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Warhammer Witch Hunter

"Suffer not the heretics to live, loyal of Sigmar!"

I started this model a rather long time ago, figured I'd finish it as a bit of a herald to a flood of models once "The thing" is done.

-Quick fix - Coat shading
-Updated model name from Captain James Hook to Warhammer Witch Hunter (Oops)
-Added firing animation (Attack Slam)
-Fixed and further detailed hat

Warhammer Witch Hunter (Model)

General Frank
A very nice WH-inspired model. Nice animation and creative use of effects. The skin is a bit too low-rez and smudgy. Other than that, this is a fine piece of art. Good job.


Hosted Project: HoS
Level 20
Mar 31, 2004
An extremely well done model, definitely one of your best along with Kaiser and Captain Hook. I foresee a lot of use for this one! Especially combined with Ket's Inquisitor and Mage Hunter who'd work well as his henchmen ^^
However a couple points I'd like to make:
1) No pistol fire animation? The model really calls for one...
2) The hat being slightly crooked is a bit out of character for Warhammer witch hunters who take a lot of pride in their hats! (this one would be easy to fix for anyone who'd like it tho) ^^

Keep up the good work!
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Yes!! Finally.. FOR DA EMPEROR!!!...

Wait.. I like Chaos more... :(
Have you also decided on doing Warhammer Chaos Models from both the fantasy and 40k?

Anyways.. Nice

P.S Got inspired from Total War?
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
I'm going to add a pistol attack animation, and mayhaps both straighten and fancify the witch-hunter's hat, it was unknown to me that they were zealously kept straight (having only Vermintide to go off of at the time of starting the model)

I do intend to make some chaos models, like a troll, chaos knights/warriors, and maybe Throgg or Archaon.
Empire models, Reikland lancers, Karl Franz, Landsknecht, and handgunners.
IF I learn how to properly rig an orc, you'll be seeing Grimgor Ironhide, Orc boyz, Snotling packs, and squigs.

I bear grim news though - that being that I have no intention of making 40k models, on the grounds that Games Workshop killed Warhammer fantasy for it, for which they have been added to my book of grudges.
That which Nurgle giveth, Nurgle taketh away.:goblin_cry:
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
I bear grim news though - that being that I have no intention of making 40k models, on the grounds that Games Workshop killed Warhammer fantasy for it, for which they have been added to my book of grudges.

Care to elaborate?

Btw great model!:ogre_kawaii:
Level 2
Jul 21, 2017
Herr Dave, your imagination and pride you take in your models is one reason I still check the site and play the game. The sources for your models are all full of great lore (Star Wars, Warhammer, LORT). Thanks for all you do!

(P.S. Yup, a gun attack anim would put this over the top!)
Level 1
Dec 15, 2017
I enjoy the overall level of detail and the fact that he has a purity seal on his shoulder that has small rows of text on it.
Looking forward to seeing this model somewhere tirelessly rooting out spread of chaos and heresy.
Great work!
Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
Who says the fans cannot continue the Warhammer lore?
Anyhow, this is, in my opinion, THE best pistol-using unit model on Hive:
- The custom animations are smooth (attack slam with the pistol is suitable in melee using something like a "metal medium bash" attack sound)
- That hat.
- The rugged cheekbones alone would burn heretics at the stake.
- Extremely low filesize for the details.

for which they have been added to my book of grudges.
Dwarf fan, are we?
Last edited:
Level 13
Jul 2, 2015
I'm going to add a pistol attack animation, and mayhaps both straighten and fancify the witch-hunter's hat, it was unknown to me that they were zealously kept straight (having only Vermintide to go off of at the time of starting the model)

I do intend to make some chaos models, like a troll, chaos knights/warriors, and maybe Throgg or Archaon.
Empire models, Reikland lancers, Karl Franz, Landsknecht, and handgunners.
So you wont be making further Warhammer Fantasy models? Or did I misunderstand this comment?