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Warcraft III Unit Balancer

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Ever been making a game and found it painful and annoying to edit the units, test and repeat to get balanced units? Now you can use this simple program to easily balance your units.

As this is written in HTML, it supports all computers that have been made in the last 10 years.

Warcraft III Unit Balancer (Binary)

» Wolverabid « Date: 6th of February, 2008 Approval status: Approved Rating: (7) Very Good Main points: [x] The tool is stable and performs as designed. [x] The tool is useful and easy to use.




» Wolverabid «

Date: 6th of February, 2008
Approval status: Approved
Rating: (7) Very Good

Main points:
[x] The tool is stable and performs as designed.
[x] The tool is useful and easy to use.
Level 6
May 13, 2007
Very nice, only a couple problems I see:
1) Lowest cooldown ONLY 0.03? You need to account for Shift+Enter values (I know that'd be very hard but if you did it, it would make this tool all the better)
2) Accounting for abilities would be nice. (Another hard thing but of course use only Bliz made ingame abilities but that is a big part of battle that this misses sadly)

Overall: This is a very good tool, I'll give it a 9/10, as it is still useful without the other stuff I mention, but if you added them then this would a mapmaker's GOD!

Edit: Holy crap... Was using for my map, a 0.01 hp regen difference made a win in 14935 secs with 3% hp left after 5974 hits and a win in 15400.8 secs with 4% hp left 22001 hits. (First red won, 2nd blue won with that slight difference.. Wow...)
Level 6
Jun 1, 2006

Cooldown, I'll have a look into it.

Abilities, well, that would be very very hard, and most normal units don't use combat abilities (give or take a few ;) )

Real program, it is not a link to an online version, it just opens in a web browser and doesn't require an internet connection.
Level 6
May 13, 2007
Well, for the abilities, you'd have to program in every basic blizzard ability but for the options with them, their pretty much the same with every spell. A good spell for anything is the "Channel" spell, but anyway I'd say try hard as possible AFTER the cooldown thingy since this would be alot harder. GOODLUCK!
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
This is awesome :) this is the first tool I've seen that I really need.

Though it would be great to have the abilities, but I guess Ill have to do triel and error for that, still this will help tons.

Or maybe you could make an ability balancer... somehow, then if all the abilities are balanced, it will only matter how many abillities you have.
Insaniac69, that's because the only tool moderator has been hit by a car and is effectively "dead" on the internet.

At the moment we are trying to get a new tool moderator.

And did you even make this? Because this looks exactly like the old unit balancer from Maps and Mods.
Level 5
Jun 25, 2005
Pretty useless if you change the percental damage a unit with specific armor type gets by a specific damage type.

…and it really just looks like the old damage calculator.
Level 5
Jan 23, 2005
Nice program, although it would be nice to have multiple units on either or both sides, in case you wanted to test two types, and one is better off with another of it's type (Aka zergling)
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Sorry I don't find this useful, because units are pretty boring. So I tend to add at least one ability to every unit. This doesn't support abilities, which make a ton of difference.
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007

Usually unit balancing is pretty simple, just gotta know what your doing, basically the three big things to keep in mind will make 80% no problem

1.Make many of the unit characteristics the same (hp regen = 1 for all) to narrow down the amount of balancing
2.Make some units have specific strengths over others
3.Keep in mind cost, that can always be used to balance it out quickly

If your trying to balance out races then nvm cuz thats hard as hell
Level 2
May 17, 2008
A good program at the first glance, but I could be advanced.
How? - Please make te standardunits chooseable, so one klick sets the data of the choosen unit. Another Advancement would be to set the ammount of every unit type fighting at the simulation.
Level 2
Aug 24, 2008
Uh and idea is u could make a system that would allow u to upload the stats of items/heros (with items) cause like if u put gloves of haste on a hero (15%) attack speed u would have to calc it ur self and then edit just an idea is also multiple units vers
now i have no idea how complicated this would be/practical but its an idea
Level 1
Jun 2, 2008
Wow Nice I love the idea of the HTML and great thing you can exactly define the armor and everything else ♥
To Include spells (single target), you could: include mana, the spells cooldown, damage (negative, would asume its healing, and add the dmg to your hero) and mana cost.. it would only have 1 spell slot at a time ofcourse..

On a side note, there should be a 'Templateify Unit' option added to newgen.
This would simply be an checkable option, for pasted units to be templated (anything that affects balance, to be set at an standard value, and art stuff remain unchanged)
Its anoying when mountain giants are doing the moonwalk, because someone failed to change a animation playrate..

You could argue that people just shouldnt be lazy..., but honestly, why waste time on it, if you didnt have to. I mean you would save alot of time, from changing the model file, the shadow, the icon, and many other fields, to make it look good. Just postin the idea here cause i thought of it a few mins ago XD, and im to lazy to post it anywhere else, cause i dont particularly need it myself, i just remember from the good ole days
Level 2
Sep 23, 2008
Hmm I'm trying to balance things, but it's kinda hard.

What does it mean when it says that they win with 0% health left over, does that just mean they have less than 0.5% health left, or does it mean they are dead?

i guess that depend on the stats(Range for example), but if a team win with 0% health, your units are VERY balanced!

I consider 2% a good enough margin, because each unit match up differently against other units.

One comment for the maker: Great program, but lacks the ability to calculate results with different number of units. even if a unit win 1 on 1, it may lose in 10 on 10. There are few cases were 1 on 1 battles happen in wc3, exept for 1 on 1 hero battles on custom maps.
I've looked into it and thought how pointless it is to even think why someone would make this. Yeah you need to make units balanced out, but the issue is not that they are imbalanced at all. The issue is how this imbalance works to play out the balance in the end. For example, from blizzard's creation of the races humans and orcs in War3 footmen vs grunts. 1v1 the grunt is stronger and will win the fight. Add another footman and the footmen will win though on might die in the process, but that is the point of it. They were made to be more effective in a larger army against the grunts. Add in more kinds of units for each side with different kinds of imbalances put them all together and you will see them as they were made as perfect balanced armies. I'm sorry to say this, but, even though it is a good tool and it works, when you make something you better make a part of it imbalanced because nothing and no one is perfect, add in the right vision and team there is your perfection. The only way to balance out something is by knowing that you will never ever be able to change it's imperfections without making new ones.