// **************************************************************************
// ** **
// ** Charge **
// ** ————————————— **
// ** **
// ** A simple Charge Spell **
// ** **
// ** By: Majin **
// ** Edited: Pyrogasm, because this had terrible structure and encapsulation
// **
// ** **
// **************************************************************************
library ChargeExec initializer InitTrig requires Knockback
//ID of the Charge spell
private constant integer SPELLID = 'A003'
//ID of the spell to be casted by the dummy unit once the charge is complete (Has to be a spell with
//a Target). Set this to 0 for no spell. The Spell effect depends on the level of the Charge Spell
//So it's advisable to set the number of levels of this spell at the same value of the level of the
//Charge Spell
private constant integer DUMMYSPELLID = 'A000'
//Order String for the spell to be casted by the dummy unit
private constant string SPELLORDERID = "thunderbolt"
//You can set this to a non existand model (or change the code of the spell) if you don't want that
//Special Effect attached on the unit (in this example it will look like a red trail)
private constant string ATTACHEDEFFECT = "Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile_mini.mdl"
//Special Effect created by the unit while walking
private constant string WALKEFFECT = "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl"
//Special Effect used at the end of the Charge
private constant string ENDINGEFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl"
//Charge Starting Speed
private constant real STARTSPEED = 20.00
//Max Speed that can be reached by the Caster unit while charging
private constant real MAXSPEED = 100.00
//Damage Dealt at the end of the Charge (0 for no damage). DEPENDS ON LEVEL
private constant real CHARGEDAMAGE = 5.00
//Minimum Distance at where a unit can Charge (0 for no min distance)
//Make sure the dummy spell has a longer distance than this
private constant real MINDISTANCE = 400.00
//Maximum Distance at where a unit can Charge (0 for no max distance)
//This is mainly used to interrupt the charge if the target unit gets teleported somewhere else
//Make sure the dummy spell has a distance equal or less than this number
private constant real MAXDISTANCE = 2000.00
//Theese settings refer to the Knock trigger which is not made by me but by Silvenon. If you want
//to know more about this script, got to
//Special Effect created by the knockback
private constant string KNOCKEFFECT = "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl"
//The Distance of the Knockback effect. DEPENDS ON LEVEL
private constant real KNOCKDISTANCE = 50.00
//The Duration of the Knockback effect
private constant real KNOCKDURATION = 1.5
//Tree Destroying effect
//If you want trees destroyed behind your target while he's knocked back, then set this to true
//Otherwise set this to false. See the Knock Trigger for more configuration options
private constant boolean KNOCKTREECHECK = true
//Knockback Effect
//This is the effect played on the Knocked Back Unit. If you set this to 0 then no effect will be played
//If you set this to 1 then the effect set on the KnockEffect() function is played as a periodic effect
//If you set this to 2 then the effect will be attached on the unit and destroyed once the knocback ends
private constant integer KNOCKPLAYEFFECT = 1
//Attachement point of the effect played during the knockback. Default is "chest"
private constant string KNOCKATTACH = "Foot"
//You may want to check the Walkable library definition for a couple Configuration Options that were moved by Pyrogasm
private function KnockTree takes nothing returns real
if (KNOCKTREECHECK==true) then
return 150.00
return 0.00
private struct ChargeLoop
private real ChargeTargetx
private real ChargeTargety
private real ChargeEndx
private real ChargeEndy
private real ChargeLocx
private real ChargeLocy
private real ChargeNextx
private real ChargeNexty
private unit ChargeTarget
private unit ChargeCaster
private real ChargeAngle
private real ChargeDistance
private effect ChargeEffect
private timer ChargeTimer
private boolean ChargeCond = false
private integer SpellLvl
//With this method you can set the "acceleration rate" (Physicists Forgive me) of the charge.
//You can use any kind of numeric function (for example this.ChargeDistance * 2.00 will double
//The speed at every loop)
private method ChangeDistance takes nothing returns real
return this.ChargeDistance + 1.00
//This method sets the conditions when to activate the AlmostCharge method. In particular
//You may be interested in changing the distance at where the condition is true.
