You are my best companion for such conversations! Everyone is stepping away while we are talking
Actually Satyrdom is preformed by rituals, it is a gift. Well ok there was that blade that is said it could turn any race in to satyr... anyway it isn't standard demonic corruption.
That is also true, but main thing is explained here
,,Xavius had been corrupted by Sargeras himself and had the power to turn other willing night elves into Satyrs."
,,Satyrs are often found guarding corrupted moonwells. The Satyrs tend these moonwells corrupted with demonic energy. It is said that these pools are the source of new satyrs, transforming night elves into the twisted minions of the Legion. No one knows if corrupted moon wells work similar transformations in other species"
Actually the only sideffects in blood elves from using fel magic turned up to be green eyes. Transformation is different if it is wiling or unwilling.
It is true, but point still stands that transformation cannot be avoided. They got green eyes at beggining. They would get further transformations by time.
Yes we already agreed regarding that, that clearly there are differences between willing and unwilling corruption. But some things are certain and same in both cases: You always get mutated, and you always get violent, blood thirsty. Advantage of willing corruption is that you got more powerful abilities.
Eredar vs Lost ones, Fel Blood Elves vs Wretched. The Chaotic transformation seems to be WoW more thing honestly because they became obsessed with it.
Yeah and if you noticed there are several types of corruption, for each race differently. Satyrs with their corrupted moon wells, Fel orcs with demonic blood in fountains of blood, Undeads with Necromanic and death energies, Blood Elves with sucking life and mana from demons.... I do not get how other races got corrupted specifically mich, but one thing is common, that they got affected by demonic energies in various ways. Blizzard seems very obssessed with it haha. They seems to like turn each race to fight against its own corrupted versions.
WoW draenei are masters of arcane and holy light, broken and lost draenei can't even feel light and actually started using shamanism. Honestly if I wasn't told they are related I would have never made the connection.
yeah that is true. See that in Wc3, those Draenei's are using mostly shamanic stuff. Akama is using those wolves spirits, chain lightning, shadow strike and reincarnation, those Draeneis mostly uses various healings...
Level 6 isn't that stronger than 5, besides those units usually act as leaders. And Murlock strongest unit is nightcrawler, on fellwood maps you have murlocs mutants who are stronger than regular murlocs. And of course mur'guls are stronger even further.
Trolls for lore reasons work with Ogres so they also get Ogre Lord.
it is not that stronger than Level 5, but have something higher always. Troll Warlord is stronger than any other Troll for example. Sure, he does not have Heal, Inner Fire and ABolish Magic as level 4 Throll, but he is designed for fight. Draenei Seer is not strong as Dark Slayer perhaps, but he has the best supporting abilities.... Also, Level 6 creeps cannot be possesed/charmed and they got Hero reduction effect on spells.
I can say in picture one succubus was very lonely and in picture two it is just demonic machine which could be stolen.
One sucubbus, two voidwalkers and two Draenei.
Also, regarding Infernal machine, it cannot be stolen. This is not mechanical unit, it is regular unit, it has corrupted soul inplanted into machine, so you can use regular spells on it, everything as same unit. This is just demonic twisted mind... To make machines alive.
Real machines are those Catapults which you are stealing in Lord of Outland, and those which Fel Orcs are using against you in Gates of Abyss.
My point was for Scourge Undead, Sylvanas undead (forsaken) aren't tasked to exterminate all life (yet at that time). Not to mention she was desperate. Besides merc units only appear after you brainwash creep leaders and mercenary camps serves to train units representing two forces you have captured.
yes, but still they are used.
You see what we are talking here : This was specific case, this was specific case too, this was specific case too etc etc... So those combined are not just rare, that is common. Several specific cases makes something common.
Those Mercenaries camps are already used in several missions.
"I can't see some creeps" because some mercenaries aren't sentient beings. You can buy Revenants, Sea Turtles, Storm Lizards, Mud Golems (can argue you rent it from a mage) etc and none of those beings has any use of gold. Not to mention that some camps have races that would normally kill each other.
