Naga can breathe underwater forever. This is unbalancing for some reason. Note how Undead just have a longer breath metre and not underwater breathing
Thirdly, the difference between male and female Naga is massive. Male naga are dumb brutes, while females are crafty 4 armed sorceresses who are lacking in the physical department
Fourthly, HOW THE HELL ARE THEY GOING TO MOUNT ANYTHING? Seriously, I've been through this one thousands of times. They don't have legs, and if you're checked out their models already, you'd see how badly they wear pants or robes, and that's before they even get to actually trying to get that body mounted with a generic enough animation to not look awkward on the bugger if I know how many different types of mounts there are in game at the moment