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WarChasers II: Vengeance

Welcome back to the conquest for Eternal Pride. Thousands of years have passed since the Heroes of Ages won their victory over the Shadow Lord, and the landscape has turned to ruin. However, they now face a threat far more powerful...


A new Shadow Lord has taken command of the city, and the heroes rush to challenge him... only to find themselves locked into a new quest... for vengeance.




With incredible new powers and a merciless will to press on, there is no telling just how powerful the heroes will become...


I receive lots PM's on Battle.net from people requesting me to re-host so they can get another shot at this. I get a lot of people playing the game who've already beaten it several times. This is one map that, I can safely say, will leave you wanting to play it again and again.

- Complete music system overhaul
- Traitorous backstab damage is blocked
- Some events make the camera shake
- Many abilities added/removed/reworked a LOT
- Game now automatically detects handicap needs - monsters spawn more quickly and have more HP the greater the number of players
- Vastly improved the opening/ending sequences
- Vastly improved the visual effects, sound effects and camera work throughout the game and added improved tooltips and dialogs
- Substantial terrain changes
- Sight radius cut
- Enemies now sometimes spawn in groups
- Revival system now timer-based and purchased at the Resurrection Stone
- Spirit Gems also give Tome of Power when purchased
- Enemies mostly balanced

Gambit Version completed: 11 January 2010

The highest credit to the original creators of WarCraft� III, Battle.net� and WarChasers - Blizzard Entertainment�

All Additional Revisions: Bribe (Collective-Fury) @ Lordaeron aka Altruity @ Azeroth

Thanks to Square Enix Co., Ltd for the great Final Fantasy� series which gave me the ideas "Charge", Auto-Life and general inspiration for WarChasers II.

Thanks to the makers of World Editor Unlimited for making such a useful program.
For the idea to cut the sight radius and to sometimes have an ambush spawn - InsaneMursame @ Lordaeron
The idea for the "blink" aspect of Steal - Jade49 @ Lordaern
For many parts of this map, consulting HiveWorkshop.com was incredibly beneficial.
For the idea to make a permanent summon for BeastKnight - Phail_Macz1938@Lordaeron.
For the idea to make Charge increase per hero level - BloodOmin@Lordaeron.
Thanks to all who tested my early maps. Your lousy experiences made this game possible.

Contact: [email protected]

WarChasers, RPG, Conquest

WarChasers II: Vengeance (Map)

Date: 16:59:53 21-Jun-12 Map Moderator: -Kobas- Map Status: Approved 4/5 Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message! Useful Links: If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here:Map Resource...
Level 12
May 30, 2009
Awesome job!

Dude. That was !@#$ing awesome. I played through the whole thing. Here's my story...
I started off as Mumm'rah. I ended as Mumm'rah. Simple. One of us left early, so he was insignificant to our progress. Another one of us died at the tank part; a pity. The slow-motion epic ending was really epic. 2 of us slow-mo running into the portal, with the explanation that we're given a second chance at life, awesome. The music was also fit for that setting. It's the first time that a custom game made me show any sign of emotion.

Everything is great, except that one of Snake Aes's spell triggers are red lightning that connects from her and a certain point (it isn't destroyed properly). Other than that, great job! Every other aspect of the game is fine to me.

Rating: 5/5

Approval :thumbs_up:
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Level 9
Dec 22, 2008
Well I played with the Dark Ranger first (Snake Eye I think).When I tried to use her ultimate it didn't summon any skeleton, and it caused a red light betwen be and the target even if the targed died...and the red light didn't dissapear and caused mass laggs.
Another is the Naga Witch when I tried to use her 1st ability (don't remember the name) the game got bugged and I couln't move my hero anymore.
And others...
Thank you for the tips, again. I've removed all of those glitches except...

I've been trying to incorporate the CallDestroyGroup custom script throughout my map, and I'm having some big glitches (group no longer works for the functions I need it to). It's either going to make me create an individual group-variable for each trigger, or it's going to make me remove all the custom destroygroup scripts if the glitching continues.

