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Warcraft 3 Vertical Break Code Tools(Release)

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Level 2
Jul 4, 2009
Warcraft 3 Vertical Break Code Tools(wc3vbcode) is a simple java-awt GUI tools to help create and visualize colorized tooltips or descriptions used for Warcraft 3's worldedit objects. Basically this is an enhanced wc3colorizer with more features and it's also useful for generating HTML item list/manual for all maps with optimized txt item file.

I posted v0.1 on a popular Chinese mapping community, I got a couple of downloads and few hundreds views but 0 feedback, I still don't know if the JAR I exported runs for others or not, due to the sorry state of feedback from that site. So I created a sf.net project and post the new version here, hoping to get more feedbacks and problem reports.

*Convert newline to |n(Input field to Output field)
*Add color code |c for selected text in Output field
*Add gradient color code for selected text on a per-character basis
*Preview vbcode'ed text in another window drawn with awt graphics
*Import itemfuncs.txt(must be itemfuncs.txt in the same folder) and generate HTML tables for all items.
*Import itemfuncs.txt(must be itemfuncs.txt in the same folder) and generate HTML tables for item name+rawid.

Translation strings:
Move or delete lang.txt and rename lang.txt.[language/country code] to lang.txt to use specific language strings.

Source Code:
The latest source code can be obtained from svn repository in the following url:

Additionally the JAR file can be downloaded from sourceforge.net project:

I hope this is the right forums to post this kind, please move this to appropriate forums if it is not the right place.



  • wc3vbcode0.2.zip
    32.2 KB · Views: 61
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