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Version 3.34

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Finally version 3.34 arrived!
The map has been balanced and a few bugs have been fixed. Also instead of selecting the amount of life in the Difficulty-menu, you choose the computers handicap instead.. there are 4 different handicaps: Blonde 50% Normal 100% Adept 200% Gosu 400% Impossible 800%. If you beat Impossible, you will come in our Hall Of Fame list which we will soon create at the site.

Download Now!




Also if you beat the map at impossible alone with all spawns on, you will recieve "Imposible player" at the forum. If you do it without loosing any lives, you will recieve "1337 player" status on the forum.
Btw remember to save replay!!
If you play single player you wont get the chance to save the replay, but there is a way to do it. go to your warcraft folder and then to the folder "replay" there should be a replay called "LastReplay" rename it or copy it to another folder. Rename it to: YourNick-elite and send it to me. You will then be put on the hall of fame, and people will be able to download your replay
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
I have done the impossible. ;)

I'm sending my replay over to Ralle because otherwise everybody could just copy my technique and then everyone would be able to beat the map at impossible difficulty, and that isn't very fair.

I did it without losing any lives. :)




Well, we watched your replay. Great taktic. Tremor spell is a lot over powered. Maybe we will fix that.
Btw, the clock is 3.40 am right now.. Still playing :D




It got kinda borring to watch a 2 hours replay, but you did it :D I will soon make the hall of fame
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
Thx Schinzx. ;)

You watched the whole replay, poor you! ;)

Black Knight: if you read my 3.27 Strategy guide you have a good idea how I managed everything up from round 10 or so. Just leave out the EC, because that doesn't work anymore.

My tactics are usually based around imbalanced towers/spells/game mechanics. I will enjoy my lonely place at the hall of fame for now then. :)

I also think we need to promote this version alot more. You can do this by making 3.34 games on Battle.net. The only problem with me is, that right now, I'm like living the life of 3 or even 4 people, I'm extremely busy. Not even going to have time for one game of WH40KTD334 this weekend.

Not so fun, because I really enjoy playing the TD over the Internet. And I'm planning to write a new Strategy guide for 3.34, or 3.35 if you guys are going to fix the Tremor spell. But I can't do that without some research, and research to me is playing lots of games online, so I can see what works and what not. My new Strategy guide is going to be alot bigger, I'm going to include a strat/build order for each race and also all the common used variants of maze builds. Its going to be really big.

Stay tuned!




Indeed your strategy is based on overpowered spells :lol: We are going to fix the following points:
Creeps hp(Making towers useable)
Tremor spell(Make it A LOT worse, its totally overpowered)
Level 6
Jan 19, 2005
Then VanDamnit strategy in his replay is useless... and he has to play it again ;) Oh... I haven't play 3.34 yet, maybe today I play a little :)




VanDamnit will be put at the hall of fame, but until the map has been balaced A LOT no one more will be put on the hall of fame, cause right now the only thing you can win with, is overpowered spells, like tremor. So if it is ok with you VanDamnit I will put the replay up for download
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
Without Tremor replay, but used Lightning Prison when needed instead, it is certainly harder.

Played 3 hours, got to Level 32 and then was killed by one boss who entered the portal. I thought I was only going to lose 5 lifes... The game was lagging like hell too. Could not see much what was happening.


Watch it here.

Level 6
Jan 19, 2005
I really enjoyed the replay with popcorn and coke :) 3 hours... uff... really hard to watch and harder to play ;) But you are afraid of air :p

Really good game!!! But Ralle was too strong ;)

btw: The auras of the Deciever works and the auras of the tech-priest?! Ralle did you fix that bug? When I played 3.34 the aura of the tech-priest was disabled for my own towers, but worked on the towers of the other players... confusing... in the versions before it worked perfect.
Level 14
Sep 29, 2003
The aura of the Techpriest works only on mechanical units now.

Cool that you enjoyed the replay, it is not so hard imo. Now that you have seen it you could finish it yourself. Just make sure that you use more Lightning Prison on the Bosses. Don't play with them like I did, and, I think that the Hive Tyrants were a bad choice. Emperor Champions do more damage faster I believe.

You can even finish it without the Lightning Prison, but it would be really difficult. You need a very fast PC, 3.0 Ghz minimum. And you'd have to constantly lead the Bosses around the maze by closing and opening entrances like I explained in my Strategy guide. Would take a very long time IMO. Don't really know about the Cows tho. You could always disable all spawns but red to make it easier.

I wasn't really afraid of air. I wanted to take no risk with air, playing that game took me 3 full hours, that is all my free time I have for one day, it was a bit frustrating to lose to Ralle Bosses, like I just wasted a full day. But I certainly think that its better to disable air for levels 8 and maybe 15. That way you only have to build one C-Tan before level 15-20. Its better to bank that money.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll find to some time in the weekend to set the record straight. But I just hope someone else does it in my place, I'm getting mighty tired doing so much stuff, I gotta relax for a moment.

To Ralle, Bloodletter and Schinzx, Lightning Prison is even more overpowered than Tremor.
Level 6
Jan 19, 2005
Yes maybe I start "Impossible-Project" this weekend ;) But I will not "copy" your hole-game-play, cause I like the Imperials :) So Mass-Psyker vs Bosses and Tanks vs air-levels. I want to play with all spawns opened! Maybe some "aliens" to bind some creeps :p let see...




The reason tremor and lightning prison is so overpowered, is that they are based on death and decay. That mean that they doesn't give any specific ammount of damage, they take 15% of the creeps maximum hp every second. That means that they kill a boss just as fast as a lvl 1 creep :wink:
Think we gotta change them both
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