I use a vista machine... it's liveable but after christmas I'm wiping the Hardrive and installing XP instead.
Vista requires loike 1gb RAM, and my laptop has 2gb and it's still slower then my last laptop which had xp on it and only 512mb ram.
Everything I fucking do requires me to give permission, and every day I have a problem where windows explorer has to restart.
Seriously... You'll grow to HATE Vista.
There is more support available for XP also!
If you have 2GB you will have 1.8G to use, i say it used maybe 10-20% of RAM, also the permission thing is very easy to get used too.. If it had less then 1GB RAM then get more RAM or a new computer, because you wont be able to do shit with half a GB of RAM with Vista.
I have used vista for over a year, I used to be a pure Vista hater, becayse I was ignorant and listened to ignorant people who often hate it for stupid reasons, lot of reasons is they used older buggy version, which XP has had that too, so automatically to them Vista fails, they couldn't hack it at first, it backfired, it was a way different layout, and takes getting used to, people HATE change, least the majourity do.
I've used 1GM ram for my comp with vista and it was a gaming computer, honestly, Vista is better for the newer games(past few year games) it runs them better performance wise and such, Vista has WAY better security, Permission thing is annoying at first but VERY easy to get used too, trust me I know. Vista uses up a lot of resources, mainly RAM/Physical memory, which is why you want at least 2GB RAM or more, then your computer will run just fine. Also it has another issue but its fixed very easy, its restore point feature was setup so it has no limit on how much space it will take up, unless you put in a small command to make it like 2B, I had this prob and it took like 20G of space.
TO be honest, just ignore what Vista-haters say about Vista, half of them have either never tried it or find one different feature and hate the system. Guaranteed you will enjoy it, it has VERY useful features that XP doesn't have that makes things so much easier, I'll make a screenie of a example
ImageShack - Image Hosting :: vistascreenah8.jpg
See my task bar on the side? You cant do that on XP, well you can but all it does is turn it sideways and mess it up, this taskbar, allows more space for links, easy quick acess, like at top left, those shortcuts, and bottom left, rest of that space can be for links, which XP only holds like what? 4? 5 links tops, or "browser" would be a better term to use, also look at bottom... You cant do that on XP, and believe me, that at the bottom is extremely useful, even for gaming, or if you plug in flashsticks a lot.
Yes it has its quirks, so did XP, and they fixed it, this time so many people bitched about it, when 1.5/3 of them never even tried it.
Just ignore what people say, never judge before you try it. Try it first, I hated it, it was gonna be on my new comp and i wanted my comp nuked and given XP, and my brother convinced me to try it at least... I freaking loved it, better features, and looks a lot better.
Though Windows 7 will be the Exact same thing, only it wont have the RAM issue, and it will run more efficiently and faster, which was the issue in Vista. They said Windows 7 is just a improved version of Vista