Warhammer 40k Series - Which one is the best?

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Hi there fellow Hivers!

I am looking forward to starting the Warhammer 40k series and I want your opinion on which one of the games is your favorite, which one you think I should start from and if they are worth it at all. From what I've read it seems really interesting, but I really don't know where to start :D
Hope you will help me there :p
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Only played Dawn of War series and Space Marine. I would thus with great bias say start with Dawn of War, Winter Assault and Dark Crusade. Soul Storm is honestly skip-able unless you really want Battle Sisters and Dark Eldar factions. Didn't play Dawn of War II so I can't recommend it and I am kinda annoyed by reduction of RTS side and increase of RPG but that doesn't make it a bad game.

Space Marine campaign is nice way to kill time (It is hack'n'slash game really) but it is more online oriented game and I didn't have chance to try it.

As for other games they are not for PC, not made yet or too old (probably fun if you don't mind it). They aren't really related to each other so in my opinion only Dawn of War is an actual series.

...wait a second you are named Blood Raven and you haven't played Warhammer 40kgames with Blood Ravens?
Only played Dawn of War series and Space Marine. I would thus with great bias say start with Dawn of War, Winter Assault and Dark Crusade. Soul Storm is honestly skip-able unless you really want Battle Sisters and Dark Eldar factions. Didn't play Dawn of War II so I can't recommend it and I am kinda annoyed by reduction of RTS side and increase of RPG but that doesn't make it a bad game.

Space Marine campaign is nice way to kill time (It is hack'n'slash game really) but it is more online oriented game and I didn't have chance to try it.

As for other games they are not for PC, not made yet or too old (probably fun if you don't mind it). They aren't really related to each other so in my opinion only Dawn of War is an actual series.

...wait a second you are named Blood Raven and you haven't played Warhammer 40kgames with Blood Ravens?
Yeah... I kinda got the name from Diablo II - Act I - Quest II :p
Thanks for the reply, will surely check them out.
And yes, I did mean to start playing the series, never been a good mapmaker anyway :p Sorry for the confusion.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I've played all the Dawn of War 2 games. (DoW2, Chaos Rising, Retribution.)

Recommendation depends on what you want to play them for.
Dawn of War 2 has an amazing campaign story wise in my opinion. There is no base building however, you just select 4 squads each mission. It can get a bit repetitive as there are around 40 mission I believe. It's good fun, and they've added RPG elements to the campaign.

Chaos Rising is more of the same, and although I don't find the campaign as strong, I would recommend it if you enjoyed the campaign of DoW2.

Retribution campaign I pretty much skipped instantly as they changed things up too much, so I cannot tell you much about it, other than I didn't enjoy the first few missions of it.

If you want to play multilayer Dow2, go for retribution as the other games online part is pretty much dead.
It takes a while to find players in Retribution, but there are still people playing it. Hit me up if you decide to go for retribution, as I'm still playing it online :)
I highly recommend you to play Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War, Warhammer 40k: Winter Assault, Warhammer 40k: Dark Crusade, Warhammer 40k: Soulstorm - in this order.

I played all of these games, I highly recommend you to play it. One of the best franchises of RTS.

In my opinion Warhammer 40k RTS games are much better than War3.

Now to answer your question:

The best one is the original - Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. Very interesting story line, great campaign, multi-player support (Steam only).

But as I said you should play every on of these in correct order.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I have Dow 1 and Soulstorm, but both somehow failed to grab my attention as storyline and gameplay wasn't really THAT amazing. Will try Dow2 for sure.

DoW 2 is a really not that of a great game. Base building was removed, the resource system can easily be abused, multi-player requires gfwl.

Bland and boring game-play. Spawn units from main building, micro with them until you win. Maybe it's just me, but I like base building.
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