I do not know where can you buy Revenantsm Storm Lizard and Mud Golems.
Yeah about Sea Turtles... I forgot to mention that. Maeiev can buy them in second night elf mission on those broken isles.
Because you already get Naga and Blood Elf buildings and anything more would be excessive influx of units that would not have a role not already taken by units you can train. Draenei units in that mission don't offer anything that overpowered naga units can't do.
Mercenary camps don't make sense at all anyway.
No, that is not completely true. Draenei units are stealthed. You do not have such units in both Blood Elf or Naga. You also do not have siege weaponry. Draneie also in Lor of Outand has those specific assasins with howl of terror, and units with liquid Fire so they can stop buildings from produce units and being repaired. You cannot produce such units by Naga or Blood Elf.
It isn't literal drinking of blood, it is spilling of blood. They would die from killing each other (#1 reason why orcs attacked Azeroth).
yeah that is true. You are right here.
But anyway you missed my point, being vegetable means "brain dead".
While I agree with you, I also like ,,dobru slaninu na zaru i rostilj", but do not let some vegetable hear you. Seems that they can live on flora only....
Who mentioned disobeying orders? My point is that fel orcs would still have fun (kill,torture) on their own even without orders. I am not talking about disobeying I am talking about taking imitative.
And of course they would obey Demon Lord if it gave direct order.
No, you are right about that, you made your point.
I was just explaying my point that Fel orcs are not disobeying orders regardless their corruption made them even more violent and blood hunger than already violent Orcs... which means that this is also side effect of willingly assigning blood pact. They willingly do this, and though that they will be free, but turned out that they are slaves and peons.
Yes corruption can cause that. And yes wow expanded their story. Though Legion by the time of lost Dreanor to Illidan and there are surprising number of forces that oppose both like Shattrath City, Arakkoa, Blades Edge Ogres, Etherals etc.
haha Arrakoa, those parrots?
![Big Grin :cgrin: :cgrin:](/forums/images_all/smilies/chat_smilies/cbiggrin.gif)
Sadly we do not have them in Wc3. But I always wondered why they are chosen to be in Outland. Blizzard should put them in Sunken Ruins as original parrots are from Tropical Areas. Since Turtles, Murguls, Crabs, Lobsters and other creatures are all tropical based.
Gameplay and Story Segregation.
What happens in game does not equal actual story. It isn't literal, it is symbolic.
Charm is seduction and seductions even magical ones have limits.
yes yes, that is right, but we missed one thing.
I were talking about third subjest: campaign gameplay.
You have Gameplay, story and campaign gameplay in war craft.
We cannot simply deny some things as you are following story but not playing it. What you are doing, you are actually playing map. if you ay that that by story there are no Mercenaries camps with Draenei and it is crazy to put red Dragons, that still does not change fact that you still play map where you can buy Draeneis from camp and that you must defend yourself against Red Dragons and yet again to kill several of them in Fel Orcs's big base.
yes, those are illogical but they are present in campaign.
Same with Charm, whatever it is called and explained how works in story, in campaign's gameplay when Queen of Suffering came from Demonic Portal, she can take control of your units regardless how it is explained to work. Or if you get close to her in Master of Pain's Area.
Which is why you don't see living armies in Forsaken forces ever, except Horde allies.
No, I said that they can use them/have ability to use them, not to posses, replicate and mass produce them. Just to capture and use.
Sylvanas actually did that, remember when forces were sleeping, they need actually to posses some humans to open gates for them, and you had hint to posses mortar teams for blowing up structures. So key thing for success in missions is actually to posses units.
That is great ability. when you asked me why would I use Draenei, I forgot to tell you three main thing of taking control over enemy:
1. Immediately removal of unit from his side (same as you killed it, one less for him)
2. One more free unit for you (one more which you did not pay to get killed, thus one more for him to kill it)
3. You can use it for various purposes, especially for some abilities which you do not have in unit's arsenal.
4. (although not exact gameplay point) Possesed/Charmed unit will tell you plans or such and will act as scout, so you can see though it's eyes... But yet again, no gameplay benefits. I am not sure, I may check but I think that you can posses critter and stalk enemy's base and they should not attack it.
