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WarCraft Roulette

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Level 2
Feb 27, 2008
Hello guys, I want to introduce my current project
WarCraft Roulette!
Current Version: 0.93
I'm new here, so please forgive me that this summary doenst look as good as others :) (and my english is also not the best )

At first what is the map about?

Well it is like the name already said a Roulette simulation for WarCraft 3 TFT. It is playable by 1-11 players.
You can set bets on a real looking roulette table. In the moement it looks like this:


On the bottom you can see the start positions of the player, if the player number is active he gets a so called gambler (model: paladin). This is the only Unit you need in this game. The gambler can "build" the bets on the different fields (which are placed like on the real roulettetable). The dircet bets you can do are: 10, 100, 1000 and 10000 gold. Ervery bet can be upgraded when placed, in the same steps as the ground bet (e.g. you can "upgrade" a bet of 10 to 20,30...until 90). Like on a real Roulettetable, you cannot remove any bets! Also, in fact of spamming a field, you cannot place more then 1 bet per field. The Game has (in the moment) no really goal...just make as many money as possible. But it has end when all players are out of money.

How does the thing with the ball and the wheel works?

To make a real looking simulation fo Roulette I needed to simulate also the roulettewheel and random numbers after each round.
I decidid to make it like this: At the picture above you see a white square at the top of the map. This is the rouletteweheel, after each round (it is currently set to 45 sec. per round) the playercameras jump to the top and show a ball (model taken from wc3) rolling along the square ( a ring is not possible with this method..). Every Number is shown on the quare as flying textmessage (of course in the correct Rouletteorder). With the random trigger the ball stopps at a randomized number. The maximum round number of the ballmovement is at least 2 hole rounds across the square, more would take too much time.


When the Ball stopps there comes an message for every player on which fields he won what an amount of gold.

After this the gambler units are back and you can bet again...and so on!

What I've done until now

- complete map design
- complete triggering of alls events (without JASS!)
- added a scoreboard/ a timer/ a display of the last numbers

- added quests/help in english and german
- EDIT changed the game camera, which was pretty hard to make ( an overall perspective...) Could be better at all!
- added a camera command for fixing the game cam (if resetted to normal wc3 cam) "-cam"
- added ball animation
- added field names as flying texts
- added 5 different goldmodes to start for host (normal player 1)

- added a new loadscreen (first as .tga, now .blp)
- added new previewmap (.tga)
- added some new buttons (some of them below) as .blp

- added shortcuts for every bet

What I want to do in coming versions

In fact this is one of the problems I have...I dunno what more I can do. Maybe there will be an animation after each round on the winning bets for a better overview. Also it would be possible to add a "choose roundtime" function for the host. If any one has other ideas, just write me a pm or post in the thread :)

What I can't realize

I was unable to make a ring as roulettewheel. Also it was not possible to make Crossover fields, these are fields which are between the number fields and combine 2 or 4 numbers at one bet. That just looked pretty nasty.

Also I tried to reduce the map size, so I changed the loadscreen from .tga to .blp, but in fact it became bigger then before -.- I think this is connected by the new buttons I added (they are not big!). So the current map size is about 2,2mb.

I hope this was an useful introduction to my WarCraft Roulette project, if you have question please ask. :)

EDIT: uploaded the map at hive workshop:

P.S. This map is completey unprotected! You can take a look at it if you want to :)

Greets muSick :)
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Level 2
Feb 27, 2008
Well the thing with slowing down would (maybe) be possible for me too. But how do you want to get a circle? if the map would be bigger it would be no problem, but with the groundtextures that is not possible I think ( a bigger circle would take more time to run through - longer playing time...).

maybe you tell me what your idea was ^^

greets musick
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
WEllz, I meant with the maps section, but that's fine too.

And, for doing a circle, you can just use a wisp wheel, and offset the unit by it's point value, which you can set to a random number.

You can learn Wisp Wheels with me Solar System:

If that isn't clear enough, I'll just show you what I mean.

hmm, that was my advice, just couldn find it :(
Level 2
Feb 27, 2008
Oh so I ddidnt understand you correct :D But thats no problem,I uploaded it now in this section :) Maybe they will host it anyways, we'll see :)
At the thing with the wisp wheel I'll take a look :) Thanks for the link/idea.

EDIT: looks pretty cool at all :D
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Level 2
Feb 27, 2008
yeah, but in the moment there's no time...I'm a student and my semester exams are right now (I did already 3 of 6...) So, yeah I'll try it when I've got some time for it. Am I allowed to use it directly? With all the jass things and so on^^
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Great idea, wish I knew how to play. So that brings me to possible an in game tutorial, like detects if only one person enteres adn starts the tutorial, otherwise it's normal gameplay?
Level 2
Feb 27, 2008
So well...if you dont know how roulette works you shouldnt play it...but actually there are not many things to understand! In the help (F9) are descriptions of the different fields (if you dont know what a field stands for). Or what do you not understand? A tutorial wouldnt be useful I think, maybe some tips which can be activated for a player with a command like "-tips" or something like that^^

To supermj: Well I know that you triggered it with normal WE actions, but there are some little actions where you used a selfwritten command (which is JASS?). So thats why I asked :) But its cool that I can use it, I will give you credits if I'm able to succesfully add it to the map :)

Greets muSick
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
There is lots of people who don't know how to play, so an tutorial to teach those who don't would draw in more players. Tips would also help for multiplayer games.
Level 2
Feb 27, 2008
To Rakdos, Defiler:

Hmm so you want a tutorial for a game with 1 player only? Hmm...the tips could explain Roulette too. And it would be possible also for multiplayer games, but just for persons who needs this help. :)

To Supermj:

Okay I'll copy it and try to build it in my system :)

Greets muSick
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