Factions At War is a Warcraft 3 map based on the game World of Warcraft. It has characters, models and spells of the game, wich gives a more realist game experience of the original game. There are two factions disputes a vital monument of its enemy race, player will be able to choose races ORC, Undead, Troll, NightElf, Human, Gnome and classes Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, Mage. One of the most spetacular things of this map, that differ it from the others, are item models showed when used, JOIN US!
Take a look on the game players: http://www.youtube.com/user/valterlorran?feature=mhee
Website: http://gaming-brasil.com/faw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/FAW/100381806732613
world, warcraft, dota, hero, factions, war