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[Solved] Wc3 or WE Bugg?

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Hosted Project: SC
Level 14
Jul 1, 2010
I saw a bugg, which I cannot describe as a warcraft 3 bugg, or world editor bugg.

When unit has as much as armor needed to reach 100% damage reduction, the unit still recieves small amount of damage. Anyone knows why?
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
Armor reduction equation is (armor*0.06)/((armor*0.06)+1).

For example with 5 armor: 5*0.06/((5*0.06)+1) = 0,2307.. => 23%.

Then how much armor do we need to get 100% reduction? 100% reduction equals 1 on the right side.

x*0.06/((x*0.06)+1) = 1
<=> 0.06x = 1 + 0.06x
<=> 0 = 1

That can never be true. No matter how much armor you have, the reduction won't be 100%.
Armor reduction equation is (armor*0.06)/((armor*0.06)+1).

For example with 5 armor: 5*0.06/((5*0.06)+1) = 0,2307.. => 23%.

Then how much armor do we need to get 100% reduction? 100% reduction equals 1 on the right side.

x*0.06/((x*0.06)+1) = 1
<=> 0.06x = 1 + 0.06x
<=> 0 = 1

That can never be true. No matter how much armor you have, the reduction won't be 100%.
Just wanted to add: WC3 rounds the armor value. That's why it shows 100%, although its just 99,x%

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The minimum damage a unit can receive from any damage source is 1.
Even if an attack deals 1 damage to a unit with stupidly large armor it will still take atleast 1 damage.

This however might not be obvious as the damage received is calculated before armor/damage type modifiers. Thus if a damage type deals only 50% to a certain armor type the minimum damage that attack can deal is 0.5. Likewise attack with 200% damage has a minimum damage of 2.

Also be aware that error in the maths used to calculate damage received might introduce errors (due to rounding the game has to preform internally at certain steps).

With a damage reduction of very close to 100% you will obviously be limited by this lowbound on damage received.
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