[Miscellanous / Other] Warcraft: The 2nd War

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Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Warcraft: The 2nd War

The once mighty army of Azeroth lay among the blackened charred remains of Stormwind Keep. Those that escaped fled across the great sea, bringing tales of the suffering they had faced at the hands of the Orcish Hordes. Eager to engage in battle once again, the Orcs constructed ships of war to bear them across the great sea. The Orcish warriors yearned for the sounds of battle to fill the air and looked to the far horizon for new blood to spill. Using the weapons forged by their new allies, the humans made haste to prepare for the onslaught. While cannons were being loaded, others armed themselves with Elven steel and nail. Now united in arms with new allies against the common foe, mankind stands at the shores of destiny and awaits the coming of ..

The 2nd War

What is This?
What isn't done yet
Support Warcraft: The 2nd War

What is This?
This mod is my attempt to recreate Warcraft 2 in Warcraft 3. This means including:
sounds (Music, unit sounds, attack sounds)



- Human and Orc full tech trees - (Death Knight/wizard not done yet)
Ogres to ogre mages; bloodlusted and ready to kick some human but
Knights with exorcism to remove the nuisance called Death Knights

- A working oil system for 8 players (yes, it works)

- Unit stats set close to WC2 (E.g. Footman: 60 hp, 400 sight range, etc.)

- Midi versions of the music from warcraft 2 (i.e. the music that played if your sound card was bad) adding to immersion.

- ..And more

What isn't done yet
I have yet to finish the mage and death knight, but i figured that i would make this post already to see how interesting people are in this.

Some units don't have good Wc2-ish models simply because there are none to be found for them at the moment.

I haven't made any maps so far - only set up the setting and gameplay - which leads us to the next section..

Support Warcraft: The 2nd War
I will upload the current Test map within a few days (it may be today already) for people to try out.
Please support the project by pointing out bugs and features that could be closer to the original WC2.

If anyone is interesting in making maps for this project it is much appreciated: just remember to use rolling cliffs (non-blizzard cliffs) so the transports can always unload on any land. Also use the plateau height to set ground height just above the height when water can be seen through it - this is because WC2 didn't have height differences. Finally remember to use rock chunks and my (custom) trees only for obstacles.

Thanks to AnemicRoyalty, Scars Of Conflict Team (check out their project here on Hiveworkshop.com), Red XIII, Mechanical Man, The10th-X (Ink stroke selection circle), for models and icons

Thank you.
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Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Thanks for the interest. At the moment i'm working on the old map Dun Algaz - the one where you first got Knights in the campaign :). This does not mean that i'm remaking the campaign (at least not yet), it's for using as multiplayer map


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
why using a campaign map for multiplayer?

Cause i like the classic campaign maps, and i don't see why some of them can't be balanced for multiplayer with a few tweaks.

EDIT: I didn't put alot of effort in making the map accurate. The bridges are where they should be (i spend time counting 2x2 with farms in WC2 to get them correct), but the rest is just by hand.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Update: With my limited triggering skills i have managed to make a combat system based on the Warcraft 2 model. Also i have a working, if slightly bugged, oil system - but like i said it IS working - mage and Death knight still not finished as i find them and their spells hard to balance and i want the other stuff to work first.

Also i haven't been able to test the map more than a few times, therefore it isn't released yet in beta form.
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