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Using units as buttons

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Level 7
Mar 24, 2008
It's quite hard to explain the problem, so i'm posting this map (i know it's HORRIBLY scripted, i'm just testing some ideas on this map, when i after develop things i use vJASS) where i'm making a sort of GUI where you can use the buttons to cast your heroes skills without having to select them first.

The problem is that if i spam click on a button, then another skill is casted (it seems that when i click twice or more on one of thoose buttons then i'll select a different unit rather than the one i wanted to click), i tried to hide buttons for 0.5 secs when clicking on one of them, but it didn't help and now i don't know what else to try

Mind i tested mainly on the priestess of the moon spells (as you can see, triggers for that hero are quite different than others) and the system is far from complete, plus there will be some other stuff for other things i tested on this map :p

Models i'm using are taken from the DGUI system http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=104931&page=3&highlight=DGUI


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Level 4
Jul 9, 2008
I've had the same problem in an ORPG i was creating, I wanted to have a spellbook filled with simple commands like "show stats" and a help button. In the object editor when i was creating this, I simply copied and pasted the abilities and changed the tooltip, name, and icon, because I was lazy. whenever i clicked one, all 8 of them would go off.
What you have to do is actually go through and find stomp, summon (then remove last created unit), abilities like roar, and they ALL have to be based off of abilities that are different. Otherwise they all go off, I know its lame, havent found another way.
Hope I helped.
Level 7
Mar 24, 2008
Not to be offensive but...Seriously, did you try the map or at least read my post?

About your problem, skills with the same order ID will be casted at the same time if they are on the same hero/spellbook. You should use the Channel ability wherever you can (which is also the only ability where you can actually change its order ID)
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