===Wand Of Illusion (Item Illusion)===

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Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Well, I want to create a triggered illusion ability
Where X% chance of the time, the unit will create the illusion of itself
Better understanding for people who plays DotA: This spell is like Phantom Lancer's Juxtapose
Okay here's the thing
I already got its base ability (Item Illusion)
But HOW do I order my dummy to USE that particular spell ?
I mean, I searched through "Unit - Issue Order Targeting A Unit" until "Unit - Issue Order With No Target" but to no avail, I didn't found this so-called "Wand of illusion" ability to be triggered with
So, I want this ability to copy (illusion the caster) for X% chance of a time
Thank you =~D
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Item abilities usually have no order string. So you have to use the ById-functions, which go by the numeric order id.

You can obtain this id via a simple trigger:

  • Events
    • Einheit - A unit Is Issued an Order targeting an Object
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • Custom script: call BJDebugMsg(I2S(GetIssuedOrderId()))
Result is 852274 for this ability.

call IssueTargetOrderById(<caster>, 852274, <target>)

Another possibility would be to use the ability through an item and order use by

  • Hero - Use Item On A Unit
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