War Wagons V.1.00

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This is a bullet hell shooter map that i have had on my PC for quite a while. Your objective is to kill bosses and get items to be able to kill the final boss. Avoid the bosses attacks and use your skills do destroy them. This is a single player map btw, its found amongst 8 players and have green text.

Controls (Arrow keys):
Up: Shoot
Left/right: Move
Down: Switch polarity

Switching polarity causes you to switch colour. You take half damage if you are hit by a missile with the same colour as you are.

there are spells 2 (Hotkeys q,w,e) however you do need to stand still while casting (Dont move) and have the tank selected cause i was lazy and made them real abbilities.

This is GUI btw, but should be leakfree.

Cant remember name of the ppl that made custom stuff that i used atm, however it should be altered in quests in-game.

2d, shooter, touhou, bullet hell, boss, tank, missile

War Wagons V.1.00 (Map)

16:26, 31st Jul 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Hmm intresting, I'll test this then report back with a full review.

Edit: Heres your review.

Areas of review

Terrain - total of 5 marks
Triggering - total of 6 marks
Origionallity - total of 10 marks
Difficulty - total of 10 marks
inventivity - total of 5 marks
Replayability - total of 10 marks
Object data - total of 5 marks
Total Marks possible - 51

1-10 unacceptable - vote for rejection (1/5)
11-20 lacking - vote for rejection (2/5)
21-30 average - no vote (3/5)
31-40 good - vote for approval (4/5)
41-50 excellent - vote for approval (5/5) (+Rep)
51 Epic/Godlike - vote for approval (6/5) (+Rep)

For a high Terrain mark the map must look beautiful/amazing, the terrain needs to make the game more enjoyable for the player as well as suit the game type.

For a high Triggering mark there must be no leaks and be efficiant.

For a high Originallity mark, there needs to be as few of the same game type/genre as well as game style along with unique systems and suchlike.

For a high Difficulty mark the game very simply must be as balanced as possible.

For a high Inventivity mark the game should get around problems that other games may have faced before and achieved it well.

For a high Replayability mark the game should be able to be played many many times and still give something new to the player as well for them to enjoy it over and over again.

For a high Object data mark the map should have used custom resources/standard resources well, such as fitting icons, good descriptions and tooltips.

This map - War Wagons v0.99

Terrain: 3/5 - altough theres not alot needed, what you have could be made much more appealing.

Triggering: 6/6 - Perfectly fine, no leaks or anything of the sort.

Origionality: 7/10 - same as those old fashioned games but original on wc3

Difficulty: 8/10 - Some of these bosses are too hard and are misleading by discription - the easy boss I found was too difficult (but that may be just me) and the gyrocopter (Hard boss) I found really easy.

Inventivity: 4/5 - Intresting boss attacks which make the map that much more lively.

Replayablity: 4/10 - although very good I wouldn't play it twice as theres no randomness about it as such. and there isn;t alot to do tbh.

Object data: 5/5 - absolutaly fine, everything setup well and is balanced.

Final mark

Mark - 37/51 (4/5)
Rating - good
Vote - Yes
+rep - no
Last edited:
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Was good, I liked the idea, but DAMN!!! that was hard with the easy boss!! I died fairly quick, anyways, I'll edit this with a review in a few mins.

CWeener's Review {UN-Protected maps} V2.98 Review # 12

Reviewing the map "War Wagons V.0.99"

Rating System (in weener points:)

1-10 Originality(Is this your work? Is it original? (are there maps like it?))
1-10 Replayability (discounted for cinematics*)
1-10 Triggering (discounted for protected maps*)
1-10 Terraining (tile placement, doodad/destructable placement, lighting, sounds, fog(s), hills.)
1-10 Object Managing (custom items and destructibles etc...)
1-10 Spells (if applies**)
1-10 Description (On THW)
1-15 Engaging (fun to play or requires you to pay attention)
1-15 Misc (size, system implementation, laginess etc...)
-100 or +100 for abiding by THW rules.
* = when one is discounted then other sections maximums are raised, and those sections are judged harder (if your map applies then it will show you what i raised later)
** = some maps dont really need spells so this section is discounted and given an automatic 10.
Rating System Scores

