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Warcraft 3 Reforged Story - Your opinion

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Level 8
Jul 26, 2013
The story for Warcraft 3 Reforged will be slightly different from Warcraft 3 since it will also focus on adapting it to fit World of Warcraft's story.

Personally I dislike this immensely, even if there are going to be minor changes, because I believe Warcraft 3's story is better in WoW's lore. Yet, it's nice for those who are more familiar with WoW's lore and like it.

I've started to get more and more sick with WoW's lore, there are flying alien space ships! In Warcraft the most technological someone got were the goblins and gnomes I believe. Even in WoW, they just kill of major characters like its nothing, and I don't feel that they were just deaths. Deaths such as Tyrion, Varian, Vol'jin, etc.

I might just be fanboying about though... What are Your opinions?


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
It's going to get very weird in the RoC campaigns but the Frozen Throne ones will probably be the most changed story/cinematic wise. There's whatever going on in the broken isles oh wait they're not endless ruins now and I'm not even gonna start with Illidan. I can honestly see the blood elf campaign being renamed the Illidari campagin because that's what it always was in plain terms and a setup for a vanilla zone that never came out but that's irrelevant.

The founding of durotar, well, I'm imagining the worst.
The draenei/lost ones/broken
Sylvanas missions

Yeah I can easily see the worst coming from this.


Hosted Project: W3CSW
Level 11
May 13, 2010
It depends on how they approach it.

Retcons don't have to be bad. They are acquired tastes and we will see what flavours they're going to offer.

I mean War3 was very primitive and was the basis for many things that have evolved since. The Dragonflights weren't defined by anything other than colors and there were no aspects. There were no Dark Iron dwarves or division between Bronzebeards and Wildhammers. The Scarlet Crusade was not formally introduced. Black skinned Blackrock Orcs and beefy Amani Trolls weren't a thing. We already know they're adding Kul Tirans that resemble the BFA look for Rexxar's campaign, and I'm looking forward to that.

Inserting characters might be a bit much. Still, we have so many unseen characters like Saurfang and Fandral Staghelm that could be explored if there is room add content where it makes sense.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Depends on how much they change it, providing that they just expand the lore showcased ingame that is fine.

I have the 4th volume of chronicle which covers the wc3 events, good stuff, I do not think retcons much (if anything) and merely adds to it.

I wont really be mad if they recon things to WoW.. I think, since I play WoW.
But I will be a bit disappointed.
Level 6
Apr 7, 2012
Hello everyone, and hello Blizzard devs.

Long-time lurker, first time poster.

Anyway, I have been playing Warcraft games ever since I was 7 years old, and I am now 26 so I think I have a pretty good understanding about what makes Warcraft the game we all love.

First of all, I noticed that there are quite a few people who dislike WoW and I kind of get what they're getting at. WoW takes the Warcraft 3 story and it makes some very questionable decisions regarding the story but a lot of the lore is still very good.

So my request to Blizzard is to keep people who like World of Warcraft in mind when making this without sacrificing what made WC3 great.

As far as retcons go, not all of them are bad. I see absolutely no reason why the "Human" Frozen Throne campaign shouldn't be the Blood Elf campaign. Just add Blood Elf aesthetics over the human buildings and creatures. I have always found it very jarring how the Blood Elves use human units.

I quite liked the Stratholme changes too. It still feels like the Warcraft 3 version but I also recognize it as the WoW version.

I also see no reason why there shouldn't be a reference to Shadowfang Keep in the Silverpine Level or other dungeons or even famous NPCs. It doesn't need to be too complicated, the references to the COT bosses in the Stratholme levels were nicely done.

Some Warcraft fans want to act like WoW doesn't exist at all but I find that to be ridiculous. Don't forget that there are a lot of people who like BOTH games.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Some Warcraft fans want to act like WoW doesn't exist at all but I find that to be ridiculous. Don't forget that there are a lot of people who like BOTH games.
Mentioning of something as in adding stuff is different than changing the existing stuff.

