1) Terrain - The forest terrain was done very badly, every tree look as if they are stack together and there is a lack of tiles variation usage as well.
2) Camera - Camera was bad. It either run through wall or destructible/doodad. Few selected angle was bad especially when you are using bird view point for shandris fight, the battle scene are hardly viewable because the view had been obstruct by rock and shrub.
The camera was choppy at certain point as well.
3) Replayability - Low, it lack of humor compare to King Klear Tournament cinematic. There is absolutely no humor especially the Shandris fighting scene.
And there is a few dialog that are rather long and the transmission time was too quick, it make it hardly viewable at all.
4) Scripting/Triggering - Lack of a few basic cinematic setup and did not destroy trigger files upon usage.
5) Description - The description was way too simple, please improve it.
This cinematic was between rating 1 (Unacceptable) and 2 (Lacking). However, I decided to vote 1 (Unacceptable) due to the camera setup.