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War of the Factions 3.0

Official Thread here

An Aeon of Strife map with a twist. Instead of just choosing your hero, you choose a Class and a Character to compensate the Skills and Attributes of your hero.

Update 3.0 BETA (9th of June 2008)

- +3 Classes and renamage of the Characters and 1 more A. Set
- New Items
- Super Creep in Middle
- Forest Paths
- Balance for Assassination
- All Bolt Spells remade
- Replaced some skills for Bounty Hunter and Warrior

Update 3.0 CHARLIE (20th of June 2008)

- Fixed the Yellow player not respawning / getting stats issue
- Player have now 10 seconds to choose faction
- Greats now give money to the whole team
- Fixed a bug with Tinker allowing players to buy several heroes
- +1 Class

Update 3.0 Delta (12th of July 2008)

- New Class, the Barbarian(yes, all players can have him)
- Fixed the attack animation of the Troll Headhunter and the Troll Berserker
- All Orc units should now get the proper Upgrade Bonuses
- Charge works again
- Fixed some leaks and made almost all dummy units Not Decay since i have a suspicion that they have been causing a part of the lagg
- Fixed a minor bugg with Refreshing Wind
- Added Tier 8 units, that are Ranged with more HP, more Dmg and 10% chance to deal 10x Damage

Update 3.0 Echo (7th of August 2008)
- More leakfixing
- New Race, the Naga
- Some terrain improvements(nothing major)
- Fixed the Full Random mode(havent tested it fully, but it should work)
- Fixed a bug regarding the -Random command
- Remade the Assasin to make him more Unique

Update 3.0 (17th of October 2008)

After taking a time-out from Wc3 Modding, I've decided to complete this map :D

Anyhow, somethings you might want to know before you try this map out.

- The Terrain is not perfect, or even close to that fact. Its below average, mainly becouse I'm a man who doesn't care so much about the looks

- I've credited all the models and icons and such(or atleast I think I have) in the Credits section in the Info Panel ingame, becouse they deserve it.

- I would be glad if you would post suggestions, but please, PLEASE, don't just tell me whats wrong. If you come with suggestions, give examples on how I can fix it, and not just "The Terrain suxs" or "Weaken is IMBAAALULZOR!" or "Why isnt this liek dota? U SUX".

War of the Factions, WotF, Razorbrain

War of the Factions 3.0 (Map)

14:54, 4th Jul 2008 Firelord213: The map is pretty well made, It breaks no map rule. The map could need more items and some game features, Otherwise the map was great, The hero selection is great, I'm able to choose my main attribute etc.




14:54, 4th Jul 2008
The map is pretty well made,
It breaks no map rule.
The map could need more items and some game features, Otherwise the map was great, The hero selection is great, I'm able to choose my main attribute etc.
Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
The map is nice.

*When I played last time, "Pink" couldn't choose a hero because he didn't have from where to choose. That altar was still in Blue Factions control.
*There is a thing that if somebody goes invisible then the other who attacks still can attack him if he doesn't click anywhere else. It happened to me :(
*Maybe you should make a bigger bounty for creeps. Some units gives only 2 gold per kill...
*There are balance issues... Assassin is overpowered for sure. (40% 2xdmg + 20% bash with Teal Set + that poison damage with slow). Haven't tried other heroes so can't say anything about them.

This is all for now.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
When you mean Pink couldnt choose a hero, were you playing all by yourself or with someone else?
EDIT : Found it, gotta thank you for that :D

The Wind Walk has a invisibility delay for balance, if that is what you meant

Bigger bounty is planned for the next verison, which is currently being worked on

Try the other heroes, the assasin isnt the only "good" one :p

I had Wind Walk maxed and it's 1 second delay, but he still could attack me till I die.

Is it possible to reduce the map size? It's tiny and 3,2 MB. Today I couldn't get people not leaving my game because of long download time and nobody doesn't have this map, so everyone downloads and most players lacks patience.

And there is another problem... People are leaving from in-game (all the time) because the beginning is boring. Maybe you could start with more units?