Has anyone some advice?

Edit: here's what happens - I have "GenericGroup" assigned to a unit group via "Set GenericGroup=all units in x region" and it works. In many events I need to call GenericGroup again, and it doesn't work at all. For example, when I send the player units to heaven, it's a "pick every unit" so I've read I need to destroy that unit group - thus I use GenericGroup again and destroy it. Making a customscript that destroys a unit group ARRAY causes terminal script failure in the World Editor.
Level 9
May 22, 2009
Played it, liked it, reviewing it

I played berserker guy, demon hunter model

-nice terrain
-nice custom abilities, even tho not triggered, it was still fun enough to play
-items were nice, I liked the special item for my hero, which later could be upgraded, must say even after 2 upgrades, i could still pay to upgrade to get free levels (cost me 2500 each time tho)
-best custom warchasers I have played so far, I liked the start of the story showing how the old heroes died, also the notes on some of the items about the old heroes, a detail I liked.
-difficulty was pretty good balanced among the parts, even tho this probably depends on how much you creep till you destroy the building
-being able to buy ur mana, was a nice extra, and made the game a lot less boring so I could atleast keep using my abilities
-last boss fight was nice, battle changes depending on his hp, died 4 times before I could finish him :p

-Near mid of the game the initiate abilities become near useless, you could either make more levels, or make some abilities str/agi/int based, even tho if you don't I woudn't mind, atleast you can buy that 15000 gold ultimate ability, which could be more imba :p
-Bug with unit that keeps respawning when you go left at the beginning, the knight keeps respamming at the fire, if I wanted I could leave my hero there and wait an hour and become level 20 or sumin with 10000 gold(didn't actually do this, just saying I could)

I probably have more pros and cons, but I think I mentioned the most important ones, I think the map deserves a 5/5, and +rep
@ skamingo

Thanks for the review! A few things I wanted to clarify:

Custom abilities are heavily triggered, especially for your hero. Blade of Pain without triggers and without dummy units does nothing, and Blade Radio is one of the most trigger-intensive spells in the game.

The unlimited respawns in the beginning is not a bug, it's just that the enemy is teleporting in there so there's no spawn building.

Thanks for playing, I've been working on this map for maybe 5+ hours average per day since September! It's been a full-time job, and I hope this version will really kick off.
Level 6
Dec 28, 2006
I just have played your map, as the hero with Warden model, my friend was playing hero with Dark Ranger model. I enjoyed it for most time, but I see much room to improve it.

The remake of Warchasers terrain was done very well. Had some darker atmosphere, which is very good.

Hero I played was quite good to play, quite good abilities, however some were rather weak from midgame to lategame, because of only 4 levels and not scaling with attributes. Also they lacked offensive power (only acid bomb had some damage over time, and passive gave +50 to hero damage). It meant that later i the game it was mostly auto-attacking creeps, without using abilities much.

Bosses were made decently, however you could give them some more abilities. Also the last boss was mostly about attacking him, running back, healing, and repeating. It was rather boring, because he had much hp, so it took quite a few minutes of repeating the same not very interresting process over and over. Making him spell immune after some hp lost by him wasn't big deal, because ,as I stated it already, most abilities were weak in this stage of the game.

I liked the permanent usable items. They were very useful, especially the healing ones and earthquake. But there were also some bad things about items. First, most +attribute items were rather useless, because a lot of books drop, and usable items were just better. Also you get very much gold, which you cannot spend until the book giving bonus ability, which coupled with hero upgrade were only items worth buying (mby potions too). I suggest you add more useful items to the shops (it would be nice to have some choice in this matter, instead of just buying what's able), balance gold amount got by players, and price of Resurrection.

From the fact that you have a lot of gold, comes the very cheap price of Resurrection, which is one of the factors which make your map way too easy. I didn't care much about dying if I had unused 10k gold. Another factor was being able to get mass level at end of the game via "upgrade".

