WC:III:WoW-Systems Working

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Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
Hi WCIII:WoW modders, may I ask which systems work atm. and if we can see any of them in use *Screenshots* - or could you make a list of some kind :grin:

With systems, I mean like (Damage/Heal-system, Unit Respawn-System, Loot-System, and so on)

Maybe if you need some of them done, or inspiration on how to do some of them, I'm sure a lot of members around this forum would give their shot of how it's done :) *Compatition(to give some more focus to WCIII:WoW, you know .. you have some lack of updates :hohum: )*

Would be great if you would consider something like this, or at least post which of the main systems are done :thumbs_up:

Thank you :)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Completed Systems:
  • Third Person Camera
  • Third Person Camera + Camera Adjustment
  • Keyboard (Arrow Keys) Movement
  • Unit Respawn
  • Player-Bot Enter/Exit Zone
  • World of Warcraft Music
  • Character Creation/Class Selection - Being redone entirely to be just like the real WoW or at least more like it. Right now you choose your class once your character is made; the new version will be where you create the character AND choose the class at the same time.
  • Going From One Zone to the Next - For example, walking from Durotar to Ogrimmar or Mulgure to The Barrens.
  • Mailbox System - You can send your other characters items, currency, or even a text message!
  • Save/Load - Instead of loading your character in a pre-set loading area, your character will be exactly where he/she was when you last saved... so if you saved while you were on top of Orgrimmar Bank, you'll be there when you load, instead of being at the entrance of Orgrimmar or some pre-set loading area like most mods have.
  • Spell Book System - Can't use an easy-access action bar so we have to settle with the old fashioned Spell Book method. You'll see what I mean when it's released.
  • Item Destroy System - If you try to "drop" an item as you would in any other map or mod, a dialog will come up asking "Are you sure you want to destroy this item?"

Currently In Development:
  • Party System - Allows the player to group with an additional four friendly Player-Bots to grind for experience, gank, quest, explore, and whatever else that you (the player) wish to do with your group. Will come with a custom interface that displays each party member's health and mana to make it easier to prioritize who needs a heal or who's out of mana.
  • Looting System - Instead of items simply dropping like they do in nearly all maps and mods for Warcraft III, the corpse will sparkle, meaning it has 'loot'. To loot the corpse, you simple walk up to it and click the corpse. A window will appear which will display the items dropped, such as copper, silver, or an actual item, or both! You don't have to loot all of the items, so you can loot the items you WANT rather than taking everything up.
  • Equipment System
  • Inventory/Bags System
  • Bank System
  • Quest/Quest Log System
  • Merchant System - Brings up a window that allows you to see the merchant's goods and interact with the window to see item stats, purchase item, repair item, repair all, and sell item.

There's other systems in Wc3:WoW, but I left them out because they are going to be removed or replaced... I might have forgotten a few systems, so I might edit this post later on when I remember.
Level 4
Oct 7, 2008
Spell Book System - Can't use an easy-access action bar
There's this project in the Map Development section. Check this out. It has a nice action bar for a WC mod. Or was that still not easy access enough?
Level 8
May 15, 2008
You could use the cooldown UI but you would need it to be a model. From all other full screen systems, the slots and stuff are all destructibles and they use many trackables to detect were a person clicks and so on. The model of the unit in the system is the actual unit himself or a destructible version there and a black background model behind him.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
It's a fullscreen inventory, not "in-game". And as you can see with the spell bar, there's no visible cooldown on the spells.

I actually got it to work to show up the cooldown for abilities in the actionbarbuttons. I simple start a timer with a spellspecific amount of seconds and update a floating textag at the position of the button. It works for all 12 buttons.

Currently I redoing the whole thing in JASS and I got exams in July.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
Would only be possible with animated textures, or with an additional model that is placed over the buttons, playing an kind of rotating fadeanimation.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
We don't have one setup yet, but there will be. We'll try to accomplish the look of being dead doing the following when you die:
  • Fog color changes
  • A simple white transparent filter (might not get added... we'll see how it looks)
  • Sky changes to "Felwood" sky
  • You are ethereal/transparent
  • You have 1% hp and 1% mana but you're invulnerable and cannot cast any spells nor attack
  • Spirit music and spirit sound effects
  • Spirit Healer
  • You can run to your corpse to ressurect
That's all I've got planned for now.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I've seen plenty uploaded at Hive, none of them impress me. Our system will be similar the that one Halloween AoS map Blizzard made (can't remember the name of it) but visually enhanced and will function a bit differently.
Will show it off when it's made and ready. Not really working on that right now though; busy recoding the entire mod.
I've seen plenty uploaded at Hive, none of them impress me. Our system will be similar the that one Halloween AoS map Blizzard made (can't remember the name of it) but visually enhanced and will function a bit differently.
Will show it off when it's made and ready. Not really working on that right now though; busy recoding the entire mod.

Extreme Candy War? I like that map.
Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
You mean a model similar to Tyrael from the Diablo series? Maybe... or we can edit that model to look more like the one in WoW. Shouldn't be too hard. Thanks for the suggestion. :smile:

I remember in Diablo III Warcraft seeing Tyrael.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Hey Craka, project seems to be going well I am assuming? Anyways will we see a system that implements a compare system?
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