Wiling Draenei = Eredar the strongest demons in legion; Unwilling Draeni = Cave man.
Yes. As any other corrupted race, in Felwood for example. Degraded, iolent and mad... Although Giant Spiders got stronger for example, and agressive. Those Fulborgs remained same, in firepower and abilities, but were sick and agressive. But yes you are right about that.
It would still be reigniting old contract green orc made in the past. Mud Orcs never made the contract which is why they never were green which is color of corrupted orcs (words can't express my hate here). Also I am calling them mud as an insult, Mag'har is actual name.
yes, you know that better than me. I just though that Maghar Orcs were the survived ones from Gromm Hellscream's clan after he got purged. It is explained that they also downgraded in some ways, using old abandoned architecture from WC2.
Are you really implying that they would suddenly decide to get Draenei who are almost extinct race so the billions and billions of demons could have spell "healing wave".
You are right abut that, I forgot that they can summon tons of demons from those gates.
But still it also proves my point too. Of those ,,billions and billions" of demons you also have hundreds of Queens of Suffering with their charm.
To take control of enemy unit requires just second for her, if unit is close of course.
But wait, why would not she/you command her to do that as it is also ability as anything else... Same as Shadow Strike, Howl of Terror, Cold Arrows, Silence etc etc... Charm is also part of combat and happens in the middle of combat. Unless, you decide to mind control captive.
That would be rather odd even if I accept that Burning Legion doesn't have some form of healing.
Well they do have certainly, but not in Outland there at Magtheridon forces present, at least in those missions.
Remember that there are Fountains. But still, same as mercenary camps, those are supposed to be for player used only, with exceptions when demons whose guarding those fountains are being healed.
We haven't seen any wounded demon units running though nearest fountain to heal. But yet again, following story, Fountains belongs to demons.
And again thinking from gameplay perspective about story.
Well yes, but campaign gameplay, not regular cameplay, I have to distinct that.
As we already explained and agreed on that actual gameplay is not focusing on logic. I cannot use those screenshots as some 100% valid points because Draenei are mixed with demons just for game or balance purpose, as they needed sometimes to put healers in creeps to make them harder to beat, instead of just throwing high leveled unit.
There just isn't point for Burning Legion to waste their resources in to enslaving guerrilla forces on backwater destroyed planet. They already won there.
Yes, but in fact Magtheridon lost later. because of several wrong moves.
Imagine if you had Draenei Disciples healing Fel Orcs and smaller demons, and Draenei Seers healing stronger units... Do not even want to mention that for me, the best duo combo is definitively Doom Guard + Draenei Seer in entire Outland. Doom Guard is famous for throwing spells at enemies, so when he is done, Seer's briliance Aura will help in faster restoring missing mana to both of them, and if they got hurt, there is healing wave, and both can shoot in air...
Also, imagine in Gates of Abyss, that enemy stealthed Draenei also were attacking you ocassionally... Another annoying treat which you could face of and think how to defend and conquer against.
Also, magtheridon did not use units which could reveal stealthed units, so Draenei could easily destroys those power generators... Doom guard indeed lately used Shades to reveal night elves, When Thrall is facing with Fel Orcs and Grom Hellscream, those fel stalkers and doom guards indeed had true sight ability to reveal stealthed units. But Magtheridon simply had his own bosses with True sight ability.
Lack of healers and stealth detectors costed him so much, as you cannot always to depend of demon reinforcements from gates whose are far away.
That is why when designing techtrees you don't use copy/paste creep units. I would myself make a demon caster that has ability to grant vampire/life steal effect. Or maybe I would have a building that can heal but mana can be restored only through sacrifices. Maybe a Hero that takes health from enemy and gives it to his own units.
Yeah, I would need those suggestions of yours.
I would also do similar. But I could use original abilities, to rename them and give different looking effect and icon. I could give unit such as Obisidan Statue with its unholy replenish mana/heal