Less than 100 = FF- (Reported, You clearly didnt abide by all of the posting rules, and i have reported you for (not) doing so.)
100-150 Points = F- (Rancid, and Needs major work. Vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
151-160 Points = F (Bad, and Needs work. vote for Rejection and no +rep.)
161-170 Points = D (Below Average, and Needs much updating. has potential. vote for rejection* and no +rep.)
171-180 Points = C (Okay, but Needs updates. Has potential. Vote for rejection* and no +rep.)
181-190 Points = B (Good, but still not reaching full potential vote for approval but no +rep)
191-199 Points = A (Great and probably has reached full potential**. good job. vote for approval and +rep.)
200 Points = A+ (Amazing, you did everything right and went all out, approval and +rep)

* = depending on the map really, and what categories it scored low in
** = not always but most cases.
RageFul Frenzies Scores

1-10 Originality *8* while this map has unique aspects, it's main concept is not unique.
1-10 Replayability *6* Gets boring after a few plays due to lack of things to do (try adding random things)
1-10 Terraining *8* ...
1-10 Object Managing *10* You have good units, and needed no tooltips, so this was an easy 10.
1-10 Spells *8* Well done but not all 3 were original.
1-10 Description *6* put more thought here. These should help. Look at this review for example, try to quote it just to see what&how much coding it takes to make something look decent.
1-15 Engaging *13* It engages you i suppose but as I said before, it gets boring.
1-15 Misc *15* "systems" were leak/bug free.
-100 or 100 Rules *100* :grin:
0-200 All-in-all *174* C (Okay, but Needs updates. Has potential. vote for Approval* and no +rep.)

Author's Note,

You could make this much better. I like it but I got bored, even with friends. Update.Update.Update. :)
nothing that I could see.

my dislikes say it all.


Overall idea
Smoothness of it (if that makes sense)
The Overall final product.
Music (sound)

Big file size.
Terrain was bland...,but you really couldn't do much more to it... :/
No random events to spice it up
Music (size) (If you haven't(Compress it down to 32 bit. I think you could make it 24 bit as well, but not 100% sure))
SO hard....Too Hard.

If any map I've reviewed has been updated, feel free the ask me to re-review it. or if I haven't reviewed YOUR map, feel free to ask me. :)
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Level 6
Apr 4, 2010
Oh sry about the difficulti, i guess im getting 2 good at these kinds of games :D, win it almost every time :)

I'ma add a noobmode that increases base hp but disables final boss for you, kobas, when i i'm bored and have time :D

I guess ima nerf the easy boss when i do that, too

Oh and the texts easy, medium, hard and xtreme where just simple guidelines made kinda after the bosses because my friends tended to start with thor and stuff.... I found madrek the easiest.... Anyways i guess i cant defend myself for that^^
Level 5
Mar 7, 2009
I've just played your map and i find the idea great (i also wanted to create a bullet hell map). The bosses are interesting, but there are still things that could be changed :
-It would be nice to be able to move up and down too ^^
-The "destroy all bullets" should be used while moving... It makes it slow, hard to use, and it has 1 second delay... Maybe you could use another ability to do this, for example wind walk/Divine shield/Berserker that could be used while runing and are instant.

By the way i beated the final boss the first time i fought him ^^ (with all items).
Level 1
Jun 5, 2011
Hmm intresting, I'll test this then report back with a full review.

Edit: Heres your review.

Areas of review

Terrain - total of 5 marks
Triggering - total of 6 marks
Origionallity - total of 10 marks
Difficulty - total of 10 marks
inventivity - total of 5 marks
Replayability - total of 10 marks
Object data - total of 5 marks
Total Marks possible - 51

1-10 unacceptable - vote for rejection (1/5)
11-20 lacking - vote for rejection (2/5)
21-30 average - no vote (3/5)
31-40 good - vote for approval (4/5)
41-50 excellent - vote for approval (5/5) (+Rep)
51 Epic/Godlike - vote for approval (6/5) (+Rep)

For a high Terrain mark the map must look beautiful/amazing, the terrain needs to make the game more enjoyable for the player as well as suit the game type.

