Wc3 bonus campaing maps, and transfering heroes

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Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
hi, again me.
this time question is:
At wc3 frozen throne bonus campaing (foundation of durotar), you could go from barrens to echo isles when you passed the barrier.

So, anybode have idea how can i make this in my campaing?
like, somebody enters area and wuala- he is in another area.

and second. in campaing, after you completed 1 mission, in next your hero had all artifacts, etc. as before. how can i make that my campaing hero dont looses articacts/xp and skills?

thanks very much.
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, aka Trigger Editor in World Editor. JASS stands for Just Another Scripting Syntax, and it's the scripting language used by the W3 engine. Since you do not know neither GUI nor JASS, game caches might be a bit difficult for you to handle, but take a look here
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
I didn't underestimate you, I just thought you are a beginner, and game caches are pretty difficult for beginners. Anyway, you don't make "2 maps in one", you're making 2 separate maps and link them together using game caches.
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
well, im begginer. but im sort fast at learning. after 10minutes of looking to trigger editor i created hero-by-wisp-choosing trigger! (i think thats awesome)

i still dont understand the variables, but i quess map making is the harder part.

also, thanks for help and- something offtopic, but i again need help:

if you want to transfer animations from example Paladin to Sylvanas, you have to rename sylvanas bones (like UpperArmR to Arm_bone_right1).
i tried this, but she moved only her head and upper body.

and i would be grateful if you would do model of sylvanas with paladins animations (attack 1-2 is enought) and give it to me somehow.

and you could add hammer to right hand, but i can do that too.
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