//In this Example it will be activated when the Caster is 16x times the Charge Speed Far away
//From the target
private method AlmostChargeCond takes nothing returns boolean
return ((GetDistance(this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy, this.ChargeEndx, this.ChargeEndy) < ( this.ChargeDistance * 16.00 )) and this.ChargeCond == false)
//Actions to take when the Charge is almost completed. In this example the caster will play
//The slam animation (Being a Blademaster, it will jump in the air while attacking)
private method AlmostCharge takes nothing returns nothing
set this.ChargeCond = true
call SetUnitTimeScale( this.ChargeCaster, 2.00 )
call SetUnitAnimation( this.ChargeCaster, "slam" )
call QueueUnitAnimation( this.ChargeCaster, "stand")
//Actions to take when the Caster reaches its target and the charge is completed.
//In this example the target unit will be stunned and you will see a Thunderclap effect on the ground
private method CompleteCharge takes nothing returns nothing
local effect tempEffect
local unit dummy
local real angle=GetAngle(this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy, this.ChargeEndx, this.ChargeEndy)
set this.ChargeLocx = this.ChargeNextx
set this.ChargeLocy = this.ChargeNexty
set this.ChargeNextx = PolarProjectionx(this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeDistance, this.ChargeAngle)
set this.ChargeNexty = PolarProjectiony(this.ChargeLocy, this.ChargeDistance, this.ChargeAngle)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect( WALKEFFECT, this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy ))
call SetUnitX( this.ChargeCaster, this.ChargeEndx )
call SetUnitY( this.ChargeCaster, this.ChargeEndy )
set dummy = CreateUnit( GetOwningPlayer(this.ChargeCaster), DUMMYID, this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy, 0 )
call UnitAddAbility( dummy, DUMMYSPELLID )
call SetUnitAbilityLevel(dummy, DUMMYSPELLID, this.SpellLvl)
call IssueTargetOrder( dummy, SPELLORDERID, this.ChargeTarget )
call UnitApplyTimedLife( dummy, 'BTLF', 1.00)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect( ENDINGEFFECT, this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy ))
call UnitDamageTarget( this.ChargeCaster, this.ChargeTarget, CHARGEDAMAGE*this.SpellLvl, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS )
call PauseUnit( this.ChargeCaster, false )
//This is the Knockback effect, see the Knock Trigger for more customization options
call KnockbackEx(this.ChargeTarget, KNOCKDISTANCE*this.SpellLvl, angle, KNOCKDURATION, KnockTree(), KNOCKPLAYEFFECT, KNOCKEFFECT, KNOCKATTACH)
call IssueTargetOrder( this.ChargeCaster, "attack", this.ChargeTarget )
set dummy = null
//What to do during the charge, the unit is moved, an effect is placed on the ground and
//the charging speed is increased
private method ContinueCharge takes nothing returns nothing
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect( WALKEFFECT, this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy ))
call SetUnitX(this.ChargeCaster, this.ChargeNextx)
call SetUnitY(this.ChargeCaster, this.ChargeNexty)
call SetUnitFacing(this.ChargeCaster, bj_RADTODEG * GetAngle(this.ChargeNextx, this.ChargeNexty, this.ChargeTargetx, this.ChargeTargety))
set this.ChargeLocx = this.ChargeNextx
set this.ChargeLocy = this.ChargeNexty
set this.ChargeNextx = PolarProjectionx(this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeDistance, this.ChargeAngle)
set this.ChargeNexty = PolarProjectiony(this.ChargeLocy, this.ChargeDistance, this.ChargeAngle)
if (this.ChargeDistance <= MAXSPEED) then
set this.ChargeDistance = this.ChangeDistance()
//This is the main method executed during the charge
