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[Video]The Final Frontier (space rts, testers needed)

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Level 5
May 1, 2008
Finally I made the basic stuffs for my complex space strategy game.
So I made a new video about it and I need testers!
If you want to test the map, than add me on EU to friends: Goa.558 and write to me.

Map's page on sc2mapster

the map based on this browser based game

New video about research and ship designing:
(videos made on low quality starcraft 2 settings, but the videos still looks nice, if you choose high quality and full screen as they are well encoded)
old video about colony management, shipyard and map generator:

Map features:
-map generator
-colony management: mining, income, research, production
-shipyard: the more ship you build for once the less time will it to make one...
-8 type of ship: 4 combat, a (resources) transport, a colony, a troop transport (conquerer ship) and a probe
-planetary buildings, done.
-ability to group your ships and level up them with killing other ships, which will increase their life and shield.
-Space aliens...
-unique ship designing...
-open research system . (90% done, only buildings dialogs left...)

Future plans:
-more stuff for fleets
-more stuff for space aliens
-time based alliance system
-transport route
-beginner guide system
-nicer dialogs, ships and more planets models.

Far future plans:
-tech trade
-more game modes
Level 5
May 12, 2009
I watched the clip on YouTube, the map seems very complex but still really fun to play, currently I can't test it, but I wish you luck with development.
Level 5
May 1, 2008
Looking at your grammar, I hope you have someone to correct all the spelling and grammar mistakes.

actually I dont have any, I usually check the spellings if I am not sure in it, but its hard to make the text small and understandable for everyone.
So if you are on EU sc2 server and your grammar is perfect than you should help me out.D
Level 5
May 1, 2008
Now its uploaded on EU and NA server since 6 days.
I made lots of balancing and fixing since that, but its still needs many.
Its pretty popular on the NA server

here is new video about the map too:
Level 5
May 12, 2009
Hey this is a little of-topic but are you somekind of programmer in real life? Because when I look at everything in the game, I get the feeling a lot of complex triggers have been made.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Really fun map; definitely one of the better games that I've played on SC2.

A few things you could improve on, though:
- The option buttons before the game begins are kinda... ehh.
- The magic obelisk things that give you minerals can be somewhat imbalanced. A guy in an earlier game got one spawned right next to his home planet, giving him a massive early game advantage.
- I'm not a huge fan of the tech system. It pushes the player towards spending tons of money each time he is getting a new tech, which means that you can have a really long time between when you start researching it and when you get it. Also, I never really got what the physics/chem/bio/math things even did; they seemed to have little ingame impact. But eh, I haven't really played it that much.
- When you are choosing a tech, if you go into one of the tech menus but then decide to go back to the tech screen, ie by directly clicking on the tech button, the menu you already had up doesn't disappear. Kinda annoying.

Also it would be nice if default ship designs (ie using all the basic stuff at the beginning of the game) could be made automatically.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Well, I already kinda like commented your map on your B.net forum thread.
Anyway, as previous poster said, you should make some explanation how you can immporve your tect and those science types work. Like when you move mouse on it, it says like... I don't know, mathematics do... what do they do? Seriously, still haven't figured out that part of tech.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009


1800 probes btw. The game crashed when Moogle built another 2600.

You should really make a limit on the max number of probes you can have. its just too easy to abuse >_>
Level 5
May 1, 2008
Oh, and I was thinking, could you like make it possible to be able to tint planets you control? You know, so you could like reckonize it more easily which planet you use for... you can tint with abilities I think, so you won't have to make extra trrigers...

Good idea, I wanted to add that you could name planets when 1.2 patch comes out, but maybe tinting color is better.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Oh come on. Tinting is still so easy to make, even with just abilities. You could have like a command card with abilities that when used change the tinting. Imagine how easy that is, I mean who would anyways want to read bunches of text when you can just look at planet's color?
Level 5
May 1, 2008
Oh come on. Tinting is still so easy to make, even with just abilities. You could have like a command card with abilities that when used change the tinting. Imagine how easy that is, I mean who would anyways want to read bunches of text when you can just look at planet's color?

well tinting can be seen by others, but anyway I change my mind, I will do what you said.
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