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WC3 Armor System Confuzzlement

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Level 4
Jan 27, 2008
I'm confused as to what happens when a unit's armor is reduced below zero.

If a 850 HP unit has 7 armor and loses 5, or if this same 850 HP unit has 20 armor and loses 5, the eHP loss is the same. But if this 850 HP unit has 3 armor and it's reduced to -2, then the eHP loss ceases to be the same. At least when you are using this formula: eHP = HP*(1+(armor*0.06)).

Level 4
Jan 27, 2008
I see, but I'm still not sure how you would calculate a unit's eHP using that information.

So I guess a better way to phrase my question is, how do you calculate the eHP of a unit that has an armor value of below zero?

In other words, how do you calculate how much physical damage a unit that has negative armor can take?
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