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v1.18 Dungeon Terrain

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Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
Thanks to dansaDisco's fantastic skins, we've managed to make our dungeon terrain even better!










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Level 4
May 11, 2009
Very nice, I still really like the violet lighting you've got going on... And what's the Draenei hero doing there?
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
When is the new ver coming out? :D

Yes, I really want to know that too. It's the son of the Murloc Shadow Beast isn't it? ^^

lol kinda :D I came to the conclusion that the murloc mini-boss looked rather ugly, so Ive change him a bit to make it more aesthetically pleasing ;) lol

I'm all open for suggestions if you guys have any other ideas of what he could be? :)


EDIT: How about Anub'arak? :D


Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
maybe like an animate dead spell that can be used every 10-15 seconds perhaps? :D

or were you thinking of something a little more triggered? :)

I dont think that the ressurect spell need to be more triggered then that, just a trigger that makes the unit cast it on specefic events.
The units should only be able to ressurect once ofc and they should be a little weaker.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
By the way, we should try to improve the trap room.
Right now its just annoying :p
You enter a room, get stuck. You get attacked by a few strong units, you leave the room.
And people regulary loose their lifes in that room becouse its to hard.
Level 6
May 3, 2009
Cloudwolf i only got one thing to say: wow your god for terraining (sure dansadisco helped for skins :p but still)

By the way, we should try to improve the trap room.
Right now its just annoying :p
You enter a room, get stuck. You get attacked by a few strong units, you leave the room.
And people regulary loose their lifes in that room becouse its to hard.

your damn right i lose atleast 1 life in this place and its annoying :(

P.S: dansadisco could try to make a skin for the ghost or whatever they are in the trap room:grin:.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Uhm... Then rather the Akama :p The Anub'Arak just doesnt fit for this purpose and the rest of the dungeon.

I must Disagree. I think Anub'Arak looks awesome there! :D

I think some "ghoul overlord" or "ghoul-elitewarrior" wood be nice. Just one greater and stronger ghoul.

And I want an new area with the fallen! xD

I think the Ghoul overlord and elite warrior sounds nice :D Or maybe just one of them, and then another name?
Regarding the fallen ones, i think they should wait to add them, until the next map they make, as this is supposed to follow the Interface Video from Blizzard.

Add like a mage of some kind that makes ghouls walk up from the walls and when they die, he should be able to use a resurect ability. =)

Hmm, i think Anub'Arak would be fine for this. You could just make the ghouls walk up yes :D Thats awesome :D And then he should just have a raise dead or animate dead kinda spell :D
Level 6
Apr 8, 2009
Yes you can. But Anub'Arak just doesnt look right to the rest of the dungeon :p I agree Akama looks bad but better than Anub... But maybe if Cloud made a better skin for Anub'Arak?
Level 6
Apr 8, 2009
Again: I dont think so. And the idea with making ít bury into the earth and spawn ghouls is a bit stupid as the floor is made of stone... It would be cool for any other places but not inside a dungeon like this :p
But i dont really know how the mage boss will be. I look forward to the next update :)
Level 7
Jul 21, 2008
Bah, I really don't understand the most of you. In the one hand you say, no, everything must look similar to the gameplay-trailer and you refuse to put a more red dungeon in it but in the other hand you want to put this fucking ugly-giant bug in the map, that can burry himself into stone, in the water!
That's really strange!
And please, dont use the Akama-Model, you will need it for the Fallen-overseer with a new skin. ;)

argh, my english -.-
I hope you understand it.
Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
We never refused to put a red dungeon in the map, we even said it was planned for a later version

I just suggested something anyways.

Blizzard hasn't really released any information on bosses yet, which means we HAVE to come up with our own unless we want the map to lack those, and a map like this without any bosses is just .. Dull. Sure you can make a awesome terrain, awesome systems, awesome heroes, but if you use all that awesome stuff just to kill some ghouls and shit, the game is still boring.
Level 7
Jul 21, 2008
I didn't meen, that it is wrong to put bosses in the map, just this ugly bug looks shit (also with an new skin) and it is very unrealistical, that he can burry in stone and water, so this idea isn't good. I can give my Boss-ideas too, but now i must go, see ya later.
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Bah, I really don't understand the most of you. In the one hand you say, no, everything must look similar to the gameplay-trailer and you refuse to put a more red dungeon in it but in the other hand you want to put this fucking ugly-giant bug in the map, that can burry himself into stone, in the water!
That's really strange!
And please, dont use the Akama-Model, you will need it for the Fallen-overseer with a new skin. ;)

argh, my english -.-
I hope you understand it.

Seriously. They will need models in the next map. And the fallen ones will be perfect for it! Its 5 models if i remember right, and if they had to put 5 models/skins in this map, it would take loads of space, and there wouldnt be much more than 20-40 on the map, as most space has already been taken up.

