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Warcraft: The last War

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Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Warcraft: The Last War

This map is a map i have been thinking about for a long time. About 3 weeks ago i put the ideas i had into an actual map. Though things arnt quite done yet. My map will be done soon though.

This custom map(a series of maps) Is meant to Expand the game. By this i mean game play will be the same, the same kind of RTS you play on a skirmish map. Only this I'm adding Many things into the bucket. Such as new factions, units, heroes, hostile units, navy etc.

The terrain is pretty much done besides some detail here and there. Factions however im still debating which too add. 2 are for certain, which I will explain rather soon. Some of the things ill put in this topic will be copied and pasted from my topic on thehelper.net. Sense i posted my project there also. Though i barely got feedback, ideas etc. So I'm hoping to receive some here.


War has struck again. A strange re-appearance of the previous horde is on the move. With the Alliance Blaming the new horde Warchief Thrall. Thrall Found out grave news. The old horde is back! Ner'zul Warchief of the old horde returns from a dark portal crafted by his warlocks. Though this brings confusion to everyone sense Ner'zul is the lich king that fused with Arthas. This "old" horde's portal was actually some sort of Time portal. So while the Old horde continues to reemerge into Azeroth. New factions are created, and new allies are formed. The Blood Elves, Old Horde, New Horde, Undead, Burning Legion, Alliance, Who will win this conflict? Only one faction can finally end the final war. The war that will decide the fate of Azeroth.
New features:
Instead of having to pick your race before it starts, everyone starts out as a special town hall that allows you to upgrade to a specific race.


Old Horde:

This new faction will be a duplicate of the horde from the second war. This race is a spamming race. Good portion of the units are weaker then the ones in the newer horde. I have also disabled collision on most units for spamming purposes.

Below is what ive posted on thehelper.net
This horde is the original horde from the second war. One of the great heroes you can summon is Orgim doomhamer. This giant horde is filled with spamming units, sense unlike the newer horde, are a entire legion. Meant for swarming constantly to achieve there goals. Doesn't matter whether they have a great defense, The horde constantly sends units facing death to eliminate them. This horde will be weaker then the newer horde, mainly because like i said previously the newer horde is WAY smaller then the previous. Thus the units will be a bit weaker but very powerful in numbers. Some interesting units im adding, heroes, older units will come back in this epic map if The last War

New units

Ogres-Powerful but slow and stupid, However two headed ones are way more intelligent.

Ogre Magi-Powerful intelligent ogres created in the first alter of storms by gul'dan. These powerful magi can spy on the enemy, shoot fireballs, and cast blood lust

Death knight- The original death knights Meant to serve Ogrim doomhamer in destroying the humans. There powers are yet unknown on the map at this time

Teron Gorfiend- Once part of the shadow council, orgim doomhamer smashed his head to oblivian, but was brought back by magic into a knight of stormwind, Meant to serve Gul'dan Nerzul and orgim doomhammer

Am'ani Trolls- These trolls are strong, and speedy. Joined the horde to mainly destroy the elves.

Ner'zul- The new warchief of the horde after the second war(dark portal).

Zul'jin- Was one the emperor of the troll empire. Now he challenges troll tribe leaders to keep adding trolls to the hordes cause.

Red Dragons- These powerful dragons are just whelps to the queen of dragons thats being held captive by the dragonmaw clan. These giant creatures are powerful and can devour enemy units in seconds.

This i all of the horde i have so far. I am reading tides of darkness so ill cover everything with the old horde

I've now added upgrades to the new horde that allows(well several because of units) For when you upgrade for example

Infuse demon blood-Grunt
this will transform them into Fel Orcs, that specific unit. I'll have almost all the units change.

Mini Factions:

What are Mini Factions?- Mini factions are small armies you may choose. They are almost just as strong as other factions but not as numerous. For they will need more resources and they have less variety of units besides the burning legion. Though there units are more powerful then normal units. They cost more resources. Though some mini factions could have numerous units but they may be cheaper to buy and weaker then others.

Dwarves: A small but strong faction. They dont have many units at there disposal, but there units are strong and heavily armored.

Am'ani Trolls: These trolls once ruled a large portion of Azeroth, once ruled by Zul'jin. Now he seeks to take advantaged of the Old Hordes Arrival, of taking control over land that was once his.

Burning Legion: This army Could be the strongest army on this map, but there units are costly. They are strong and powerful. Once they have a large army, they may never be stopped. This faction is also taking advantage of the old hordes Arrival.

Space Orcs- Why are they here? Who knows, but hey a legion of space orcs! snipers, grenadiers, rocket soldiers, commanders, mini gunners etc! Wont this race be fun? Whats there purpose in this war. To test out there new toys in the 4th war in warcraft =D. Oh did i mention they have medics?

Please, i would really apprciate ideas for this map. This map is a mix of different factions from the series. I may also add mini factions, ill explain those later.
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Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
So, no one will even bother say anything? I've noticed every topic ive made besides my intro, not one post was made. I was hoping i would get good feed back and such here. Apparantly i was wrong...

After slapping the data on a 428x428 map to make war better, and spending hours making half the terrain on the map, my comp freazes and it didnt save. So just means more time being spent on terrain. However The old horde is complete and all, i just have to upload the models and such.

Ideas for new mini factions and ideas for the old horde and new horde would be greatly appreciated. Sense the old horde will have many units, and be a spammer faction i need to even things up.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
I'll get right on it. I'll go ahead and set up pictures of one of the Mini factions.
Space Orcs. Sense im currently working on the units.

They will have around 12-13 units. Mainly ground units, most likely no vehicles. Unless i can find good ship models.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Generally pictures get response, and a ton of text doesn't. People don't want to read through a bunch of text.

I read the fist few lines. It sounds kinda cool. As long as you make a good storyline and keep the player immersed the whole time.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
This is why i need some replies, ideas etc. I'm now making space orcs into a actual faction, name is unknown, i havent thought of a good one. Mainly space units ive added many vehicles such as tanks, goliaths, helicopters. This will be a mix of human and orc space units.

I'm still working on a storyline.

But can you guys tell me what kind of images you want me to put up? I dont know where to really start
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
heh i put the data on a 428x428 map when i got a cool program that surprisngly let me do this. So now i get make a better terrain. Which im still working on it lol its pretty big. Lot of sea warfare.

You guys want me to put up screenies up some of the units i put into the map?
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Not even a small pretty army like this?

Those are just what i have done so far with them. I'll be adding a lot more.

Plus this is just a fun ranged faction on this map. I'll be adding more factions

snipers,lancers,grenadiers, mini gunners, marines, Goliaths, commander, medic. All orcish except the goliath. There is more i can add.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
The goliath is an ugly model. Ugly models ruin games for me. The orcs don't have enough variation, just the guns and the shoulder pad spikes.

I guess if it were to be a side thing, maybe a hidden bonus map, that would be cool.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
For now this is just a mini Faction. A small faction with strong units. I prob wont make the vehicles units. These will either be units in a merc shop on the map or a mini faction. If i can find good units to fit the space orcs ill make it a actualy faction.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Ok sorry about no updates or anything. Lost internet for a while. I'll add some updates and images soon.
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