public static method ChargeActions takes nothing returns nothing
local ChargeLoop l=GetTimerInt(GetExpiredTimer())
set l.ChargeTargetx = GetUnitX(l.ChargeTarget)
set l.ChargeTargety = GetUnitY(l.ChargeTarget)
set l.ChargeEndx = PolarProjectionx(l.ChargeTargetx, 100.00, GetAngle(l.ChargeTargetx, l.ChargeTargety, l.ChargeLocx, l.ChargeLocy))
set l.ChargeEndy = PolarProjectiony(l.ChargeTargety, 100.00, GetAngle(l.ChargeTargetx, l.ChargeTargety, l.ChargeLocx, l.ChargeLocy))
set l.ChargeAngle = GetAngle(l.ChargeLocx, l.ChargeLocy, l.ChargeEndx, l.ChargeEndy)
if ( l.AlmostChargeCond() ) then
//What to do when the caster is about to reach the target
call l.AlmostCharge()
//If the Target gets too far away (by teleportation, for example) then stops the Charge
if ( GetDistance(l.ChargeLocx, l.ChargeLocy, l.ChargeEndx, l.ChargeEndy) >= MAXDISTANCE and (MAXDISTANCE != 0.00) ) then
call l.StopCharge()
if ( l.ChargeConditions() ) then
//If the unit hasn't reached the target yet, then execute this
call l.ContinueCharge()
call TimerAttach(l.ChargeTimer,0.03,l,function ChargeLoop.ChargeActions)
if ( l.ChargeCompleted() ) then
//What to do if the charge is succesfully completed
call l.CompleteCharge()
call l.StopCharge()
//Actions to take once the Charge is being stopped (either because it wasn't possible to complete
//the charge or because the caster reached its target)
private method StopCharge takes nothing returns nothing
set this.ChargeCond = false
call SetUnitPathing(this.ChargeCaster, true)
call PauseUnit(this.ChargeCaster, false)
call SetUnitAnimation(this.ChargeCaster, "stand")
call SetUnitTimeScale(this.ChargeCaster, 1.00)
call DestroyEffect(this.ChargeEffect)
call this.destroy()
private method ChargeCompleted takes nothing returns boolean
if ((GetDistance(this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy, this.ChargeEndx, this.ChargeEndy) <= this.ChargeDistance*1.10) and IsPointWalkable(this.ChargeNextx, this.ChargeNexty)) then
if ((IsTerrainPathable(this.ChargeNextx, this.ChargeNexty, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) == false ) and ( (GetUnitState(this.ChargeTarget, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)<=0) == false )) then
if(((GetUnitState(this.ChargeCaster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) == false)) then
return true
return false
private method ChargeConditions takes nothing returns boolean
if ((GetDistance(this.ChargeLocx, this.ChargeLocy, this.ChargeEndx, this.ChargeEndy) > this.ChargeDistance*1.10) and IsPointWalkable(this.ChargeNextx, this.ChargeNexty)) then
if ((IsTerrainPathable(this.ChargeNextx, this.ChargeNexty, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) == false ) and ( (GetUnitState(this.ChargeTarget, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)<=0) == false )) then
if(((GetUnitState(this.ChargeCaster, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) <= 0) == false)) then
return true
return false
private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
call ReleaseTimer(this.ChargeTimer)
set this.ChargeTarget = null
set this.ChargeCaster = null
set this.ChargeEffect = null
static method create takes real pChargeTargetx, real pChargeTargety, real pChargeEndx, real pChargeEndy, real pChargeLocx, real pChargeLocy, real pChargeNextx, real pChargeNexty, unit pChargeTarget, unit pChargeCaster, real pChargeAngle, real pChargeDistance, effect pChargeEffect, timer pChargeTimer returns ChargeLoop
local ChargeLoop l = ChargeLoop.allocate()
set l.ChargeTargetx = pChargeTargetx
set l.ChargeTargety = pChargeTargety
set l.ChargeEndx = pChargeEndx
set l.ChargeEndy = pChargeEndy
set l.ChargeLocx = pChargeLocx
set l.ChargeLocy = pChargeLocy
set l.ChargeNextx = pChargeNextx