So why dont you want, like me, that in the next map, there will be fallen ones on many spots in the map, and you will se like 100-200 of them instead! :D

Reffering to the boss. Then thats your oppinion, but i dont think they can make it exactly like the gameplkay video, there will always be a little defference. So lets just use Anub'Arak i say :D
Level 6
Apr 8, 2009
Ive already said that its ugly if it could bury itself into stone but if u read the comments from LTGH then he says that there will probly be some mage boss
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
It was just his suggestion. He dint say it would be like that. And if you read them (XD) you would see i dint say i wanted him to be able to burrow. I would like if the ghouls came while he was still there :D And then he just had some sort of ressurection spell.
Level 7
Jul 21, 2008
Seriously. They will need models in the next map. And the fallen ones will be perfect for it! Its 5 models if i remember right, and if they had to put 5 models/skins in this map, it would take loads of space, and there wouldnt be much more than 20-40 on the map, as most space has already been taken up.

So why dont you want, like me, that in the next map, there will be fallen ones on many spots in the map, and you will se like 100-200 of them instead! :D

Reffering to the boss. Then thats your oppinion, but i dont think they can make it exactly like the gameplkay video, there will always be a little defference. So lets just use Anub'Arak i say :D

I think the fallen are not the porblem, my ideas for them:

kobold => red colored/orange colored drarenai model (allready in wc3)
shaman => red/orange colored mage drarenai model (allready in wc3) (+ a staff model)
lunatic => a litte red/orange colored monstrosity (allready in wc3) (bah, dont no the english word, i mean the butcherthing) + faster walk and hit animations, so that he looks confused
overseer => red/orange colored Akama (allready in wc3) + some wc3 attachment, that he looks stronger and a bit more special

I hope i helped. ;)
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Well, if they make fallen ones, i would really like to see them with skins ^^ I dont say its needed too, but still...

And what will you do about the space they require in the map? And wouldnt it be nicer with a map filled with them(like the ghouls in this one), instead of a little area with 5 different units in this map?
So dude please. Answer the questions this time...
Level 6
Apr 8, 2009
It was just his suggestion. He dint say it would be like that. And if you read them (XD) you would see i dint say i wanted him to be able to burrow. I would like if the ghouls came while he was still there :D And then he just had some sort of ressurection spell.

I was talking about what Nightwish said XD

But is it u, dansaDisco who makes the skins for The Fallen Ones or Cloud? Uve both got talent so i look forward to see them :)
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Actually, we are making skins for the terrain, and i think that we are also going to reskin the cliffs, but im not sure at that point, i havent been so active lately so i dont really know whats going on myself.
But school ends in 3 days!!! Then i will be more active then ever!
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Actually, we are making skins for the terrain, and i think that we are also going to reskin the cliffs, but im not sure at that point, i havent been so active lately so i dont really know whats going on myself.
But school ends in 3 days!!! Then i will be more active then ever!

Hurray! Same for me!
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Omg just realised, that when i look at this terrain, i just CANT wait till D3!! I get even more excited for it than i do for SC2 :O

They're just epic! :D

Nothing can beat Starcraft 2!!!
Well, actually i expect more from starcraft 2 but i think diablo 3 will be much more awesome.
And when i say that i expect more from starcraft 2 i mean the world editor, i hope they improve it by ALOT comparing to the wc3 world editor, becouse if they do that, it may even be possible to create d3 in starcraft 2! ;)

But im gonna buy both.. (All 3 starcraft 2 versions)
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Nothing can beat Starcraft 2!!!
Well, actually i expect more from starcraft 2 but i think diablo 3 will be much more awesome.
And when i say that i expect more from starcraft 2 i mean the world editor, i hope they improve it by ALOT comparing to the wc3 world editor, becouse if they do that, it may even be possible to create d3 in starcraft 2! ;)

But im gonna buy both.. (All 3 starcraft 2 versions)

Then you won't get disappointed. Blizzard stated that we're getting the tools of the developers that includes the very tools to create the campaigns(star map, the brieding rooms etc,) so be happy!

EDIT: we can even change the campaign.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Then you won't get disappointed. Blizzard stated that we're getting the tools of the developers that includes the very tools to create the campaigns(star map, the brieding rooms etc,) so be happy!

EDIT: we can even change the campaign.

I have heard that and the thing is, if any of that wont happen, i will get dissapointed, so i hope that they dont screw it all up now.
We have waited for ages for a new starcraft and diablo and they are finally on its way, i mean, damn, isnt it just awesome to know that it is coming, like for real? :D
Level 2
Jul 6, 2009
I have heard that and the thing is, if any of that wont happen, i will get dissapointed, so i hope that they dont screw it all up now.
We have waited for ages for a new starcraft and diablo and they are finally on its way, i mean, damn, isnt it just awesome to know that it is coming, like for real? :D

I really enjoy the time of waiting, because I'm really looking forward to have one of the best games out there with diablo 3. But I hope we will enjoy playing more than waiting :) Hopefully the expectations of the game are suitable, it would be a mess if everybody would get disappointed, especially in respect of the graphics (don't wanna have a second WoW).

But lets wait, in any way we will get surprised :grin:
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