Using Neutral Slots as allied AI?

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Level 3
Feb 28, 2008
Using Neutral Slots as allied AI? <Solved!>

Problem solved! It was just a simple alliance issue and a variable in Gameplay Variables. Thanks to all who helped!

Original Post:
I am currently working on a three team AOS map. Three players to a side is not enough in my opinion and I am trying to get this result:

Team 1
Allied Creeps (Neutral Victim)
Players 1-4

Team 2
Creeps (Neutral Extra)
Players 5-8

Team 3
Creeps (Neutral Passive)
Players 9-12

Neutral Hostile

I have run into a brick wall at this point: I trigger alliances between force 1 (Players 1-4) and Victim, forcing them to treat each other as Shared vision allies.
1) Force 1 is hostile towards victim when teams are locked in force manager.
2) Victim is wimpy, units don't attack or retaliate, run back halfway through attack-move orders etc.

Any ideas on how to fix this?
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Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
so, just to know if i got everything correctly, you want 3 Teams with 5 players each plus some neutral hostiles?
i don't want to discourage you, but i don't think that is possible, isn't 4 players per team enough for you? would make everything much easier
Level 28
Jun 4, 2007
This is why Neutral Victim doesn't attack.
Neutral Victim.gif
Level 3
Feb 28, 2008
@UreDe4D: That's what I said in my post - 3 teams of 4 (and the allied creeps), unless of course you mean including the creep slot in which case, well, three to a side doesn't suit the map.

@Thrikodius: But I triggered it to treat enemies of Player 1 as enemies... DotA uses Neutral Extra and Neutral Victim for allied creeps as far as I know... Any more ideas?
Level 3
Feb 28, 2008
No, if you save and then load a game of DotA, the Sentinel and Scourge forces are black (neutral colour, and no I'm not being racist). Also, there are 6v6 hacks for DotA that use slots 1 and 7.
Level 3
Feb 28, 2008
  • Player - Change color of (Triggering player) to Black, Colour will be changed ... of existing units
That why they are black.

Also Dota uses Player 1 and Player 7.
( Neutral Enemy is used as creeps and neutral passive for shops )

Dota hacks use Neutral Extra and Neutral Victim as far as I know.

Gl my friend.
I'm pretty sure that it's the opposite:
  • Player - Change color of Neutral Victim to Red, Changing color of existing units
is run at initialization, but this is not saved for some reason and they show up as the normal player colour when the game is loaded from a save file. DotA hacks just make red host instead of blue and change Red and Green from unused to Human.
2) Victim is wimpy, units don't attack or retaliate, run back halfway through attack-move orders etc.

Advanced > Gameplay Constants > Creep - Guard Return Time (sec)

Set it with shift-click to max of 1000000000.00

Then the unit will stay at the destinated location for ~31 years.

BUT! It also applies to the normal creeps you need to lvl etc.
But since you don't have such creeps it's fine.

And the Unit will, when aquired a target, follow it until he or the target dies.
Level 3
Feb 28, 2008
Advanced > Gameplay Constants > Creep - Guard Return Time (sec)

Set it with shift-click to max of 1000000000.00

Then the unit will stay at the destinated location for ~31 years.

BUT! It also applies to the normal creeps you need to lvl etc.
But since you don't have such creeps it's fine.

And the Unit will, when aquired a target, follow it until he or the target dies.
Haha I got the same suggestion over the DotA Allstars forums. This affects the neutral creeps as well (not too much of a problem as it just helps drag creeps into allied towers) and they still don't attack, even when provoked. I'm trying to work out the specific alliance settings to fix this.
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