It's going to get very weird in the RoC campaigns but the Frozen Throne ones will probably be the most changed story/cinematic wise. There's whatever going on in the broken isles oh wait they're not endless ruins now and I'm not even gonna start with Illidan. I can honestly see the blood elf campaign being renamed the Illidari campagin because that's what it always was in plain terms and a setup for a vanilla zone that never came out but that's irrelevant.

The founding of durotar, well, I'm imagining the worst.
The draenei/lost ones/broken
Sylvanas missions

Yeah I can easily see the worst coming from this.
Currently, the Culling of Stratholme delivered reasonably.

Hopefully Illidan will have the blindfold.
Retcons don't have to be.
Just add to what there already is.
The Scarlet Crusade was not formally introduced.
It wasn't even in TfT.
Black skinned Blackrock Orcs
Blackrock orcs were never black even back in Orcs and Humans. Orcs were always green. Became red in Warcraft III due to Chaos/demon blood.
We already know they're adding Kul Tirans that resemble the BFA look for Rexxar's campaign, and I'm looking forward to that.
As I've mentioned, add stuff, not change it. This sort of thing is what there needs to be as with the Kul Tiras units.
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Level 6
Apr 7, 2012
Mentioning of something as in adding stuff is different than changing the existing stuff.

I just wanted to let them know that there are people who do want some maps to look more like World of Warcraft, while keeping the WC3 feel. To me, Stratholme felt like both games, which is exactly what I want.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I just wanted to let them know that there are people who do want some maps to look more like World of Warcraft, while keeping the WC3 feel. To me, Stratholme felt like both games, which is exactly what I want.
Strangely, I have less issues, almost none at all with doing what you wrote than porting units/characters from WoW/HotStorm to Reforged. Most of all, I am against changing the WcIII story and not adding to it to better connect it to WoW.
Level 6
Apr 7, 2012
Strangely, I have less issues, almost none at all with doing what you wrote than porting units/characters from WoW/HotStorm to Reforged. Most of all, I am against changing the WcIII story and not adding to it to better connect it to WoW.

Judging from the Stratholme map at least, it seems like the characters from WoW are going to be minor. I mean they had Meathook and Salraam and that was about it. I'd also like to see a couple of Worgen camps in the Silverpine map too. There are also other minor characters like Dar'Khan that I'd like to see. I don't want them to have a major impact on the game, I just want them to be there, and maybe have a couple of lines of dialogue.

Besides, the vast majority of the lore from WC3 is still intact.

Still, I am not sure how they are going to manage some of the other maps. Suramar and the Broken Isles look completely different in WoW.
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Hosted Project: W3CSW
Level 11
May 13, 2010
At that point you are picking and choosing what retcons you want and what you dont. If you are okay with Kul Tirans because its added and not black skin orcs or buff Amani because that is change, then you are arguing semantics because both are changes.

Green eyes to Blood Elves is as much of a change as Black skinned Blackrock Orcs or Akama looking like a Broken instead of a Lost One. You can make specific arguments but you cant just label some as change and some as add on your own terms.
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
If you are okay with Kul Tirans because its added and not black skin orcs or buff Amani because that is change, then you are arguing semantics because both are changes.
I don't know what Kul Tirans are gonna look like in Reforged, but if it's just adding an anchor on shields, it's no big deal. It's just a light cosmetic addition of something that already existed in Warcraft 2 (not the shield anchor, but the Kul Tiras nation).
Black skin on Orcs, however, is something completely new that never existed before WoW. And even then, I'm wondering if those orcs with different colours were introduced only to distinguish them from players' green-skinned orcs.
Same goes for Akama as a Broken, green-eyed Blood Elves and so forth: these are details or lore that was introduced in WoW. That would mean it's retcon.
Level 11
Nov 23, 2013
Well I have no idea what they look like in BFA and Google didn't help much. I guess it all depends on what Blizzard does with them, if they look too WoW-y or not.
Level 8
Jul 26, 2013
I guess I am fine with them adding the kul'tiras lore from bfa to warcraft 3, since kul'tiras is flexible in the RTS world because there aren't any "stick on" parts of the story that would be damaged. Kul'tiras already lacked some lore in RTS, so I don't think we will loose anything if the BFA version is added to BFA.
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