Oh god, please no, not the auto-hostbot insanity again.
They were one of the big reasons that killed wc3 in some sense. I will enumerate the reasons why we specially don't even need it anymore:
1. Everyone in reforged is now able host, rendering this mostly pointless.
2. Promotes numerous amounts of lobbies, which fills and pollutes the lobby list of empty player slots.
3. "Requires an active game client" So does this mean you have to buy extra wc3 keys to use this or use your own? Why would anyone use their own to afk in a game, just for other people to play?
4. Autobalancer and other tools already do this ELO things well enough.
Host bots were good when you couldn't either host or had a terrible delay, which doesn't happen now. However, the auto feature of it was an absolute virus (just like COVID-19) that slowly destroyed the lobby list.
So no, please no, for everyone's sanity, we don't want to repeat what was done and ruined.
The cons outweight the benefits.
You are entitled to have your own opinion, but I have to disagree.
1. This is a multi tool, it's not just a bot, although most people seem to like that feature the most.
2. Your first point doesn't make sense to any point of this tool?
3. Your second point doesn't make sense because once again, it's not easily scalable, I doubt people are willing to spend the 40+$ a month, or sacrifice a computer, to host 24/7, so while there may be an increase in amount of lobbies, it wouldn't be substantial, plus they would almost definitely be lobbies of the official communities or map makers(almost everyone who has reached out to me have been the official communities of certain maps).
4. For your third point: look above, many of these communities are excited to use the tool's autohost in order to better organize their own communities. It's even encouraged a few to start implementing ranking systems, which I would like to think encourages people to play more.
5. Are you talking about my old tool? Because otherwise I don't think there's anything else out there that does auto balancing, and my old tool also was deprecated because the framework it was built on became obsolete.
6. This tool can kind of be like a w3champions alternative (a very weak one albeit) except instead of fracturing the player base again it's effects can be seen by people using the vanilla client.
7. As Bogdan stated, this is just one part of the tool. My initial, and still current, goal is to help enhance warcraft in a bunch of different ways, the autohosting part is just a good way to help get it out there. The more people who use it, the more information my enhanced games list will have(showing actual player counts in lobby and in lobby chat), and the more people are possibly uploading their replays to track stats to wc3stats, or the more people are enabling sounds to alert them when the game starts/loads in so we have fewer afk players. I have some new features implemented that I haven't updated in the original post yet, like StreamElemnts integration, where it will announce tips in the lobby/game and/or your discord(if you don't have smth for that already), an obs text source integration so that you can show who is in your current game at all times.
You're entitled to think that the one portion of my tool is bad, I knew it might be controversial going in, but honestly it was really fun to make, and there's not really much more harm I could do to the game now that blizzard hasn't done.
Is it possible to merge this using Server (USA/EU/Asia) Filter tool of TriggerHappy which has the similar index.html mod? (
I didn't even know that this existed. I probably won't integrate it, but I may have to talk to
@TriggerHappy to ask about some stuff relating to it now.
This is not like hostbots, it uses the actual Warcraft 3 exe so it's less prone to abusive automation. Due to the nature of the Bnet2.0 authentication, most people won't be able to make multiple games at once even if they own multiple accounts capable of hosting.
The elegance in this system lies in being able to join games directly via links (like some 3rd party platforms offer for older versions) and being able to host your map automatically, but unlike bots it will not let you just have other people play from your hosting AND due to the new server system will not provide any special ping-advantage if other people even tried to use a well-positioned host.
Your points seem to look at the whole situation as if this were meant to be just a(n) (auto)hostbot program, which it's not.
Another elegant addition is OBS integration, which means it's able to automatically switch your scenes.
This guy gets it