Also the fountain is too far away :p When I lose some hp and I go heal, in that time when I get back, opponent takes down one tower and same for them when they go heal I take down 1 tower :)
Maybe you could increase towers attack speed and increase the damage to towers which are near bases (well like level 1 tower, level 2 tower etc.) (Maybe it's like that just forgot to check.)

EDIT: I just played another game, so I have something to tell :)

You should make the thing that creeps upgrades in time (not only spawns more) but upgrade damage/armor/hp because I'm mage who deals 400dmg/wave and creeps even doesn't have 400hp.

Also when Main Building (which needs to be destroyed) gets vulnerable, it could spawn an elite versions of units(they should be really powerful as it's last hope for that faction and it would be another challenge for attackers).

I like the idea about those shops but when they get destroyed, heroes can't buy some recipes anymore and that was the reason why one opponent leaved the game :(

I said about towers already but there is something else. I think that hp should be higher for late towers :p

Another thing... Maybe you can do something with the middle. It feels like a dunno what there. I think there should be something, more trees so heroes can hide there and attack others getting out from shadows. Well something like that :p

2nd EDIT: Maybe that "Rain of Fire" (Fire Mage) could do damage to buildings too but only half or something like that.

Well that's all for now, I think xD

ive had major troubles with one of the heroes, but he is fixed now(the one i was still working on in the previous post :p)

2 heroes to go

4 items to go if i remember right

still havent fixed the new unit type

among other things, so its going along quite well if i look at what ive done :p

oh, and i found a bug by the way(that has been fixed in 3.0)

the Bolt skills, that require casting time, have the same casting time on all levels, even though i have set it to different values in the different levels. Therefore i have changed all those spells to have the Casting Time of the First Level, and lowered the damage on the later levels(not that much, but still some)

so expect it to be finished quite soon :p

oh, and i have remade Warrior, so instead of Bash he now has Charge(like Fighter) :p

update bump, current BETA verison
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Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
Another map played and I have something to write again :)

With that Greatest Orb(item with blink) I can blink in to opponents hero choosing area and kill them all the time. Also I can destroy their altar.

Bounty Hunters bash is too powerful. You should make it 1 second stun or lower the chance.

If a player leaves, it should be announced and his hero should be removed from the game.

I guess that's all for now. :p

EDIT: Mode -FR doesn't work! Only teal(me aka host) can get a hero. Everyone else can't.

PS Don't forget to check my comment below. Made 2nd comment because I think it would be too long.

Oh and, maybe you could fix some bugs as fast as possible because I think till WotF 3 will be too long to wait.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
wow, thanks for all the constructive criticism, i dearly appriciate(sp?) it

i tried it too last night and got lots and lots of more, so before completing 3.0, i think i will be making a better verison out of this one

I will post another comment when the update is finished

EDIT : Okay, i have managed to fix all the things you said + a little bit more that i recieved from my games, but there is still something

-FR mode works completely fine for me. I just tested it with 7 computers, and all of them got their heroes.

-The idea about the Elite Creep that spawns when the Main Building is vurnerable is a great idea, but it will be implemented in WotF 3 and not in this update
Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
Good to hear :)

About that -FR mode. I was playing with 7 players and only I got hero but all other altars were owned by factions. Gonna try
that again.

EDIT: Tested the -FR mode again and it still doesn't work (with players) I have screens as a proof. Gonna upload them after next game. And check blue alliances altars. 3 belongs to Red Faction (-fr mode). What the...?

EDIT2: There is something blocking the creeps for Blue Faction right side. Screenshot soon.
Tried again and still the same. Something is blocking those creeps for sure. Or maybe they just don't move.

Sometimes the hero stats (for yellow) are 1 all. Screenshot soon.

I have a feeling that Long Staff has higher chance of breaking than those 5%. It breaks a lot even by attacking 1 creep. Check that chance, please.

After "Tier 6" the next Tier is "Tier 2" again. But those 60 seconds are correct.

PS Screenshots added.