For a high Triggering mark there must be no leaks and be efficiant.

For a high Originallity mark, there needs to be as few of the same game type/genre as well as game style along with unique systems and suchlike.

For a high Difficulty mark the game very simply must be as balanced as possible.

For a high Inventivity mark the game should get around problems that other games may have faced before and achieved it well.

For a high Replayability mark the game should be able to be played many many times and still give something new to the player as well for them to enjoy it over and over again.

For a high Object data mark the map should have used custom resources/standard resources well, such as fitting icons, good descriptions and tooltips.

This map - War Wagons v0.99

Terrain: 3/5 - altough theres not alot needed, what you have could be made much more appealing.

Triggering: 6/6 - Perfectly fine, no leaks or anything of the sort.

Origionality: 7/10 - same as those old fashioned games but original on wc3

Difficulty: 8/10 - Some of these bosses are too hard and are misleading by discription - the easy boss I found was too difficult (but that may be just me) and the gyrocopter (Hard boss) I found really easy.

Inventivity: 4/5 - Intresting boss attacks which make the map that much more lively.

Replayablity: 4/10 - although very good I wouldn't play it twice as theres no randomness about it as such. and there isn;t alot to do tbh.

Object data: 5/5 - absolutaly fine, everything setup well and is balanced.

Final mark

Mark - 37/51 (4/5)
Rating - good
Vote - Yes
+rep - no

actually its 3.7/5.0
Level 1
Jun 5, 2011
Hmm intresting, I'll test this then report back with a full review.

Edit: Heres your review.

Areas of review

Terrain - total of 5 marks
Triggering - total of 6 marks
Origionallity - total of 10 marks
Difficulty - total of 10 marks
inventivity - total of 5 marks
Replayability - total of 10 marks
Object data - total of 5 marks
Total Marks possible - 51

1-10 unacceptable - vote for rejection (1/5)
11-20 lacking - vote for rejection (2/5)
21-30 average - no vote (3/5)
31-40 good - vote for approval (4/5)
41-50 excellent - vote for approval (5/5) (+Rep)
51 Epic/Godlike - vote for approval (6/5) (+Rep)

For a high Terrain mark the map must look beautiful/amazing, the terrain needs to make the game more enjoyable for the player as well as suit the game type.

For a high Triggering mark there must be no leaks and be efficiant.

For a high Originallity mark, there needs to be as few of the same game type/genre as well as game style along with unique systems and suchlike.

For a high Difficulty mark the game very simply must be as balanced as possible.

For a high Inventivity mark the game should get around problems that other games may have faced before and achieved it well.

For a high Replayability mark the game should be able to be played many many times and still give something new to the player as well for them to enjoy it over and over again.

For a high Object data mark the map should have used custom resources/standard resources well, such as fitting icons, good descriptions and tooltips.

This map - War Wagons v0.99

Terrain: 3/5 - altough theres not alot needed, what you have could be made much more appealing.

Triggering: 6/6 - Perfectly fine, no leaks or anything of the sort.

Origionality: 7/10 - same as those old fashioned games but original on wc3

Difficulty: 8/10 - Some of these bosses are too hard and are misleading by discription - the easy boss I found was too difficult (but that may be just me) and the gyrocopter (Hard boss) I found really easy.

Inventivity: 4/5 - Intresting boss attacks which make the map that much more lively.

Replayablity: 4/10 - although very good I wouldn't play it twice as theres no randomness about it as such. and there isn;t alot to do tbh.

Object data: 5/5 - absolutaly fine, everything setup well and is balanced.

Final mark

Mark - 37/51 (4/5)
Rating - good
Vote - Yes
+rep - no

actually its 3.7/5.0