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Who do you think will be WoD's Final Boss?

Who do you think will be the Final Boss of the Expansion?

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Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
So, the cinematic for "An Inside Job" is released, and it shows Gul'dan taking the Iron Horde, Grommash getting defeat and Kilrogg drinking the blood of <who>. They said Grommash will not be the final boss of the expansion, but maybe he got corrupted too OR he'll retake the Iron Horde after we kill Gul'dan and restarts the invasion of Azeroth himself. But he's out of allies so...

And maybe it would be Gul'dan, seeing him becoming a major force in 6.1. Or Kilrogg who will betray Gul'dan and get the power, and getting another skull for killing the warlock. But Having Gul'dan defeated in Tanaan and he gets another raid in future patches is weird. And maybe...

The Burning Legion gets to Draenor and Archimonde/Kil'jaeden might gets to Draenor and Crushes it. Or maybe Khadgar is actually Medivh and will try to kill us OR Alternate Medivh comes and possess Khadgar/Thrall/Grommash/Gul'dan or we fight Medivh himself. There's a lot of possibilities but, who do you think?
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Umm some poll choices are wrong. Arent Ner'Zhul and Blackhand dead. Cho'Gall really low of chance of being final boss and same with Medivh. My guessing it will be either Gul'Dan only if he gets like ultra powers or the final boss is Archimonde. And Kilrogg also cant be the end boss. He is probably just the end of boss of a raid. And i havent really understood yet. Some videos say that Cho'Gall was killed some werent. Also Cho'Gall was talking about some ancient one or was it big one. I cant remember, but he betrayed Gul'Dan so i dont think he was referring to Burning Legion at all. So my guessing is he like Gul'Dan were able to see Azeroth and stuff like that and he found out about Old Gods or there are Old Gods on Draenor. And when i watched that cinematic. I was sad when Garrosh died, but if i would have been happy like some Theramore fanboys then i would have been ashamed of myself. The reaction of Grommash finding out that Garrosh is his son, but he was killed was REALLY sad.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
My guess is it's Wrathion who's behind this all, he has been spotted on Draenor and has yet to make his move. The official claim by Blizzard is that Grommash will be the final boss in a way but that someone is behind him. And since we know it's not the Burning Legion as he refused to drink Mannoroth's blood I would say it's not Kil'Jaiden or Archimonde. Gul'Dan seems as unlikely considering that Grommash imprisoned him and used his power to channel the Red Portal.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Umm some poll choices are wrong. Arent Ner'Zhul and Blackhand dead. Cho'Gall really low of chance of being final boss and same with Medivh. My guessing it will be either Gul'Dan only if he gets like ultra powers or the final boss is Archimonde. And Kilrogg also cant be the end boss. He is probably just the end of boss of a raid. And i havent really understood yet. Some videos say that Cho'Gall was killed some werent. Also Cho'Gall was talking about some ancient one or was it big one. I cant remember, but he betrayed Gul'Dan so i dont think he was referring to Burning Legion at all. So my guessing is he like Gul'Dan were able to see Azeroth and stuff like that and he found out about Old Gods or there are Old Gods on Draenor. And when i watched that cinematic. I was sad when Garrosh died, but if i would have been happy like some Theramore fanboys then i would have been ashamed of myself. The reaction of Grommash finding out that Garrosh is his son, but he was killed was REALLY sad.

I saw his emotions. I feel him along with other Garrosh fans. The reason I put Blackhand is becauae of the Achievement "The Foundry Falls" but maybe Gul'dan/Grom raid would be in there. Also, Ner'zhul might not be dead at all, and return with the Void thing Chogy is talking about. Also, this xpac is about the Warlords of Draenor so maybe a raid will bring them back to Iron Horde or something:

Grom-He retakes Iron Horde and becomes the Final Boss
Kilrogg-Gets redeemed and saved by Grom
Kargath/Blackhand-Maybe not dead after all
Ner'zhul-Will appear before we get to Grommash and he will interrupt us with his skellys.

My guess is it's Wrathion who's behind this all, he has been spotted on Draenor and has yet to make his move. The official claim by Blizzard is that Grommash will be the final boss in a way but that someone is behind him. And since we know it's not the Burning Legion as he refused to drink Mannoroth's blood I would say it's not Kil'Jaiden or Archimonde. Gul'Dan seems as unlikely considering that Grommash imprisoned him and used his power to channel the Red Portal.

