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Warriors Chronicles

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Level 8
May 9, 2009
Warriors Chronicles: Age of Revenge

From the author

Welcome! It is glad that you have come, sit down. Oh, you and so sit? Well then I begin the story about my new creation.
More correctly it not only my, is still the person who know Jass and Gui and helps me, for what I am very grateful, his nick-name Just.Spirit, or Dragon_93. Stop, I know that you dont like this grateful snivels, on it keep to the point. I am from Ukraine, thats why please sorry for my mistakes.

Short about the map:

8 players
Max hero level 250
Save\load hero system

About a genre

Genre is problematic to characterise, I have christened it "Mini world"=). But if it is serious, before you hot (and explosive)
Mix of oRPG, filled with arena, and AoS. Yes, probably 80 % of you have not understood what i meen, thats why I speak particularly.
Map on 70 % oRPG, that is, we have the quite good world, it is not had restrictions, we wander, we shake a levels, well and we use foul language, when we will run on mobs more high level than we are =) And at what here Arena and AoS, will tell sceptics? And thus that we have decided to tell has gone stupid and the main thing unuseful prorolling! At all characters, will be skill, to cause on arena an other player, where in absolutely equal conditions
you can to find out, who is the"Uncle", and who is the "Nub". It will be natural to be carried out carrying over only if the target player "agrees on duel".
But to all other, the host can transfer ALL players to arena (even without the consent of the last =), here then will be for many favourite "meeeeet!!!" =) Well and if stupid host, do not wish to transfer all to arena (still, how can he show his 20 level against yours 80 =)), and other players do not close, and are not present in a visibility range, you can to go to arena, and fights with hordes of mobs (under a word "horde" I at all had no in view of our favourite green idio... ammm, brothers)) And wher is the AoS will ask some???
The matter is that in this world there are feudal wars, and lords
from continent Cryingfox wage century war, sending hordes of armies to attack. Here for one from these princedoms we can fighting. Besides, the host very quietly can transfer all players on this war. So, the host, a pancake, is direct
Whether omnipotent that? No, I will respond you. For the sake of it also it would be desirable to add that I HOPE we will make the command of "complaint" and if 4 players will complain on a host that will lose call possibility on Arena or AoS.

Plot (Cюжет)

Understand that in a map of this kind a plot, occupies not such already and an honourable second place, but absolutely to refuse it was full stupid. A plot I wish to transfer in very interesting form (the nervous I ask to leave =))

Even now, after many tens years i can remember words of the wise aged man: "Think, what we one? We are alone, and undefeated? It is no true, my boy! Many ages before, thay showed it, but the prophecy sad that the will came back soon..."

"И тени что бы ли когда то загнаны в ад оживут,
и реки крови землёй нашей родной поплывут,
И слышно только пока на земле их тихий звук,
Но знайте, их лорд Дейсетор уже проклял свой лук
И не ведая опасности все расы воюют вокруг,
И не ведать свободы, пока полчища зла не пойдут на Юг,
Но тогда будет поздно, все силы Властелина в мир войдут,
и будет конец, если князи понимания не найдут..."

I cannot adjust itself the pease, because the darkness too close, on it I give our destiny in charge 8 heroes which must or to be dead,
to ruin all of us, or to make foreordained by destiny...

Features of a map

Oh... Here it is possible speaks long, I will tell that in the plan of lanskaped, I squeeze out from me all that I can and I can not.
Weather in the map are absolute randomised, moreover thus for everyone the sound will be picked up, that is the rain has begun, we listen to sounds of rain, and silent singing of birds, etc. Also the map will be very realistic, you can to sit in prison if will guess a misfortune on someone, moreover and in the face of 110-200 levels guards =) to Come into a smithy, in church etc. as on the map it is already realised
System of an input \exit from buildings at what you will easy walk on the house etc. 70 % NPC will have the daywork, they will go to work,
to have a rest in a tavern, to go to be heated at a fire. And now one of card "counters", that if wish to have a buzzing equipment, potions etc. you must work hard. Why? Because 15 % of subjects will be on sale only, for the others you maust to collect skins of animals,
grasses, a steel etc. to put it briefly to be engaged in Alchemy, Smithy, Sfermacking, and other sciences. As it is made so to say
For trade origin between players as I have already told in a card there is save\load asystem of heroes. Soulripping, collecting of souls. Each soul has energy which owners of stones of souls absorb. At once I say that it will be type, unlegal))) And will approach only for "Semi-dark heroes". To receive stones it is possible in the different ways, all depends on the stone. Kinds of stones: the Death stone, a stone of the Vampire, a stone of Nekromant, the Hatred stone. On a course you can to think up some more. Well as to you?

As I already also spoke, the alchemy will be one of the main things nead on the map.
All recipes will be shares on 3 kinds: basik (which are written down in diaries), told (they are not present in diaries, but it is possible to find way of attempts, do not demand the recipe, to it players can prompt and tell them each other), and at last confidential, (hidden, demand the recipe)

Here someо the recipes taken from a diary:
Weak potion of treatment
Properties: Heal 100 of a life
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients: the Brown mushroom, the Green mushroom, Fire Flower

Weak potion маны
Properties: Heal 100 of mana
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients: the Brown mushroom, the Green mushroom, the Moon Flower

Weak elixir of revival
Properties: Heal on 50 of a life and mana
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients: the Brown mushroom, the Green mushroom, the Cockleshell

Average potion of treatment
Properties: heal 250 units of a life
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients: the Brown mushroom, the Green mushroom, the Yellow mushroom, the Dark blue mushroom

Average potion маны
Properties: heal 250 units of a life
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients the Brown mushroom, the Yellow mushroom, the Moon Flower, the Cockleshell

Average elixir of revival
Properties:Heal On 120 of a life and mana
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients: the Yellow mushroom, the Dark blue mushroom, Fire Flower, the Moon Flower

Life potion
Properties: Increases the maximum size of a life by 50
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients: the Imperial grass, the Dark blue mushroom, Fire Flower

Potion маны
Свойства:Increased The maximum size of a mana on 50 units
Creation place: the Alchemical table
Ingridients:he Imperial grass, Dark blue mushroom, Moon Flower


Well, seem everything if that that still I will recollect, I will write.
The map is ready on 45 %.

Thanks all for attention.

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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
You forgot to translate some parts =))
но в общем выглядит многообещающе ;)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
let's speak english, people dont like non-english speech here i suppose.
you forgot to translate some potions =)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
btw, 'карта' - это 'map'
'card' - это карточка/игральная карта
*my apologies for russian - it was just some dictionary correction advice*
Level 3
Jun 30, 2009
some russian ppl :D thought that will teach me to leave my russian school

looking forward on playing that map :D
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Level 8
May 9, 2009
Don't make project with two languages.

Может всё таки нано-сурвивал? xD =) (how about nano-survival?)

не-не так лучше ( я на тя всуд подам, и отсужу полоdину карты :grin::grin::grin::grin:), кстати нарыл себе целую команду, теперь нас семеро! =) 2 джассера, 2 ландэра, 2 спел мейкера и и квестер

no-no! :grin::grin::grin: i have a good news. I create a really good team. Now we have 2 jassers, 2 landers, 2 spell makers, and 1 quest maker. If somebody want to join our team, write it in this topic!!!
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