set l.ChargeNexty = pChargeNexty
set l.ChargeTarget = pChargeTarget
set l.ChargeCaster = pChargeCaster
set l.ChargeAngle = pChargeAngle
set l.ChargeDistance = pChargeDistance
set l.ChargeEffect = pChargeEffect
set l.ChargeTimer = pChargeTimer
set l.SpellLvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(l.ChargeCaster, SPELLID)
return l
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELLID
private function CheckActions takes nothing returns nothing
local real ChargeLocx = GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())
local real ChargeLocy = GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit())
local real ChargeEndx = GetUnitX(GetSpellTargetUnit())
local real ChargeEndy = GetUnitY(GetSpellTargetUnit())
local sound s
if ( GetDistance(ChargeLocx, ChargeLocy, ChargeEndx, ChargeEndy) <= (MINDISTANCE) ) then
call DisplayTextToPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), 0, 0, "|cffFFCC00Target is too close!|r" )
set s = CreateSound("Sound\\Interface\\Error.wav", false, false, true, 12700, 12700, "")
call StartSound(s)
call KillSoundWhenDone(s)
set s = null
call IssueImmediateOrder( GetTriggerUnit(), "stop" )
private function InitActions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer ChargeTimer = NewTimer()
local effect ChargeEffect
local unit ChargeCaster = GetTriggerUnit()
local unit ChargeTarget = GetSpellTargetUnit()
local real ChargeDistance = STARTSPEED
local real ChargeLocx = GetUnitX(ChargeCaster)
local real ChargeLocy = GetUnitY(ChargeCaster)
local real ChargeTargetx = GetUnitX(ChargeTarget)
local real ChargeTargety = GetUnitY(ChargeTarget)
local real ChargeEndx = PolarProjectionx(ChargeTargetx, 100.00, GetAngle(ChargeTargetx, ChargeTargety, ChargeLocx, ChargeLocy))
local real ChargeEndy = PolarProjectiony(ChargeTargety, 100.00, GetAngle(ChargeTargetx, ChargeTargety, ChargeLocx, ChargeLocy))
local real ChargeAngle = GetAngle(ChargeLocx, ChargeLocy, ChargeEndx, ChargeEndy)
local real ChargeNextx = PolarProjectionx(ChargeLocx, ChargeDistance, ChargeAngle)
local real ChargeNexty = PolarProjectiony(ChargeLocy, ChargeDistance, ChargeAngle)
local ChargeLoop stru
set ChargeEffect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(ATTACHEDEFFECT, ChargeCaster, "chest" )
set stru = ChargeLoop.create(ChargeTargetx, ChargeTargety, ChargeEndx, ChargeEndy, ChargeLocx, ChargeLocy, ChargeNextx, ChargeNexty, ChargeTarget, ChargeCaster, ChargeAngle, ChargeDistance, ChargeEffect, ChargeTimer)
call SetUnitPathing(ChargeCaster, false)
call SetUnitTimeScale(ChargeCaster, 3)
call IssueImmediateOrder(ChargeCaster, "stop" )
call PauseUnit(ChargeCaster, true)
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(ChargeCaster,6)
call TimerAttach(ChargeTimer,0,stru,function ChargeLoop.ChargeActions)
set ChargeTimer = null
set ChargeEffect = null
set ChargeCaster = null
set ChargeTarget = null
private function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger ChargeCheck = CreateTrigger()
local trigger ChargeInit = CreateTrigger()
local filterfunc f = Filter(function AntiLeak)
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i == 16
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(ChargeCheck,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST,truefilter)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(ChargeInit,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,truefilter)
set i = i + 1
call TriggerAddCondition(ChargeCheck, Condition(function Conditions))
call TriggerAddAction(ChargeCheck, function CheckActions)
call TriggerAddCondition(ChargeInit, Condition(function Conditions))
call TriggerAddAction(ChargeInit, function InitActions)
set ChargeCheck = null
set ChargeInit = null
set f = null