I forgot Wrathion :( I think he should not be since he needs more plot and redemption. Maybe we will defeat him and he realize his "mistakes" and lets Iron Horde join us. And Gul'dan is freed and tides turned and Grommash becomes the warlock's prisoner, watch the Patch 6.1 cinematic "An Inside Job".
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Well if Medivh would be final boss then we would first need to go to alternate Azeroth so its low chance of him being final boss. After the legendary quest continues cinematic Grommash defiantly aint the final boss. Kilrogg is unlikely the final boss since he is more like a puppet of Gul'dan now. Ner'Zhul and Kargath are defiantly dead, but Blackhand im actually not sure, but i doubt he is alive too. Cho'Gall only if Old Gods are on Draenor. Gul'dan Only if he gets like superpowers. So the highest chance who would be final boss is Wrathion, Archimonde or Kil'Jaeden, but while thinking it. Would Wrathion actually be final boss? I mean he is pretty much the only uncorrupted black dragon so if we lose him then i guess black dragonflight will go extinct, because there really was much left of it anyway after Deathwing was killed. There could be a low chance tho that the naga attack while we are on Draenor, but i guess the naga, N'Zoth and Queen Azshara will be used in some later expansion.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
But Wrathion have a big possibility of becoming the Final Boss, preventing us destroying the Iron Horde. If he is, we'll just defeat him.

Imagine the final cinematic:

Wrathion is extremely injured, he transformed into his dragon form but can't fly. Suddenly Thrall, Liadrin, Yrel, Khadgar, Garona and Cordana comes.

Wrathion: You know nothing for our world's safety! You made me fail my *cough* purpose!

Thrall: Your duty is to safeguard Azeroth. You used the Iron Horde to defeat us and become the stronger force that will protect the world! You're doing it wrong, Black Prince!

Khadgar: Indeed. Letting these Iron Orcs will just destroy the main creatures of Azeroth, and will be the same as the Burning Legion, conquering it.

Suddenly Grommash came, weakened.

Grom: You! You brought my Horde to ruin!

He charged to Khadgar, but only struck by Wrathion's magic.

Wrathion: Enough! You will never ruin my new plans! You will be joining us, together with your Iron Horde!

Nah, I can't think but maybe if he becomes the final boss.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Oh and i think what will probably happen to Durotan too. Since he is still a alternate universe character he will possibly die too. I think Durotan and Grommash will make a sacrifice so that we can defeat the one who will be the final boss, but jesus who knows who will be the end boss, because remember that there is a continent at the left lower corner so maybe the ogre empire will make an epic comback against Iron Horde, Alliance and Horde. And btw about your cinematic thing why would Wrathion turn into dragon form? He looks like 2 times smaller as a dragon than as a human. And if we do kill Wrathion then bye-bye to the black dragonflight. Unless something similiar happens like in cata where Nefarian and Onyxia are brought back as zombies, but if they dont then R.I.P black dragonflight. ???-WoD. They will be remembered as evil dragons who worked for the Old Gods.
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Oh and i think what will probably happen to Durotan too. Since he is still a alternate universe character he will possibly die too. I think Durotan and Grommash will make a sacrifice so that we can defeat the one who will be the final boss, but jesus who knows who will be the end boss, because remember that there is a continent at the left lower corner so maybe the ogre empire will make an epic comback against Iron Horde, Alliance and Horde. And btw about your cinematic thing why would Wrathion turn into dragon form? He looks like 2 times smaller as a dragon than as a human. And if we do kill Wrathion then bye-bye to the black dragonflight. Unless something similiar happens like in cata where Nefarian and Onyxia are brought back as zombies, but if they dont then R.I.P black dragonflight. ???-WoD. They will be remembered as evil dragons who worked for the Old Gods. Btw its actually funny that the Old Gods are getting killed anyway. As far as i know pretty much the only ones left working for the Old Gods are naga. Those bug guys in Silithus, some other bugs in Pandaria, black dragonflight, few other dragonflights, twilight hammer clan and Ragnaros's fire elementals are pretty much all dead so the Old Gods barely have anything left. Unless the fifth one has some crazy army with him somewhere underground.

Well, to be fair, Wrathion might've grown since last we saw his true form. I imagine he's at least a drake by now. But still, he is nowhere near powerful enough to be the final boss.

My money is on Archimonde. He took over the Legion efforts on Draenor after Kil'jaeden failed to persuade Ner'zhul. Gul'dan will definitely be a boss in the final raid, but I don't see him being the end boss. Also, Cho'gall dies in Highmaul (Mythic difficulty only).
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Well, to be fair, Wrathion might've grown since last we saw his true form. I imagine he's at least a drake by now. But still, he is nowhere near powerful enough to be the final boss.

My money is on Archimonde. He took over the Legion efforts on Draenor after Kil'jaeden failed to persuade Ner'zhul. Gul'dan will definitely be a boss in the final raid, but I don't see him being the end boss. Also, Cho'gall dies in Highmaul (Mythic difficulty only).
Well according to Wowpedia Wrathion is still a whelp, but its actually funny how Cho'Gall is only killed in mythic difficulty. I think the same thing was with Kargath that he can be killed on one difficulty, but i could be just remembering wrong.
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Well according to Wowpedia Wrathion is still a whelp, but its actually funny how Cho'Gall is only killed in mythic difficulty. I think the same thing was with Kargath that he can be killed on one difficulty, but i could be just remembering wrong.

Wowpedia is just based on what we've seen in-game, books, and occasionally blue posts etc. We haven't seen Wrathion in dragon form since the Tavern in the Mists in MoP (or in any other form for that matter). Some sources indicate that dragon whelps mature into drakes a year after hatching, and I think it's safe to say that a year would've passed by now since Wrathion's birth.

