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Level 2
Jan 2, 2005
Hello, dear friends! This is the first(and hopefully not last) gathering of the members of W.E.I.R.D. Usually those letters should stand 4 something but i can't think of anything right now :p. Sorry! Oh well, if you didn't get the message of this forum by now, here anybody can write about the strange side of life.
Did something WEIRD happen 2 u and nobody believes you? We will. Just post it here and we'll see what we can do!
Good luck, fellow WEIRDERS!!! :mrgreen:
Level 2
Jan 2, 2005
you're right. weird has no future and i reeealy need a life. Ididn't get the part with the hdd either, but that realy doesn't matter! thae fact is that everywhere i look i see something out of the ordinary(can you define ordinary, cuz i sure can't). I get so bored i'm talking with AI's on the net and writing threads. I am weird, or maybe way too normal. Does it matter if you try to make a difference. Can one man change the world? i think these questions reman without answers cuz... life is WEIRD. did what i wrote make any sense. please answer
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
hmm...the weird thing that happened in my life so far is that I have realized after four years in college that I am the only student in the Chemistry department. Isn't it weird doing major laboratory expirements by myself (w/ expiremental procedure of course) & cleaning/washing the apparatus after, again by myself. Why does anybody here dont want to take chemistry course & swarmed the nursing course. Err...! Ill blow them w/ ammonium nitrate!
Level 5
Aug 23, 2004
This is quite pointless, but it's fun! The most rcent wierd thing in my life was at school, somehow for a minute I knew exactly what my friend was going to say before he said it. Cause I could have sworn I had just had that same conversation with him the day before. BTW, anyone here the book Wierd U.S.?
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