One little thing I nearly forgot is, that you play music as sound, so it can be turned off only via turning off all sounds. WC3 music is good, but on higher playing speed it can be annoying.

As for now I would rate your map 3/5, because it's entertaining, but also lacks some useful features, balance and polish.

I suggest, that you improve hero abilities, to make them useful in later stages of the game, add more items to choose, balance gold amounts and prices, improve bosses. After those improvements your map would be worth 4/5 or even 5/5.

On another note, as mapmaker myself I know the pain of working hundreds of hours to finish map. I started making one of my maps 2 years ago, but it's not finished yet, because of not being able to work on it each day (mby sometimes on holidays), and patch 1.24 (fu Blizzard!).
I am around 70% finished with updating this, a revival project I started last month.

New version will be coming out soon, though the lore will stay the same for now.


  1. All in custom script.
  2. It will be in vJass, but it will no longer require World Editor Unlimited which the currently-uploaded map depends on.
  3. Mostly object-editor based hero spells will be replaced with some select spells from the Hive (I am open to suggestions here).
  4. Map file size will be considerably smaller, as well as map loading time, though not cutting out any existing utility.
  5. RAM consumption will be considerably less, as far fewer handles will be used now.
  6. There will be an optimized version uploaded, as well as an unprotected. So you can see how it works as well as having the game ready-to-play.
  7. The memory leaks which are in the current version will be completely gone in the new version.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
It's real fun playing it though the terrain could be improved.
-black mask should be enabled (not for discovered points like resurrection stones or shops)
-earthshaker item does not have a cooldown in the description
-Beastknight's Infernal spell's description does not say that only one elemental can be summoned at a time
-earthquake from Earthshaker can be used to exploit some hard to reach creep buildings
-upgrading the spirit gem at the end takes money even after three upgrades and no more than 3 levels are actually given to the player

-what's the logic behind the final boss being able to kill you when he temporarily teleports anywhere on the map? I mean if he is so strong why do the players have to reach him instead of him directly killing the players?

The battle in the beginning is very well directed.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I used World Editor Unlimited to make this map.
Hey thanks! I've been searching for a more advanced or at least different World Editor. Thanks for the tip. It seems my browser blocks the download of it from the site Wc3c.net saying it's a virus.

It's interesting that you still frequent the Hive since you're no longer interested in WCIII.:grin:
Level 2
Nov 29, 2015
I cant wait to play it. I played the official version a long time ago and was pretty good, so i have high expectations from this one either.
my ears are bleeding from that music! i had to mute Warcraft! i couldn't leave the game cuz i'm the one who invited my friends to play this map.
Damn! i'll be hearing that music looping in my dreams. How isn't this fixed after all these years lol
not to mention that the summoned dark minions have a higher priority than the hero who summoned them XD

Nice work though mate.
I recommend Warchasers Remastered (WarChasers Remastered) over this tbh. This map has consumed literally thousands of hours of my life over the years and it's so convoluted I'd need to invest several hundred more hours to fix what's wrong with it. Not to mention it's made in World Editor Unlimited which doesn't work with the new patches.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2014
Music with sound of game is not a good idea, but if you choose blade berserker in your team, you can change music at any moment. If you want to play solo for first time, I recommend to play with Mimic, the secret hero at the end of the hall, is fun to always get new spells for each lvl and he can change music too
Level 8
Feb 11, 2016
Decent. Ic liketh it.

Too easy.

No tank phase, fourth of the map is missing.

Bad resource (mana, damage, gold, lumber...) management.

Naga Sea Witch has 4 almost useless Abilities, two works only if the hero dies, another, mana (ability), is useless as she only at the beginning runs out of mana and the first ability later deals less damage than the auto-attack (for the same amount of time), and the Multishot is overpowered, only the Ultimate is balanced.

Other heroes complained about balance issues too.

Heroes generally later do not need mana.

Buying 15.000 cost Tome multiple times does nothing, either make it upgradeable or not available after the first purchase.

Gold is only used at the very end, which is said nowhere, good surprise, I would leave it as that.
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