Also for future it would be cool to add some neutral creeps or a boss who drops something good in that forest. That could be done by making a small path from center in to forest inside and there could be that Boss. :p But that isn't necessary, just a solution.

If I will find something then I'll update this ;)
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
thanks for the screenshots, that really helps :D

The will be a Elite Creep in WotF 3, just check the WotF 2.2 and 3 section at Info(F9) :p

Well, the blue faction units on the right side are spawned below the buildings, so that wont be a big problem(i noticed this too, but i thought that was my opponent who did it)

When it comes to the other things, i will see what i can do later, since i dont have World Editor on this computer :p
Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
Item Suggestion:

Orgas Dragon(Ultimate) Set
Need: All 4 Orgas Sets

The name could be different too. If you like the idea then it should be expensive too and with a secret ability + including everything what was from those sets.

Well that's that for now :)

EDIT: It would be cool if you could fix that mass creep thing so I can host the map without any problems :)
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
Dont worry, as fast as i get my hands on the World Editor, i will (try to) fix the current things that are needed to be fixed

Oh, forgot to tell you something. The Long Staff chance to Break is actually 5%, even though it seems like much bigger. Don't worry though, it has a planned removal in WotF 3 :p
Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
I'm starting to get bored because I can't play this map :( Those creeps are just awful...
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
Well, i have fixed the yellow player issue, and the Blue Faction units spawning correctly, but the Random stuff are still not working. I will get the verison up tonight, dont worry :p(A verison without any Random Class what so ever)
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Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
Cool! Time to play again :) If I will find something then I gonna update this post (possible) ;)

EDIT: A bug! Only 1 player available to play :( All else are computers by default -.-
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Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
lulz, damnit! xD

EDIT : Fixed :p
EDIT 2 : Xalyse, dont test that map, i have found another flaw that im working on, its the Undead Race that are quite imbalanced since they dont loose their bonus life :S
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Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
It's getting better and better, but lacks something which I don't know... :(

When WotF 3 will come, it will be more awesome than it was till now ;)

*Waiting for WotF 3*

I think you should change some skills for some heroes. Maybe make for heroes max 1 crit or 1 bash (as a skill) and change the other one to something else. Well I want to say that this map needs more skills (like auras, stuns, damage dealers skills etc.).

Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
dont worry about more skills being added

there are 3 heroes that are added, 2 fully done and one im still working on

these heroes have added 11 new skills to the arsenal

and im planning to add atleast 2 more, with 6 new skills aswell :p
Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
Well how's going on with the map? ;)

Woot! Gonna try it when I'll wake up next morning :grin:

At last I was able to host map and we had issues in first game :(

Everyone must pick something, if somebody leaves then we can't play anymore (when choosing race). Maybe you should add a timer, and in that time everyone must choose what race they want (for each faction).

EDIT: The bug with 1 all stats hasn't fixed, this game green somehow got 2 heroes (1 normal and 1 with 1 stats).

There are A LOT memory leaks (Thanks to Nudl9 for explaining what is that :D), which causes a lot of lag in late game.

Also somebody said this "tell him to change tileset, lordearon summer tileset SUCKS ass! ashenvale or vilage tilesets are better".

I think that's all, maybe.
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Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Hi i played this earlier today with Xalyse and ofc some bugs had to work on me xD (the one with 1 in all attributes + i didnt respawn).
Anyway i noticed the map lagged much the more into the game and it seems it got leaks, so if you dont know how to fix leaks: Linky
Also the terrain pretty much sucks (it looks horrifying bad) because your using lordearon tileset.
I suggest you switch to Ashenvale or any of the Village tilesets because those are the ones you can create best terrain with.
Level 2
Apr 25, 2008
Well today I was bored and I remembered that I have a game called "Warcraft III", so I decided to play it this evening ;)

About new version:
1.I can't find that Pirate Hero, is it really added?
2.And after red team choose their faction, I was able to choose it again. So it was Undead vs Undead.
3.And it was still laggy in end game (probably leaks? dunno) :(

PS I like the new style of map :p