Also, Kargath dies in all difficulties (being the first boss in the raid and all), and proclaims the player finally gets the 100th kill he/she was supposed to have gotten to pass Kargath's arena in the introduction zone.
I would like to see Archimonde as the final boss, especially since we've seen some hints (even from that one toy). He would be exciting to face.

...but I don't know if Draenor has that length. I'm not sure how many patches they're expecting, and they might just end up sticking with Gul'dan rather than establishing the burning legion.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Well i just watched Nobbels 6.2 video and there is a Iron Horde version of Hellfire Citadel which contains some sick bosses. And even more insane is that Kilrogg will be one of the bosses so he probably wont get to be last boss, BUT Mannoroth has been freakin reanimated and is really awesome looking. And the biggest surprise of all. The last boss within Hellfire Citadel will be freakin Archimonde himself. So yeah Kilrogg and Archimonde wont be the final boss afterall i guess. So i guess Gul'dan will be the last boss afterall.
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Well i just watched Nobbels 6.2 video and there is a Iron Horde version of Hellfire Citadel which contains some sick bosses. And even more insane is that Kilrogg will be one of the bosses so he probably wont get to be last boss, BUT Mannoroth has been freakin reanimated and is really awesome looking. And the biggest surprise of all. The last boss within Hellfire Citadel will be freakin Archimonde himself. So yeah Kilrogg and Archimonde wont be the final boss afterall i guess. So i guess Gul'dan will be the last boss afterall.

Woah, I was not expecting the Legion this early. However, there's no way Gul'dan will be the final boss if we defeat Archimonde now. Gul'dan has played his hand with this Legion invasion, and he is not nearly powerful enough to poser a larger threat than Archimonde. So, instead my guess will be on something completely different, I'm not sure what though. Maybe Medivh manages to open a portal from alternate Azeroth, and we'll have to fight Sargeras-influenced Medivh.. Or probably something entirely different, but I am almost completely certain it won't be Gul'dan.

Also, reanimated Mannoroth... Really Blizz?! I like that he has a scar from being struck by Gorehowl, but still... Why wasn't he just reanimated in our timeline then? Heck, why hasn't any annihilan (or other major Legion members) we've ever slain been raised as well? This is just stupid..
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I agree I would much rather have seen Magtherodan instead of a reanimated Mannoroth but I like that they went with Archimonde. As for the final boss I'm still rooting for Wrathion but I wouldn't be disappointed or surprised if they went with Gul'Dan.
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
I recently had an epiphany as to who will be the final boss of the expansion, and I think you will all agree with me: There is really only one option when you think about it, someone who has escaped death multiple times. The one, the only... Millhouse Manastorm! The final raid will consist of bosses such as; Millhouse Manastorm, Millhouse Manastorm, Millhouse Manastorm, and finally we'll face off against Millhouse Manastorm. But before we get to battle these legendary bosses, we will have to make our way through the wicked forces of Millhouse Manastorm; an army of countless Millhouse Manastorms!
Millhouse, having tricked players into creating duplicates of himself, has managed to amass an army, and powered by the miniature iron stars he got in return for the duplicators, he plans on bending all of Draenor to his will, before turning his attention towards Azeroth. I can't think of a better, more appropriate way to round of this epic expansion!
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
I recently had an epiphany as to who will be the final boss of the expansion, and I think you will all agree with me: There is really only one option when you think about it, someone who has escaped death multiple times. The one, the only... Millhouse Manastorm! The final raid will consist of bosses such as; Millhouse Manastorm, Millhouse Manastorm, Millhouse Manastorm, and finally we'll face off against Millhouse Manastorm. But before we get to battle these legendary bosses, we will have to make our way through the wicked forces of Millhouse Manastorm; an army of countless Millhouse Manastorms!
Millhouse, having tricked players into creating duplicates of himself, has managed to amass an army, and powered by the miniature iron stars he got in return for the duplicators, he plans on bending all of Draenor to his will, before turning his attention towards Azeroth. I can't think of a better, more appropriate way to round of this epic expansion!
What... the... f... I hope you are not being serious right now.
Level 5
May 3, 2008
I recently had an epiphany as to who will be the final boss of the expansion, and I think you will all agree with me: There is really only one option when you think about it, someone who has escaped death multiple times. The one, the only... Millhouse Manastorm! The final raid will consist of bosses such as; Millhouse Manastorm, Millhouse Manastorm, Millhouse Manastorm, and finally we'll face off against Millhouse Manastorm. But before we get to battle these legendary bosses, we will have to make our way through the wicked forces of Millhouse Manastorm; an army of countless Millhouse Manastorms!
Millhouse, having tricked players into creating duplicates of himself, has managed to amass an army, and powered by the miniature iron stars he got in return for the duplicators, he plans on bending all of Draenor to his will, before turning his attention towards Azeroth. I can't think of a better, more appropriate way to round of this epic expansion!
He's learned quite a lot since his defeat in Deepholm, and I don't just mean how to hold the soap.
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